Chapter 17 Endure

  • My golden pill is not decent
  • The umbilical cord of history
  • 3087 words
  • 2020-04-21 23:59:45

Despite Lin Fei's eloquence, Shen Lian has always been like Xu Shu entering the Cao camp without saying a word. Lin Fei was so worried that he jumped to his feet. He couldn't help cursing: "Did you God Oil Sect make you such a coward? You are afraid of wolves and tigers. You deserve to be locked up for so long."

Shen Lian raises his head, holds the flower hoe tightly in his right hand, and looks straight at Lin Fei's face. Lin Fei is worried.

"Why, you dare not beat me. If I lose a hair, it's up to you to tell Mr. Wei."

After listening to Lin Fei's words, Shen Lian suddenly changed his expression. He looked at Lin Fei with a half smile and handed him the hoe.

"If you dare to dig the cliff, I will promise you right away."

"Are you serious?" Lin Fei was overjoyed. He took the hoe and ran to the nearby cliff and dug two hoes.

While digging, he turned his head to Shen Lian and shouted, "Look, I don't just dig twice, I dare to dig three, four, five,..."

A tiny sound like a baby's cry floated from the sky. Lin Fei felt a palpitation in his heart, and his heart seemed suddenly pinched by someone's hand.

As the baby's crying became more and more sharp, Lin Fei's skin began to swell. It seemed that there was an angry bull running in his veins. The pain hit his heart, but his mind was very clear. After a while, a feeling of acid and itching came from his internal organs. Lin Fei was painful and itchy, and kept scratching, but it was useless. He wanted to tear his skin open and probe his hands to stop the itching.

Lin Fei couldn't help taking off his clothes and repeatedly scratched himself on the cliff. His whole body was bleeding from the sharp stones, but he didn't know it.

The intense pain and itching lasted for half an hour. Lin Fei could not find half a piece of good meat all over his body. A dozen deep cuts on his back were shocking. The wound was mixed with mud and sand, and the blood was constantly red.

A black shadow suddenly fell in the middle of the sky, and a monster like a bird but not a bird appeared in front of Lin Fei. Lin Fei struggled to get up from the ground, half leaning against the cliff to barely support himself.

The strange bird in front of me has two wings, but it has four legs, looks like a sculpture, and has horns on its head. The baby's cry just came from its mouth.

"Do you think this cliff alone can trap me for twenty years? Do you think you are the only smart person in the world?"

"The stone spirit insect eggs on your body were hatched on this insect carving. They both live and die together. The cry of the insect carving can trigger the attack of the insect poison on your body at any time."

Shen Lian has been looking at Lin Fei's misery with cold eyes, and his face is crazy and happy. I was very sad when I was unlucky, but now I'm fine. With Lin Fei as the backstop, I won't be so miserable in the future.

"You already knew the secret of Gu Diao, but you deliberately tricked me to dig the mountain wall to attract Gu Diao's attention, which caused me to attack the poison. You are so vicious." Lin Fei was tortured by the insects, trembling all over, pointing at Shen Lian and scolding.

"Ho ho, if you climb up to the cliff in the middle of the air and are poisoned by the poisonous insects carved by the poisonous insects, can you still survive? I mean well to save your life, but you don't want to repay me, instead you scold me. It's really cruel!"

Lin Fei doesn't want to argue with Shen Lian anymore. With Lin Erya's help, he struggles to walk to the well beside the stone house. Erya hits a bucket of water and helps him wash the sand and stone in his wound bit by bit.

Lin Fei asks Er Ya to take a handful of salt and put it in water to disinfect the wound. Every time the cloth dipped in salt water slips through the wound, it brings a sharp pain. Lin Fei bites the critical point and resists it without saying a word. Compared with the physical pain, his inner despair is more painful for him.

Lin Fei thought that Shen Lian was a key figure that could be won over. They were in the same boat and had a common enemy. It should be easy to establish an offensive defensive alliance.

Now it seems that this person is not only an ally, but also has "Stockholm syndrome" for a long time. As long as he can continue to survive and is willing to help the tiger, he will never betray Mr. Wei.

After all, you can never wake someone who pretends to be asleep.


"Come on, Erya, help me scratch my back, point to the right, then to the right, right to right, right to right, that's it, scratch hard."

A few days later, the wound on his back began to scab. During the healing process, Lin Fei caused a slight itch on his body. Lin Fei was in the room asking Er Ya to scratch him.

"Go up, go up two more steps, yes, right, right, no, after passing, go back again, oh, forget it, I'll do it myself."

Lin Erya could not grasp the main points all the time. Lin Fei was so worried that he grabbed the key points with his back hand. A sharp pain came. Something on his hand accidentally scraped off a red scab, which made him grin.

He turned the back of his hand and saw a red blood bead hanging on the ring finger.

The Yin and Yang fish on the ring suddenly and slowly staggered, and absorbed the blood bead slowly.

Lin Fei then remembered that this green dragon ring was the burial object that was put in his coffin at the beginning, and he had never taken it off since he wore it on his ring finger.

Seeing this small blood bead slowly disappearing, Lin Fei couldn't help but be curious. The Yin and Yang fish on the ring didn't stop, but turned faster and faster. Lin Fei stared at it for a while, feeling that the whole person was almost sucked in, and his mind was dizzy.

He reached out and touched the dragon head on the ring. The cold touch came from his fingertips. He seemed to hear a dragon singing. His spiritual power was sucked out of his body uncontrollably by the dragon head. Lin Fei was horrified. He quickly released his hand. Fortunately, a small amount of spiritual power was sucked out, which was no big problem.

He shook his fingers with a lingering fear, and suddenly saw a burst of gray, and the spirit came to a very strange strange space. Where the spirit went, it was not very clear.

Lin Fei looked around. The fog rolled and he could not see the edge. He walked forward a few steps. He felt like he was stepping on something. He looked down and it looked like a book.

"This place is so strange, how can I get out?" Lin Fei bent down and picked up the book on the ground, muttering to himself.

His mind had just started to move, and he felt that he had returned to the stone house with a book in his hand.

This is a thin thread bound ancient book, with a blue cover page, and a few small words inscribed on the right side of the cover. Lin Fei looked closely, but he still couldn't see clearly what was written.

Lin Fei casually turned over the title page of the ancient book and only glanced at it. He felt that his eyes were trapped in it, and it was hard to extricate himself. He quickly held the wall and almost fainted.

Lin Fei's mind was caught, and his fingers couldn't help caressing the cover of the ancient book. As soon as his fingers touched the words on the book, a silver flower suddenly appeared on the ancient book. The silver flower jumped a bit, and the whole book started to burn. The words in the book, like countless small tadpoles, drifted out of the fire and went in from Lin Fei's fingertips.

The flame had no temperature, and Lin Fei had no time to react. In a flash, the whole book was reduced to nothing, with no ash left.

Lin Fei looked at his empty hands, like a dog's day.

Ding, dang, dang, dang, dang!

Lin Fei hurriedly sat down and examined his body. Groups of tadpoles happily wagged their tails and went upstream along the meridians inside his body. Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness chased them to the Niwan Palace. These words were gathered into a book again, just like the original, but much smaller.

At this time, a Lei Linggen and an ancient book were floating quietly in Lin Fei's mud pill palace.

The Holy Roots in the Mud Pill Palace become green and silvery. They are as happy as the rain after a long drought, and the crazy men are happy when they meet the angry women.

Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless people.

Lin Fei seemed to hear the sound of "Ow" from the Holy Root in a trance. A silver tentacle came out of the Holy Root, found the ancient book, and plunged into it.

Linggen suddenly shivered, and Lin Fei also shivered with his body. He felt that he was completely transparent and seemed to be enlightened.

The small characters inscribed on the right side of the cover gradually became clear, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain. The characters were written in regular script, like iron paintings and silver hooks, vigorous and powerful, and the strokes were bold and upright.

Lin Fei takes a closer look. Nima doesn't know a word!

Tai Xiao Lang Book.

Lin Fei's heart moved, and the title page of the ancient book opened automatically. The silver snakes danced on the page, and the streamer was dazzling, forming a paragraph of flying cursive characters.

This period of wild grass is the essence of the prescription written by Lin Fei's former hospital doctors. It is natural and elegant, winding across the five ridges, and writing like a book from heaven.

Lin Fei continued to turn the page and wanted to skip this paragraph directly. Unexpectedly, the ancient book remained motionless and remained on the title page, unable to turn over.

Lie down, no teeth!

The author of this ancient book unexpectedly made an obscene setting that after reading the title page incorrectly, he could not turn the page smoothly!

It's obviously appetizing. I don't want to play like this.

Lin Fei withdrew from his forgetful state and was unhappy.

There was a slight snoring sound in her ear. Lin Erya had fallen asleep on the tea table at some time. She was a little worried. No matter when and where she was, she still ate well and slept soundly.

It's only a few months since I came to this world, and I have experienced life and death for several times. Bad things happen one after another and never end. Er Ya has really suffered a lot along the way.

"Oh! It's delicious, mother. I want to eat ten chicken legs." Lin Erya turned her face and mumbled in her sleep.

Lin Fei sighed. He picked up Lin Erya and gently put her on the kang in the inner room. After covering her with quilts, he crept out of the room.

He took the Lingshi bag out of the sandalwood cabinet and poured it upside down. The scattered Lingshi was scattered on the ground. There were few Lingshi left from Mr. Wei.

Recently, the effect of taking "Maori Jinji Powder" has become less and less obvious. According to Shen Lian, Maori Jinji Powder can only restore 30% or 40% of the vitality of the spiritual root, and it can not cure the disease of withering, let alone return to the peak state. Once stopped, there may be repeated diseases. It is really a temporary solution, but not a permanent cure.

After the spirit stone is exhausted, the progress of cultivation will be stagnant again. I am now poisoned by strange poisons. There are ferocious poisonous insects carved on the cliff. There is no way to go to heaven and earth. Shen Lian can't be used very well, and people are constrained everywhere.

How can we break the current impasse?