Chapter 141 Receiving Spirits

  • God of War
  • Iron Armored Soldier
  • 2092 words
  • 2020-06-06 15:29:44

"I believe Cheng Wei won't cheat me. I believe he will mend his ways and treat me well in the future. So I beg you not to say any more, OK?"

Li Qiuqiu's chest heaved up and down as if it was blocked by something.

She tried to calm herself down: "The country is easy to change, and the nature cannot change. Do you think he really loves you? He just wants to get the legacy left by your parents."

Zhang Dili shook her head desperately: "Impossible, impossible! I don't believe Jin Chengwei would do this!"

"Deli, when are you going to be fooled? When will you

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