Chapter 10 10. Wu Soul Awakening (Part 1) [Seeking Collection]

Time passes by like a fleeting horse, and it is time for the awakening of the Wulin.


A knock on the door woke Desolate Ji from his sleep.

"Son, get up. Do you want to wake up Wu Soul in the afternoon?!"

Hung Ma knocked on the door of Desolation Ji forcefully and shouted.

"I see, Mom! I'll get up right now!"

Desolation Ji covered his head with a quilt. His mind was drowsy and he wanted to sleep again.

Desolation Ji has a habit that he likes to take a nap at noon. If he doesn't take a nap at noon, he will be sleepy in the afternoon.

However, Araki also knew that the Wulin would wake up in the afternoon, and he could not stay in bed any more, so he had to force himself to dress and get up sober.


Desolation Ji yawned and went downstairs.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

When he came to the living room, Desolation Ji only saw Huang Ma and Little Lingling sitting on the sofa, but did not see Huang Dad, so he couldn't help asking.

"Your father has already started!"

As she spoke, Huang Ma picked up Xiao Lingling.

"Let's go too! Don't be late!"


Desolation nods.


In the center of Huangyun City, there is a very luxurious hall made of gold and jade. It has a loud name in Huangyun City - Awakening Hall.

Awakening Hall, the word "Awakening" has the meaning of awakening the spirit of martial arts, and is the pillar of the wilderness.

At this time, there was already a handsome young man and several children waiting in the Awakening Hall.

The young man looks in his twenties. He has sword eyebrows and starlike eyes. He is very handsome. He is dressed in white clothes and has a black cloak behind his back. This is the standard dress for the staff directly under the Awakening Hall.

Huang Ma came to the Awakening Hall with Desolation Ji and Little Lingling, and was just seen by the young people.

When he saw Huang Ma, the young man's eyes brightened and he walked over with a smile on his face. He bowed to Huang Ma with respect on his face.

"Huang Haixuan, I have seen the second sister-in-law!"

Huang Ma's eyebrows slightly loosened, her face showed a faint smile, and she bowed slightly, which was regarded as a salute.

"Xiao Xuan, start preparing for the Wu Soul Awakening Ceremony! Don't worry about me and Xiao Lingling!"

Hung Ma's eyes fell on the nine children not far away, and she nodded slightly.

"Yes, sister-in-law!"

With a slight bow, Huang Haixuan took Desolation Ji to the other nine children.

Huang Haixuan is a trainee sacrifice in the Hall of Awakening. Helping ordinary people awaken their souls is a necessary job for him, and he has long been used to it.

In the wasteland - wasteland ethnic group, sacrifice is not something you can do if you want, and there is a strict review and promotion system.

There are four levels of sacrificial duties from low to high: sacrificial apprentice, apprentice sacrificial, sacrificial, and grand sacrificial.

However, in cities of different levels, the sacrificial position in the Awakening Hall requires different levels of soul masters.

For example, the Great Sacrifice of the Awakening Hall in Huangyun City needs the Soul King, and the Sacrifice needs the Soul King.

However, in the main city above the Huangyun City, sacrifice requires the cultivation of the soul emperor, and the great sacrifice requires the cultivation of the soul saint.

This is true of the main city, not to mention the four holy cities above the main city, as well as the highest barren city.

The awakening of the Wulin is a major event in the wilderness, which is related to whether the wilderness can be passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, the barbarians attach great importance to the awakening of the martial spirit. When awakening the martial spirit, every city's Awakening Hall needs at least the presence of a trainee sacrifice position.

It should have been Huang Haicheng, the father of Desolation Ji, who presided over the Wu Soul Awakening Ceremony today, but there was something urgent in the family that Huang's father needed to do, so he had to hand it over to Huang Haixuan to help these children wake up.

"Children, stand in a row."

For these children, Huang Haixuan's attitude is very gentle, without any lofty attitude, because maybe there are his future clansmen in it.

The absorption of people with foreign names by the Huang Family is well-known throughout the wilderness. Even the Huang Family in Huangyun City has absorbed nearly 100 people with foreign names, and even there is an elder with a foreign name in the family council.

It is not easy for the barbarians to absorb people with a different surname. They must be talented and young. It is better for them to absorb people just after the awakening of the martial spirit.

In addition, these people with foreign names who have been absorbed into the clan will hold a ceremony for joining the clan.

After the great sacrifice to the god of famine and the god of sacrifice, the god of famine and the god of sacrifice will show their miraculous signs and mark these people with the mark of famine.

In this way, these people with foreign names will be under the supervision of the gods of the barbarians and enjoy the same benefits and treatment as the people of the barbarians.

There are clear rewards and punishments for the wasteland's divine tools. Whether the people of the wasteland's own clan or people of other clans, if people have the idea of betraying the wasteland's clan, they will either regress their accomplishments or die.

Nine children stood in front of Desolation Pavilion, and Desolation Ji stood on the far left. He was the last one to come, so he could only stand there.

The Awakening Hall is a sacred place, even if the barren period is a desolate family, there is no privilege.

"My name is Huang Haixuan, and I am your leader."

As Huang Haixuan spoke, he clapped his hands and called a sacrificial apprentice to help him awaken the spirit of martial arts.

"Later, I will awaken your souls one by one. Remember, no matter what happens, you should not be afraid."

"Got it!"

All the children responded with one voice.

"Come on, I will take you to awaken the Wulin. Others will stay here and wait for a moment!"

Huang Haixuan nodded and led the child on the far right into the side hall.

The side hall is a small room with various simple and unsophisticated patterns and runes, which is very mysterious.

Huang Haixuan asked the child to stand on the round platform in the center of the side hall and open his package on the table beside.

Huang Haixuan took two things from the package, six black round stones and a shiny blue crystal ball.

Huang Haixuan inlays six black stones in the six corners of the side hall.

At the moment when the six black stones were inlaid, the ancient runes in the side hall lit up and a blue hexagonal star appeared on the ground.

At this time, which child on the round platform is in the center of the hexagonal star.

"Child, don't be afraid. Close your eyes and feel carefully."

As he spoke, Huang Haixuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he whispered in the startled eyes of a child.

"The golden dragon beast is attached."

A faint golden red light first released from the center of his eyebrows, and went up along the center of his eyebrows, into the bun.

Huang Haixuan's hair was originally black, but when the golden red light was injected, it turned into golden red stripes in an instant.

Huang Haixuan's hair grows fast. His golden and red hair appears on his bare hands. At the same time, his body seems to have expanded a lot, and his whole body is full of muscle.

The specific clothes of the Awakening Hall are very elastic, and did not burst because of his size.

Huanghaixuan is really a conscience product!!!