Chapter 56 Searching for Snake Pit

The hooting of owls is just a small episode. Nowadays, birds, hawks and falcons are mostly protected animals in the second and first countries. Although Lu Xi hates this scary thing, he has nothing to do.

In the Big Green Hill in winter, the trees rustled with leaves and stepped on the piles of dead leaves, which were five or six centimeters long. Lu Xi must be careful. At the moment, some of the snakes are in hibernation. If you accidentally step on the sleeping snake, it will definitely be unpleasant.

Even if the spring can detoxify, no one has the impulse to get hurt after all.

A dead tree branch was broken on the road, and all the places passed by were swept with a stick. Three dogs led the way, which greatly reduced the risk factor. When passing a mountain col, he stopped to rest and replenish energy.

The silver coin somehow catches a "ball". When you take a closer look, the second national protected animal, the earth piercing animal pangolin.

"Silver coins, loosen your mouth." Lu Xi ran to the frightened pangolin and gently stroked it. After a careful inspection, the pangolin was not hurt. The guy's defense was amazing, and even the silver coins shrunk into a ball that made the dog's teeth sharp could not be used.

The armadillo is very similar to the pangolin. The skin of the former is lumpy, similar to the tattoos on the old man's face, while the latter is covered with scales, quite invulnerable. Poachers hunt pangolins, largely because the scales of pangolins have medicinal effects, while armadillos, on the contrary, carry leprosy virus, which will not attack on them, but will infect people who contact them.

Poured some spring water in front of the crouching pangolin and patted its back. Lu Xi picked up the stick again and set off. The timid pangolin stretched out after Lu Xi walked for a long time, narrowed his eyes and drank the spring water in his cup greedily.

Lu Xi found a wild Polygonum multiflorum in a place where weeds are everywhere. When he first thought of planting herbs, he looked up and searched some materials and books.

The main effect of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb is hair growth. Many shampoo advertisements mention Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. As for the year, Lu Xi is not clear. It is difficult for laymen to judge the year of these herbs.

The brown stuff in his hands is estimated to weigh two or three kilograms, and the market price is unknown.

When he came to a stream, Lu Xi washed his face with cold water. When he looked up, the three dogs all made an attack. When he looked down the river, a deer or a deer was drinking water, and there was a smaller one beside him.

After pacifying the three dogs, Lu Xi gently took out his camera and slowly pressed the shutter to take a few photos. This is the second photo of an elk or a roe taken by Big Green Hill. It is very precious and will definitely bring back memories of old people.

The little thing who was drinking water looked up and realized Lu Xi's existence, and then Sa Yazi ran away. This reminds Lu Xi of the phrase "startled deer" that often appears in the novel. Isn't that the scene?

Lu Xi met many birds and animals deep in the Big Green Hill, such as crow cuckoo, spear hawk, sparrow hawk and pangolin, which are all national protected animals. He finally knew the difference between the five masters' comments on kites. The kites in Big Green Hill are really extraordinary, stretching their wings. Similar to the big eagle, the old kites in Old Tea Tree are a little inferior.

"Big Green Hill, Big Green Hill, what's so special about you?" Lu Xi never stopped his fingers. He clattered the beautiful scenery of Big Green Hill into a camera that was no bigger than the mouth of a bowl. But his shooting technology was really not so good, far behind that of Chen.

In the evening, Lu Xi set up a tent in Big Green Hill. Under the inspection of several dogs, Lu Xi slept soundly, but others were not so calm.

Lu Xi didn't come home until late at night. Lu's mother was also worried and called Lu Feng to ask. Lu Feng could not say that he was still in Big Green Hill. He quickly explained: "Aunt, Lu Xige went to the city. I don't know where he went. He probably went to play with his classmates. He is so big and knows how to take care of himself."

Lu Mu is still worried. The phone call from Lu Xi shows that she is off, which is what worries her most. Lu Xi looks gentle and quiet. He carries everything on his own. He is afraid that the child will be stubborn and will do the same when he encounters something that cannot be solved.

Lu Xi didn't know Lu Mu's concern. He went deep into the Big Green Hill, and his basic mobile phone didn't have a signal. He found a headless cauliflower snake on the ground. He didn't need to think about it. He knew it was the three dogs who did it.

The three dogs followed Lu Xi's mouth. They didn't eat much raw food at ordinary times. They ate preserved meat carefully prepared by Lu Xi and drank spring water. They didn't like the cauliflower snake.

After weighing it, it was estimated that it could weigh six to seven pounds and throw the cauliflower snake into the spring space. The climate of Big Green Hill is dry and the withered leaves are piled up. It is not good to start a fire. When the wind blows, it is the rhythm of sitting in prison.

I went to the brook to wash my face and mouth, and ate some biscuits to fill my stomach. Lu Xi looked in the direction of his mind and murmured, "At most 30 miles away, we will reach the snake pit. I don't know whether the legend of the snake pit is false or true..."

At the foot of a mountain, Lu Xi accidentally found about 30 ginseng trees scattered, the longest of which was more than 20 years, and the rest were very scattered, some five or six years, some two or three years, and even a sprouting seedling.

These ginseng are gathered in less than 100 square meters of land. Since it is not planted artificially, it is the result of the mother plant. The seeds are scattered in the wind and take root. This guess is reasonable.

Lu Ximei collected ginseng into the spring space, and then looked around again, and found two more, which were just less than 100 meters away from the mother plant, that is, 2-3 year old ginseng seedlings.

"This trip is worth it."

The price of ginseng for 20 years may not be too high, but after being nourished by spring water, the price has increased tenfold and hundredfold.

Looking up at the mountain, Lu Xi's expression gradually became serious. When he crossed the mountain, he found the most dangerous and weird snake pit on Big Green Hill. It was a forbidden area for many old hunters. Even the most experienced hunters would not go to the snake pit to seek their own death.

He released his teeth from the spring space.

As soon as Yaya got to the outside world, he rubbed Lu Xi's feet affectionately, which made Lu Xi's heart tremble. No matter how familiar he was with snakes, he should be scared.

Lu Xi is on guard around. This place is too quiet.

There is no chirping of insects or birds. It is lifeless.

He remembered a sentence in Liu Zongyuan's "Snow on the River": "Birds in thousands of mountains fly away, and people in thousands of paths disappear.

"Bark, bark!"

The three dogs all barked at the dead tree less than two meters to Lu Xi's right. He was still wondering why the three dogs had lost their nerve and barked at a dead tree?

Unexpectedly, a "branch" of the dead tree moved. It was a snake disguised as a branch. It seemed that the snake was afraid of three dogs and ran away in a hurry.

"Gabon viper?" Lu Xi was not sure. This snake is very similar to the Gabonese viper he saw in a documentary, but the main habitat of the Gabonese viper is in the tropical rainforest south of the Sahara Desert. As for whether there are wild Gabonese vipers in China, Lu Xi is not clear.

The closer to the snake pit, the more snakes there will be.

Zhoushan Cobra, Golden Snake, Silver Snake, Agkistrodon acutus, Bamboo Leaf Green

Just a few tens of meters away, Lu Xi saw many kinds of poisonous snakes he knew. There were few poisonous snakes, except for a four meter long king snake and a less than five meter netted python.

His heart beat violently, patted his head and said softly: "Yaya, it's time for you to play next."

Before going downhill, Yaya was also the overlord. Among those snakes, Lu Xi doesn't think that there are other snakes that can compete with him. These days, in the spring space, his body size has grown a little, and he has the momentum of the king of snakes.

Teeth seemed to understand Lu Xi's words and raised his head and hissed twice.