Chapter 72 Soul Breaking Skill

  • God of War
  • Iron Armored Soldier
  • 2068 words
  • 2020-05-15 16:55:20

In his opinion, the child could not be saved even if it was a god named Da Luo. Qi Yue looked at the little girl and said, "Do you have silver needles? If you have some, go get me some."

"Do you mean to say that you want to treat this disease with silver needles?"

The head of the hospital didn't believe it or was surprised, but he hurried to tell the nurses to get the needles. The nurses were also depressed and disdained. They always thought Qi Yue was a liar.

So many doctors dispatched by their hospital can't cure her. Does Qi Yue want to cure the little girl's disease with a few silver needles?


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