Chapter 6 06. Breaking the Limits [Seeking Collection]


The pace of the barren period is getting slower and slower, and the heavy breathing sounds linger in my ears.

Behind the barren period, footprints and water stains were left, which was shocking.


The Desolation Discipline Envoy did his best to move his pace and firmly set foot on a blue stone.

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Desolation period was breathing heavily, his legs had already started to tremble, his face became red, and even his pupils began to dilate.

This is a sign of collapse!

"No, I haven't reached the limit yet!"

Araki put his hands on his knees and slowly turned his consciousness. He ran forward step by step. He had not reached the limit yet, but he could still run.

At this time, Araki has been running for more than an hour, nearly 4000 meters of cross-country running, making Araki's young body almost reach the limit.


A drop of sweat slowly slid down the face of the desert period, dropped into the soil with a sound, wetted a small piece of sand, and then the wet track soon disappeared.


Just then, Little Lingling pushed open the wooden door of the backyard, and saw the barren period of hard running forward at a glance. No, it should be the tortoise moving now.

Little Lingling's young heart doesn't know why pigeons torment themselves every day, nor does it know how dangerous it is to have no strength in this strength oriented world.

She only knew that she could not disturb the pigeons' exercise at this time, so she chose to sit on the threshold, hold the little black dog, and watch the pigeons step by step.

The beany sweat on Desolate Ji turned into a stream and flowed all over his body. The gorgeous clothes were already wet.

Desolation Ji's short and broken hair was covered with many small sweat beads, as if he had just washed it.

At this time, the sense of desolation turned his body's fatigue into a choppy tide, beating his body and mind again and again, and his consciousness was blurred after countless beats.

"Xiao Hei, why do you think Pigeon has been running all the time? Is he not tired?"

Little Lingling scratched the little black dog's chin, looked at its dark eyes, and inquired.


The little black dog lay quietly in the arms of the little spirit. Even if he was tickled by the little spirit, he just gave a whine to show his mood. Is it good? Is it bad?

Desolation Ji did not know about Little Lingling's doubts, and he was not in the mood to know at this time.

"I... I can't stop..."

Desolation Ji Qiang supports his body. He only feels that his consciousness is a little vague, and everything he sees has a double shadow.

Araki didn't know how long he had been running, but he thought it would be nearly two hours.

Desolation Ji has clearly felt that he is approaching the limit. If he works hard, he can break the limit and become stronger physically.

In this state of body approaching the limit, the vision of the Desolation Period has long become blurred, and the vision is full of dim things.


Desolation Period's slow feet mixed with a piece of moss stone, fell directly on the ground, and no longer had the strength to climb up.

When he fell down, Desolation Ji felt endless fatigue, like a tide coming from all directions, and he suddenly felt that his body was not his own.

In this limit breaking state, the Desolation Period felt close to the god of death.

Indeed, if human beings stop in an instant after high-intensity exercise, they will easily suffocate and die from fatigue.

This is also the reason why teachers often teach that after high-intensity exercise, do not rest directly, but slowly exercise.


Seeing Desolation Ji suddenly fell to the ground, the little spirit immediately cried out in fear and rushed to him.

"Bark, bark..."

The little black dog followed closely behind the little Lingling and ran towards the Desolation Ji who fell beside the bluestone platform, barking loudly, as if calling Desolation Ji not to sleep, and it would be over.

"Too bad!"

At the moment of falling down, Araki knew that it was bad. In the past, when he exercised extremely, he was either looked after by his father or his mother.

At that time, after the barren period broke its own limit, his father or mother would quickly give him a special nutrient solution to recover his physical function.

Now, the father and mother of Huang are not at home. Originally, he wanted to break the limit and take nutrient solution by himself to pass the dangerous period of breaking the limit.

However, Araki did not expect that he would stumble over bluestone and fall to the ground. He did not expect that fatigue and soreness would come so suddenly that Araki's last strength would disappear in the current of soreness.

"Piggy, Piggy, wake up?!"

At the moment of Desolation Ji's despair, Desolation Ji vaguely heard the call of a small spirit, and he forced himself to open his tired eyes.

"Ling... Ling, Ying... Nutrient Liquid!"

Desolation Period shook his fingers and pointed to the nutrient solution in his pocket with difficulty.

"Oh... OK!!"

Hearing the hint of Desolation Period, Little Lingling seemed to think of something, touched the tears on her face, hurriedly took out the nutrient liquid in the pocket of Desolation Period, opened the bottle stopper, and poured it into his mouth.

"Gudong, Gudong..."

As soon as the nutrient solution is eaten, it has an effect.

A soft energy slowly emanates from the nutrient solution, passes through the intestines and stomach of the barren period, and flows to all parts of the body of the barren period.

At this time, there is only one feeling in the wilderness period, which is ten thousand times more comfortable than soaking in hot springs!

The muscles, joints and all parts of the body that were worn out due to sudden high-intensity exercise in the desolate period began to recover quickly under the miraculous effect of nutrient solution.

As if reborn from the ashes, under the washing of this energy, the organs and cells of the barren period seem to have gained new life and become full of vitality.

"Very comfortable..."

Desolate Ji Shuang cried out.

It can be said that before taking the nutrient solution, Desolation Period almost half stepped into the jaws of death. After taking the nutrient solution, I went to heaven directly. It's really uncomfortable just now, and it's so cool now.

Moreover, this feeling is still the kind that you can almost experience personally, which is too addictive.

At this time, all parts, organs, tissues and cells of the body in the wilderness period become more powerful and full under the washing of the energy overflowed by the nutrient solution!


Seeing Desolate Ji drinking the nutrient solution and seeing his painful face gradually recovering, Little Lingling knew that his pigeons were back.

Little Lingling held the little black dog and lay in the arms of Desolation Ji, as if she was afraid that pigeons would suddenly disappear before her eyes. She was frightened just now.

Ten minutes later.

Desolation Ji slowly opened his eyes, blinking and blurring his big eyes, and came back to himself. Just as he was about to get up, he noticed that the little spirit was lying on his body.

Araki turned to look at the little Lingling lying in her arms and found that she was clutching his clothes tightly, with tears in her eyes, and fell asleep.

Watching the little Lingling sleeping soundly, Desolation Ji felt warm in his heart.
