Chapter 4 Broken Shoes

Baishi Village is close to the mountain and beside the river.

Villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset. It was the village bastard, Iron Egg, who first made a big wedding, and then beat Boss Jin... These things were trivial to him, and didn't delay his sleep.

Half of Laoshan Ginseng sold two hundred yuan of iron eggs that could not keep the money. That afternoon, he went to the only shop in the village to eat and drink, left the money behind, and walked away with two boxes of Changbai Mountain.

The shopkeeper of the small shop was straight eyed. Iron Egg had been eating and drinking freely in his shop for many years. At most, he could leave a few yuan. Thanks to the village head's kindness, he could help Iron Egg settle some. This sudden payment of 200 yuan really flattered the shopkeeper.

In the dark, the villagers were laughing at Iron Egg as a fool. No matter how worthless the half of Old Mountain Ginseng was, it could not be sent for 200 yuan. It must be that Iron Egg was fascinated by the fox spirit from the city. The toad really wanted to eat the swan meat.

Of course, this kind of words can't be heard by Tiedan. No one keeps a good day but to provoke that arrogant and foolish guy.


Iron eggs strolling around the street met the village head's son, Wang Pang. They went up and grabbed his collar and pulled him to nobody's place. They asked, "Fatty, tell me honestly, is Zhao Lina a good girl?"

Fatty Wang has a weak head, but he also knows how to protect his daughter-in-law. His brain bag shakes: "If you can't talk about her, I... what does my daughter-in-law concern you?"

"Go to your uncle."

Iron Egg slapped him on the forehead, and then kicked him on his fat butt, saying, "What a puma! I'm here to help you. Let me ask you again. How many times did you finish the whole thing last night?"

Fatty Wang covered his head: "How many times should I play?"

"Oh my god, that's what..." Iron Egg made a gesture and said with a bad smile: "It's on the kang, in the quilt, understand?"

Fatty Wang was stunned, showing a aggrieved expression, and said: "My daughter-in-law refused to let me into her bed, saying that I was buried, but I went to the river to take a bath."

"The calving is over." Iron Egg patted Wang Fatty on the shoulder and said helplessly: "It's said that the cabbage has been arched by a pig. You are a special pig. You can't arche a cabbage for you. It's nothing, roll the calf!"

Fatty Wang ran home with a sad face

After teasing Fat Wang, Iron Egg began to calculate the destination of dinner? He has been studying the big cock of Widow Sun's house these days, but the black dog of Widow Sun's house has grown up, and I don't know how the old ladies taught him. The big black dog is not bitten by others, and when he sees the iron egg, he barks crazily, which is very shocking.

Forget it, let the cock crow for a few more days!

In fact, almost every village has people like Iron Egg. They are lazy and arrogant, they don't do their job properly, they eat and drink... But actually they are not evil people. Villagers are sometimes angry, but they are not very disgusted. These people, known as gangsters, rascals, mountain cannons and rascals, also play a role in regulating the rural atmosphere.

The second uncle is an old bachelor. He once teamed up with the iron egg grandpa to run across the mountain. If you want to say that the iron egg is rampant in the village, only he respects the bad old man. Whenever Iron Egg can't find food, he will come to the Second Uncle's house. When Iron Egg comes, the Second Uncle is good at wine and food.

It's getting late.

Iron Egg sits on the kang of Second Uncle's house, drinking the local brew, eating the wild pheasant that Second Uncle enters the mountain in the daytime, listening to the red faced Second Uncle telling stories in the mountains

As an old man and a young man were drinking hard, they heard a noise of people in the village? Judging from the sound, it should be the direction of the village head's house. It seems that someone is quarrelling?

Iron Egg is a good master. If there is any excitement, it can't fall down. After drinking all the wine in the cup, he got up and got off the kang and ran out

The drunken Second Uncle did not forget to tell him, "Don't make trouble, you bastard."

There were a lot of people outside the village head's house, and the iron egg heard the shouts and curses far away. He approached humbly. After listening for a while, he realized that it seemed that the new daughter-in-law of the village head was going to the market in the town and was sent back by several men in a van. Wang Pangzi saw his daughter-in-law and one of the men talking and arguing, but he was beaten by those guys.

"It's a bit interesting." Iron Egg pushed people aside and came to the front. He found that the village head and his father were sitting on the ground. The village head's nose was bleeding. Fat Wang was covered with dirt. There were three guys wearing clothes that were full of gas. They were swearing at the village head and his father.

The man Tiedan knew as the leader was a bastard in the town, who was wrongly named the fourth. The fourth is a down-to-earth villain. Relying on his position as the mayor's nephew, he has done all kinds of evil things.

Now I don't know why, I fought in Baishi Village and beat up the village head and father. The most hateful thing is Zhao Lina, Wang Pang's daughter-in-law, who just passed by. She stood at the gate, not only did she not help her husband and father-in-law, but also took a small mirror and applied lipstick there.

Iron Egg wondered, and asked the old lady beside him, "What's the matter?"

As soon as the old lady saw that it was an iron egg, she immediately said in a low voice with a strange smile: "Oh, you don't know, the daughter of the Zhao family and the fourth man have been dating for a long time. They just got married and went to run to break shoes. After that, they were sent back. This time, Wang Pang has become a living bastard."

Iron Egg grinned and said, "Damn it, is there anything else? Where is Lao Zhao? His daughter ran into shoes, and my uncle and his family were beaten. Don't care?"

The aunt then said, "It's estimated that the two of us have discussed. On the wedding day, Lao Zhao ran away in the rain and received more than 100000 betrothal gifts. This time, the village head lost his blood!"

Iron Egg nodded and looked at Zhao Lina, the woman she had loved. The more she looked at her, the more disgusting she felt. The women who came back from this city have changed so much. This is not a simple problem of cheating. It is really a cheating marriage!

At that moment, the fourth man kicked the village head who was sitting on the ground, and then shouted with his unique drake voice: "Old man, what do you say about this? My brother hurt your son, so you must explain this."

Hearing this, the fourth man's attendant immediately covered his head and leaned against the van, shouting, "Oh, my god, my head hurts. It hurts everywhere."

The village head, who used to have some prestige in the village, can't hold his breath anymore. Suddenly, he slaps his hands on the ground and shouts, "If you lose your life, you can't live..."

The fourth man kicked again and scolded: "Don't be so clever, the village head can cheat. My uncle is still the town head, nothing else. The medical fee is 10000 yuan."

Upon hearing this, the village head burst into tears.

The village head in his sixties pulled the fourth man's trouser leg and pleaded: "His fourth brother, uncle, please let us go. We borrowed all the money for wedding betrothal gifts. We really have no money to accompany you!"

The fourth man kicked the village head to the ground, walked up to the foolish Wang Pang, bent down and slapped the other two in the face.

Fatty Wang is stubborn, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. But this stupid fat man who was bullied by the village bastard Iron Egg since he was young, he dare not fight back anyway.

The villagers can't stand it anymore. They are full of gossip... But no one helps them or dares to call the police. The fourth man is a notorious scoundrel in the eight villages of ten miles. If he is provoked, it will be worse than the fate of the village head and his father. Besides, he is the nephew of the town head. Who dares to provoke him?

The fourth man neither ignored nor spared anyone. He picked up Fatty Wang, slapped him twice again, pointed at Zhao Lina and said, "Who is she?"

Fatty Wang grinned, "My daughter-in-law."

Pa, pa

"Whose daughter-in-law?"

"My daughter-in-law."

Pa, pa

"For the last time, whose daughter-in-law?"

Fat Wang's mouth was bleeding. The tall and strong man could no longer help crying. He shook with injustice and sobbed, "Your daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law is not good enough!"

Iron Egg glanced at Zhao Lina, who was painted like a fox spirit. Then he took a cigarette out of his pants pocket and lit it. He walked slowly to Wang Pang, patted him on the head, and then faced the fourth man who hit him with a strange smile.

The fourth brother actually recognized the iron egg, but how could he pay attention to the poor village bastard, squint his eyes and spit at the iron egg, and said, "What are you doing, buddy?"

Iron Egg did not answer the fourth man, but smiled at Wang Pang and said, "Go, fat man, give him two mouths."