Chapter 8 08. Three year Achievements [Seeking Collection]

Desolation Ji finished five groups of push ups, 20 in each group, and then kept doing squats again.

I saw that the barren period sometimes seemed to be sitting in the air, and the body sank, with the legs and thighs at 90 degrees, and then slowly got up and repeated.

After the five groups of squatting, the next group of movements began in Desolation Period. He stood on his hands, raised them high, and then quickly put his fingers on the ground, back and forth repeatedly.

These exercises are the morning exercises that Desolation Ji has to do every morning.

Although these movements seem simple, they actually consume a lot of body!

The time for a cup of tea passed.

In the wilderness period, they did five groups of exercises in previous lives, that is, 100!

At this time, the physical strength of the barren period also consumed 7788.

After all, he is not a superman, nor a powerful soulmate. He is just a six-year-old boy who has not yet awakened his own wuhun power.

"Hoo... done!"

Desolate Ji gently propped up his arm, and his upper muscles swelled, revealing obvious muscle contours, and then the whole person stood up steadily.

... Suddenly I can't remember how to write it. Let's copy and paste it, and wait for the author to smooth his thinking

Outside the wall of the hill in the backyard of the barren family.

In a dense forest.

Quiet, very quiet!

An ordinary bird, on a tree ten meters high, gently puffed its wings and pecked at the insects in the branches.


Just then, a figure of a Taoist passed by, but only a sound of wind blew gently!

The bird didn't even notice it, but it was still puffing its wings.

The next moment, a cauliflower snake with a length of two or three meters suddenly appeared behind the tree trunk, silently staring at the bird.

Far away.

In the nest, several young birds chirped towards the bird, but the bird thought it was just the baby bird hungry.

The bird walked a few steps to the nest and fed the worms caught in its mouth into the mouth of the young bird.

It was at this time!


A snake hisses.

The cauliflower snake behind the bird opened its mouth directly towards the bird and bit it.

Cauliflower Snake is very fast!

Seeing that the bird was about to be swallowed by the cauliflower snake, the young birds in the nest chirped loudly, as if reminding the mother bird.

But it was too late for the mother bird to know

At this time of crisis!


A gentle breeze blew suddenly!

The cauliflower snake suddenly stopped the snake's body, straight and taut, stopped at the bird's finger, but could not go any further.

Why do you think?

However, when the cauliflower snake was seven inches away, it was caught by a boy who suddenly appeared. It didn't even respond!

"Little thing, quite unique?!"

The little boy caught the cauliflower snake, grinned and squinted, which was very cute.

The sun shines through the cracks in the leaves and falls on the boy's smiling face, reflecting his white face beautifully.

The boy, with bare arms, showed a relatively strong body. Even if he was only one meter and two meters tall, he had already given a very powerful sense of shape!

The cauliflower snake was pinched seven inches and its head shook around. Suddenly, it turned its head strangely and bit the boy's arm directly.

"Yo... quite stubborn. It seems that today's breakfast is yours..."

The boy pinched his chin and said as if he didn't care about the cauliflower snake at all.

"Do I roast or stew?"

The boy narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, which was extremely impressive.


The cauliflower snake opened its two sharp teeth and bit the boy's arm.



Two sharp poisonous teeth seem to bite on a stone and break it directly

The boy's skin, however, only has two indentations, without any scars!

Cauliflower snake: "......"

Deserted Ji looked at this ordinary cauliflower snake with disdain. He began to practice hard when he was three years old, and tried to break the limit when he was five years old.

Now it has broken the physical limit for four times!

You know, every time the human body breaks the limit, the physical quality will be greatly improved!

At least, Araki can now feel that even adults in front of him will be easily knocked down by his own fist!

You know, he is only six years old!

However, the more you train later, the more difficult it is to surpass your physical limits.

The last time that the barren period broke the physical limit was yesterday.

Breaking the limit is not simply challenging your own limit, nor can you challenge the limit again after you challenge it.

All human bodies have a certain degree. People are compared to a bucket. Breaking the limit is to break the bucket and then recast a new bucket.

The new barrel is recast after breaking the limit, and naturally there will be various problems.

It is also true that every successful person who challenges his own limit will spend a long time to cultivate and adapt to his body, so that he can wave his hand to his heart.

This is also the reason why the Desolation Period seemed so simple to break the limit, but only broke it four times a year.

It is not that the barren period cannot break more limits, but that he dare not, dare not play with his body at will.

To break the physical limit, in addition to the simple improvement of physical quality, there is also the improvement of physical strength!

Deserted Ji felt that his skin and even his muscles were extremely hard, and even a slightly blunt knife could not cut his skin!

The tusks of cauliflower snake are also very sharp, but only two intaglio prints can be left.

"I should be more than twice as strong as an adult man in simple strength, but my body weight is very low, and my muscle density and sense of strength are extremely strong, which leads to my extremely fast speed..."

The barren period murmured to itself.

In the past three years, the biggest improvement in the wilderness period is that with the increase of exercise intensity, you will have more control over your body.

As far as the data is concerned, the barren period can hold a stone weighing 30 kg and do 100 squats without leaving a drop of sweat.

Can continue to do nearly a hundred so-called can exercise the muscles of the whole body of the bobby jump, barren age will not feel laborious.

You should know that in previous lives, even a special forces soldier with high physical quality could hardly achieve 200 exercises in a row.

It is more than twice as strong as the adult men. It also has the endurance of enduring terror and unparalleled speed. This is the training result of the past three years in the wilderness!

If placed in a previous life, ten years of the barren period may not have this effect, because the world is different!

"And the warm current in my body..."

Deserted Ji scratched his head.

Just then, the bird that Desolation Ji saved from the snake's mouth ran to his feet and pecked a few times.


"Little guy, be careful, I'm leaving..."

Desolation Ji looked at the bird and stepped gently, and the whole person turned into a phantom and disappeared in the original place, appearing on a big tree in the distance.

And then

Desolation Ji stepped lightly, and the whole person landed on the big branch in front with great precision.

The posture is natural and graceful