Chapter 37 The County Chief Has Problems

After Deng Duoer learned the story, she was not angry. She knew the relationship between Lin Jueya and the Pang family, and she found out when she did the investigation.

It was thought that Lin Zhiya had nothing to do with her after she was expelled from her home by the Pang family, but now it seems that the Pang family is still bullying Lin Zhiya even more.

"You go to Yu Mansion to inform Ya'er's brother about this, and I will go back to the mansion to find my mother to find a way." Deng Duo'er was educated since childhood that she could not participate in her father's work, so even though it would be much faster to find her father, her first thought was to find her mother.

Seeing that Deng Duoer was so worried, Jin Zhi followed her. Fortunately, the coachman had not left today, so they hurried back to the city.

When he got to the city, Jinzhi got off the carriage and ran to the Yu Mansion. Deng Duo'er found his mother directly and asked her mother to find a way to let her father go to the Yamen to have a look.

Unfortunately, I got the news that my father is not at home now. It seems that I went to the teahouse to listen to "gossip" again.

She really wants to go to the teahouse to find her father, but her mother says that there are rules in the Yamen. Things like Lin Xuanya are not enough for her father to interrogate. Maybe she will return to the Yamen when she finds her father. The case here has been heard.

Although Deng Duoer didn't know whether her mother was right or not, she could hear that her mother was unwilling to go to her father for such a small matter, so now she could only go around in a hurry at home.

Besides, after Jin Zhi came to Yu's residence, Yu Zimo was more worried than Lin Wenwen when he heard that Lin Xuanya had an accident.

Of course, Lin Zhiwen was also very anxious. After all, Lin Zhiya was his only relative.

"Where is Miss Lin now?"

"Miss Lin and I came back in a carriage, which should be faster than those Yamen runners. Miss Lin has gone back to ask her for help. Young Master Lin should be able to catch up with us now when we go to Yamen." Jinzhi said, and was ready to take Lin Zhiwen to Yamen.

But Yu Zimo looked at his entourage and didn't hurry to follow him. The entourage came back soon.

"Young master, Lord Deng is in the teahouse again today. This meeting has not left yet."

"Go and have tea with Lord Deng."

After learning the position of Lord Deng, Yu Zimo went directly to the teahouse.

When Lin Zhiwen arrived at the Yamen, the Yamen Runner just came back with Lin Zhiya, followed by many people who watched the activity.

As expected, such a small case of beating people would never be handled by the magistrate, but by a county magistrate.

The county magistrate knew at first sight that he was with the Pang family. After hearing the boss Pang's nonsense, he was ready to convict Lin Xuanya.

Lin Zhiwen on the side naturally disagreed and rushed in.

"Dare you ask this adult, is the trial based on the fact that you only listen to one dialect theory and then you are convicted? And this dialect theory is full of loopholes, and you, as the chief judge, do not even have this judgment?"

"Where's the hairy boy? He dares to make a scene in the court. Someone will take him down." The county magistrate is used to bullying in Yanglin City.

When the last magistrate was in office, he was the county magistrate. When this magistrate first took office, he was honest for a few days. Recently, he admitted that he knew about the new magistrate's trends, so he began to dominate again.

Today, his brother-in-law said that there would be a case for him to take care of today, and he also asked him to meet Pang Laosan and Pang Laoda in advance to understand the situation and know what needs to be achieved in the end.

Originally, the problem could be solved quickly according to the plan. I don't know where the young scholar who suddenly came out dared to question his decision.

This is a challenge to his authority. He wanted to give the little scholar a few boards to finish the job. Who knew there was a magistrate among the crowd of onlookers.