Chapter 131 Gifts, Amazing Heritage!

"Yes, Mr. Wang Aiguo is our most important customer!" They said.

Zhang Jun took the business card and looked at it. It said 3U Company in English!

Zhang Jun didn't know about 3U. He looked at Fang Xue who was coming. Fang Xue said, "Master, 3U is one of the most famous law firms in the world

Zhang Jun said "Oh" and said to them, "What do you want from me? I hope you can come straight to the point."

The two men nodded, and the woman said, "Before we speak frankly, we hope to see your ID card."

"Look at my ID card? Why?"

"Sorry, we want to confirm your real identity. In the words of your Xia people, it's called identification!"

As soon as Zhang Jun saw that she didn't want to make trouble for nothing, he took out his ID card and handed it to the other party.

The other party took it and carefully verified it. Then he returned it to Zhang Jun and said, "Well, we have confirmed that you are the person we are looking for."

"From now on, everything we say and do to you represents our customer, Mr. Wang Aiguo..."

Zhang Junyi waved his hand and said, "My grandpa has passed away."

The two men nodded: "We understand that it is because of the death of Mr. Wang Aiguo that the matter entrusted by him to us will be started! That is why we meet today!"

Zhang Jun is puzzled.

The white female lawyer came to the point and said, "Well, Mr. Wang Aiguo entrusted our law firm to execute his will!"

"Executing the will?" Zhang Jun was surprised! "Grandpa's will?"

"Yes, Mr. Wang Aiguo's will will be executed by our law firm!"

After saying that, the male lawyer took a box from his hand, put it on the coffee table, and opened it.

Zhang Jun saw a large stack of thick documents at a glance!

The female lawyer also raised a box and opened it. Zhang Jun saw a dozen real estate certificates, dozens of keys, and a lot of deposit receipts and bills.

Moreover, Zhang Jun also saw three thick encryption hard disks!

The white female lawyer said, "A part of Wang Aiguo's legacy is given to you by Mr. Zhang Jun! However, before transferring it to you, you have to sign various receiving documents!"

"These documents are here. Please sign them one by one so that we can transfer the inheritance to you."

Zhang Jun can understand, but he is more curious about what legacy his grandfather left him?

Could it be a lot of money?

Normally, it shouldn't be! How could he get any inheritance from a younger generation?

He's a little unbelievable.

The male lawyer took out more than a dozen documents and put them in front of Zhang Jun, saying: "You have seen them. These are the first batch of documents. There are authorization documents, fixed assets gift documents, and agreements."

Zhang Jun opened one of them and found it was a gift document from a five-star hotel in Tiancheng.

Another is a gift document from a biotechnology company in Europe.

Zhang Jun trembled with fear because he saw that the market price of five-star hotel exceeded 1.5 billion yuan!

And biotechnology companies are worth 10 billion, because hundreds of international patents are attached to the gift documents

These international patents are assets under the name of biotechnology companies!

In Europe, the fixed assets of biotechnology companies are very large, with more than 500 mu of biotechnology parks! These are my grandfather's personal assets!

Now, give him all the gifts!

Zhang Jun is shaking a little, because these are only part of it!

Zhang Jun turns to look at Fang Xue, because his grandfather's asset Fang Xue knows best!

She must know that she can tell whether these two people are fooling him!

Fang Xue has already started to turn over these documents. She looked at them carefully. Half an hour later, she looked up and said to Zhang Jun with a happy face, "Master, I have seen them. These are indeed the assets of the old man. Just sign your name and they will be yours."

"Grandpa's assets?"

"Well, although not all, it is the most valuable part! There is a five-star hotel, a biotechnology company, and a private museum!"

"What's left is some bank deposit certificates, promissory notes, and some luxury cars, etc.... All of them add up to be invaluable..." Fang Xuedao said.

Zhang Jun looked surprised and said, "Is there a private museum? Is it... the antiques and works of art that your grandfather collected?"

"Hmm." Fang Xue nodded and said excitedly, "The old man really left all his treasures to you."

She looked at Zhang Jun and hurriedly urged: "Young master, sign, sign quickly! You must take down the old man's things, which is also the old man's last wish!"

The white female lawyer said in broken Chinese: "This lady is right. Mr. Wang Aiguo told us that we must show you his will, or he told us that..."

With that, she took out a document and handed it to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun took it and saw that it was actually a letter written by grandpa!

It talked about Grandpa's ardent expectations for him, and also talked about the legacy of gifts and so on.

Zhang Jun has finished reading, and his face is full of tears!

He finally knew that Grandpa had given him most of his inheritance!

"Sign it..."

Fang Xue urged that she would feel relieved only when she signed. If she didn't sign, she would always dream of a long night!

"Good." Zhang Junhuang came to his senses and immediately began to sign documents to receive the inheritance.

The white female lawyer dutifully pointed out the place of signature to Zhang Jun.

"Here... and here... in block letters, not in scrawls... Let's sign first, and then press the handprint..." explained the white female lawyer.

While signing, Zhang Jun looked at the contents of the document roughly. Because of caution, he signed slowly.

Four hours later, he signed all the inheritance documents and pressed his hand print.

Finally, he got a box!

Inside are all inheritance documents in duplicate, as well as many "assets", such as property rights documents, house books, deposit receipts, such as keys, hard disks, etc

Zhang Jun looks at these things as if in a dream!

During the day, he was still disheartened and felt that he had become a poor orphan who no one loved!

But now, his heart is warm. He also has his grandfather, who always loves him!

Otherwise, Grandpa would not choose him as his successor!

Zhang Jun sighed with emotion and picked up several certificates of deposit and promissory notes.

That's the deposit certificate and promissory note from Swiss Bank! One for 50 million dollars, one for 10 million euros

Zhang Jun's hands trembled.

Previously, he was distressed by the two hundred million yuan check that was taken away. Now, he is balanced.

I don't know how many times the "asset" my grandfather gave him is 200 million yuan!

This is an amazing legacy! It is a gift of great wealth!