Chapter 94 Bloody Soul Path

The power of the royal family is the most powerful in the mortal world. The Weihao Escort Agency may have changed greatly this month after the royal transformation. At this time, one more Bian had written the word "National Escort" on his door Bian. Moreover, Jin Ming was granted the title of Lord Protector, and Jun Hongyang, Song Qingyuan, Bing Honglu and Jian Hongyang were granted the title of First Class General Protector. Other people all have their own rewards, so the whole escort agency will be at ease forever.

Since the beginning of this month, seven people of Juewenhe have been guarding Xiao Yi's attic. At this time, the door of the pavilion was opened, and people greeted it. By this time, someone had already reported to the king.

The king came in the crowd

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