Chapter 112 Believers

The Qing burial closed its eyes and carefully felt the special changes of the body.

He remembered that when he just received it, his eyes became blurred.

At that time, the boiling sand hell in front of him seemed to be divided into two pictures

A picture, of course, is the picture he saw with his own eyes.

However, in another picture, he saw the black and white world. Except for himself and the god of death named Evil Water Rongjiu, everyone was entangled by silk threads of different colors and materials.

This feeling is very strange.

"Believers... believe..."

Qingchen murmured softly, and suddenly his eyes brightened.

Is this special line... connecting gods?!

Qingchen immediately opened his eyes and looked ahead.

But this time, he tried to explore the feeling in his heart.

A moment later, the strange feeling rose again.

Two pictures appeared before his eyes at the same time!

But this time, he did not feel vague, but extremely clear.

Two pictures with completely different perspectives were presented to him at the same time, but he could still see them clearly.

Needless to say, what surprised him was the black and white border.

From that perspective, the tomb can clearly see itself sitting in the corner of the prison.

Also, you can see the white talisman covered on your body!

Not only that, in the surrounding space, he could see clearly the special smell of those wandering spirit children and abandoned believers

This feeling

He can not only clearly capture the situation of every position and every corner, but also master the pressure and the son of spirit.

Almost instantaneously, the tomb sweeper understood what the system should have prompted, but the information prompted by the system could not be expressed, so it all became garbled, which was too scary.

Qingchen raised his mouth deeply and explored carefully. He found that there was nothing else unusual about his body, but suddenly he seemed to have an extra ability.

And it seems that this ability can overcome the illusory influence of Lanran.

"See all the truth and absurdity."

But although it seems to be very harmful, it doesn't have any other use.

After all, it is well known that the soul chopping knife is just one of Lanran's many powerful performances.

And there are really too many top players in the world of god of death.

It would be naive to see a god of death and think that this is the whole world of the god of death.

You know, the ghost world described by the god of death is just the eastern branch of the ghost world. What else is there in the west end.

But the strength of each character in this eastern branch is terrible.

But this is also a good thing. Even at a certain moment in the future, I have witnessed the liberation of the moment, and entered a state of complete hypnosis.

You can also open the gate of the imperial realm (the gate of the imperial realm is this ability, or state) to see the real reality.

That is to say

From now on, the beautiful scenery has been completely ineffective to oneself.

However, Qingchen did not believe in this inexplicable ability.

"This ability... is interesting," Qingchen said with a light smile.


Qingchen frowned and closed his eyes again.

"It seems that it is because of the first use, or other reasons... It is just that within a few minutes, you will feel tired..."

This is not eye fatigue, but soul fatigue.

However, the pressure can still be felt on the eyes, and only by closing the eyes can it be slightly relieved.

But when I closed my eyes, I found that there was black blood in my eyes.

"It's terrible..."

Qingchen closed his eyes for a while and then opened them again.

"In the next few days, I can just get used to the gate of the world."

The grave chuckled.

There is no better place to exercise this ability than here.

The air here is full of disordered mixed spiritual pressure, and on the walls around, there are various ghost spells.

Even all kinds of prison equipment are condensed by high concentration of Lingzi.

In such a place, no one will disturb him, which is just convenient for his exercise.

If you feel tired from exercising, you can also kill several prisoners to get some tokens.

This leisure life is really happy.

After a long sigh of relief, Qing buried his heart and began to open the imperial realm again.

The scenery in front of both eyes changes immediately.

The Qing burial stood up and walked slowly forward.

At first, he felt a little awkward, but when he got used to it, he could ignore the ordinary vision in front of him.

Completely act from the perspective of the gate of the royal realm.

This perspective, just like the game, is extremely smooth once you start.

The Qing burial was immediately immersed in this sense of control.

Walking in the corridor of the prison, though his eyes were facing forward, his vision could see all the abandoned believers in the cage around him.

The spiritual pressure that emanates from them, where is the strongest and where is the weakest, is all clear.

The most important thing is that the thread they are entangled with is extremely strange but different.

And this vision has no dead space at all, and can also freely change the scope of the perspective.

Qing buried his heart more and more satisfied with this thing.

It can not only protect himself from the influence of hypnosis and camouflage abilities, but also make him more handy when fighting.

I just don't know whether this ability is reliable.

Invisibly, our actual combat ability has been raised to a new height.

But at that moment, a voice suddenly came out from a cage on the left.

"Hey, hey, you seem very excited... your eyes."

After hearing the funeral, he stopped and then turned his head to look over.

In front of him, there was a man with some unkempt hair and dirty face. His eyes were full of blood.

The man's body is wrapped with several red, very thick long lines, but only he can see them.

Seeing Qing Tomb looking over, the man grinned.

"Hey hey, I noticed your special power... your spiritual power... your spiritual pressure... and... your soul chopping knife, which reminds me of a family or a person who used to be terrible..."

As he said this, it can be seen that Qing Tomb did not make a sound, but a strange smile appeared on his face.

"I said, you... were also arranged by those old people in Room 46?"

"Why don't you talk... Are you afraid?"

He grinned, his eyes full of excitement.

"Are you afraid that you will be assimilated if you talk to our so-called 'abandoned believers'?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... It's really funny!"

"Do you think you can absolutely avoid being assimilated by covering yourself with spiritual pressure?"

"Do you think our affairs are pathetic?"

"Not really."

"We are just a group of believers."

"But the world does not allow me to have no faith."

"I believe in God, I have done all good things in my life, and finally I am locked here in endless pain..."

"You don't allow this world to have faith. If you don't believe yourself, you will persecute our group of believers."


"You are a group of despicable villains."