Chapter 81 Find the Workshop Site

On the second day of the agreement with Canghuachi, Lin Zhiya went to see the village head. When the village head heard that he would open a workshop in the village, he was very happy.

This is a great good thing. The workshop can solve the problem of many people's work. Since we choose to open a workshop in Weijia Village, we must first find people from Weijia Village. This can solve many people's family difficulties.

The village head is very enthusiastic and has been looking for a suitable place recently, but Weijia Village is so large that it is not easy to find a suitable place.

After looking for several days, I finally found a suitable place. This was the home of an old man who was alone in the village. His home was very good in the past, but since the two sons were recruited, they never came back, leaving the old man alone.

The old man has always lived in his ancestral house, and the house for his two sons is only one wall away from where he lives, which looks like three families from the outside.

Because the house has been empty, the village head advised the old man to sell the two houses, but the old man refused. This time Lin Zhiya wanted to open a workshop, and the village head went to persuade the old man again.

The old man promised that he could rent the house to Lin Xuanya for use first, and then he would ask whether to sell it later.

Lin Xuanya, the old man mentioned by the village head, knew that the two sons had not left when his grandfather brought them to Weijia Village, but she did not know why they both went to the army later, but she did not come back.

"Well, if I don't think the rent is good, I'm looking for another house." The village head saw that Lin Jueya didn't immediately agree, thinking that she was not very satisfied with the house, so he prepared to look for it.

"I have no problem here, but the workshop is not my own. Let me ask the partners first. If they think it is OK, we will rent the house." Lin Zhiya didn't say anything, but it seems to be OK.

Canghuachi has no opinion on the site selection. The only thing that is inconvenient is that the house can only be rented. It would be better if we could buy it.

Lin Xuanya could not bear his appearance of being rich and powerful. After a lot of daily bickering, he finally decided to rent the house.

Then my old man was also called Wei Heng, and his name was Wei Heng. Lin Jueya always called him Grandpa Heng. Under the guarantee of the village head, Lin Jueya signed a rental agreement with Grandpa Heng.

Lin Xuanya rented both houses and then renovated them. Those who grind, order, store, and make tofu have their own rooms.

The storage room is naturally transformed into a cold storage room, and Canghua Pool is responsible for ice.

"Ya'er, does the workshop need a lot of people? You can see if my girl can also get a job." Feng's heart has been itching to see Lin Zhiya has been busy with the workshop recently. She must go to the workshop herself, but if her daughter can also work in the workshop, it would be better.

"How old is Big Girl this year?" Lin Xuanya asked.

"At the age of eight, she can already do a lot of things. She can burn a fire, and the work of boiling soy milk can be completely left to her." Feng Shi thought something was funny when Lin Zhiya asked her age, and began to keep saying how capable she was and how many things she could do.

"Aunt, if you want to find a job for her, let her follow me and run errands for me, It's also good to read with big girls.

"Follow you? Run errands? Be your servant girl?" Feng Shi frowned when she heard this. Although she said that she would not suffer as Lin Zhiya's servant girl, she was still reluctant.