Chapter 126 Werewolf General Manager Liang

  • God of War
  • Iron Armored Soldier
  • 2054 characters
  • 2020-06-01 10:14:44

Zheng He looked puzzled, "What did you do to me, smelly boy?"

Qi Yue smiled. "It's nothing. I'm just giving you something."

Then Zhang Zetian said gratefully, "Little miracle doctor, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid our auction house's reputation would be completely destroyed. If anyone buys the fake and tells our auction house at that time, how can we do business in the future?"

Then Qi Yue handed the real gossip plate to Zhang Zetian. Zhang Zetian shook his head, "No, no, no, this thing is destined for you, little brother. I see your wife

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