Chapter 75 Good Words

  • God of War
  • Iron Armored Soldier
  • 2057 words
  • 2020-05-15 16:55:23

When he shouted, the relatives in the private room were very proud and felt that someone was in their home.

Then the man at the door answered, "I'm the vice captain of the security team."

As soon as Ma Dai's voice dropped, he pushed the door and came in.

Ma Dai, who is in his 30s and wearing a suit, glanced at the people in the compartment and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, this compartment was originally reserved by me, but their attendants made a mistake. I have several guests coming soon, so I hope you can make it convenient to change places."

"Hum, why should we change? First come, first come. Don't you understand this

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