Chapter 94 Should I Call His brother-in-law

When Xiao Dong drove his Otto to Aojia, he went to Wang Jianming's hotel and found that the door of Wang's hotel was locked and nobody was there.

The Wang family usually lives in a shop, which can only explain one problem. It seems that Wang Liqin and Wang Jianming are still living in hospitals in the city, and they haven't been discharged from the hospital during the Spring Festival. Their family will probably spend the year in the hospital.

Xiao Dong doesn't feel any guilt for this, nor does he have much fear that Wang's family will retaliate against his family. Despite his parents' harsh words when they visit Wang Liqin and his son in the hospital, and despite Wang Liqin's harsh words to all his relatives and friends who visit him, he has no courage to retaliate against his family now!

The older a man is, the more timid he is. Wang Liqin is nearly 50 years old and has a family. Although he usually looks very dull and foolish, he has never really suffered. This time, Xiao Dong taught him a profound lesson. It's no exaggeration to say that now Wang Liqin dreams of his Xiao Dong's figure, and he is afraid of getting a cold sweat. How dare he revenge his family?

Of course, Xiao Dong is not too careless about this. He plans to go to the hospital to visit the Wangs and their sons in person after the new year. On the one hand, he will personally observe his situation and explore what he thinks in his mind. On the other hand, he certainly has a sense of awe.

Don't be afraid of trouble, and have the ability to deal with the aftermath after a thing. This is a man's responsibility.

When Xiao Dong went to Ao's home, Ao Changshui and his wife still stayed in the supermarket to sell their goods. Although it is already noon of the Spring Festival, there are still people in the town in twos and threes coming to the supermarket to buy things.

However, I don't know whether it is a psychological reaction. Xiao Dong always feels that the Ao family is much more desolate. There are not many happy expressions on the faces of Ao Changshui and his wife. Ao Xiaojun, Ao Xiaoli's younger brother, also plays with his mobile phone quietly.

On New Year's Day, the Aochangshui couple, like adults in other families, allow their son to play with mobile phones.

When Xiao Dong walked into the supermarket with the package sent by Ao Xiaoli and the things he bought, he met an acquaintance, a middle-aged uncle. He was stunned when he saw him, and he responded when he heard Xiao Dong greet him politely. He immediately patted Xiao Dong on the shoulder and laughed and said, "Xiao Dong, a young man with good spirit!"

A young man next to him also knew Xiao Dong and said to him with a smile, "Xiao Dong, I know you! Nice job, brother!"

Everyone present knows what this means. In a small town, the story of Xiao Dong's killing the three Wangs by himself will certainly spread everywhere. The folk custom in Hubei is rough and fierce, and they are most interested in this kind of thing. In particular, the reputation of the Wangs is not very good in the town.

When Aochangshui and his wife saw Xiao Dong coming, they were more energetic and smiled to greet Xiao Dong.

Ao Xiaojun put down his mobile phone, stood up and looked at Xiao Dong, touched his head and smiled. He didn't know how to say hello to Xiao Dong for a moment, mainly because he didn't know how to call Xiao Dong. In his simple mind, it seemed that Xiao Dong and his sister had really different relationships!

Well, should he call his brother-in-law?

"Can't even say hello to people? Call me Brother!" said Aochang with a smile, patting the back of his son's head.

"That, little brother!" Ao Xiaojun touched his head and shouted to Xiao Dong.

Xiao Dong smiled and patted Ao Xiaojun on the shoulder: "Your sister and I are the best classmates. She has been praising you for your intelligence in front of me."

"Are you kidding, brother? My sister will praise me for being smart? She always thinks I'm the dumbest person in the world!" Ao Xiaojun said with a curly mouth.

"That's to encourage you to make progress. She always praises you in front of me. She loves you the most!" Xiao Dong smiled.

Then he saw that Ao Xiaojun's eyes were a little red. He touched his head and said with a smile, "Don't be so unpromising. Your sister doesn't come back anymore, and you can go to Beijing University in the future? Then you and your sister will be together again."

Ao Xiaoli's mother brought Xiao Dongduan a glass of water: "Dongdong, sit down!" She looked up at him carefully and said, "It seems that Dongdong is growing much taller. Dongdong is growing fast this year!"

Xiao Dong touched his head and said with a smile, "We are now in the right time to grow up."

Then he handed the package to Ao Xiaoli's mother: "Auntie, Ao Xiaoli sent it from Kyoto. She wrote the wrong address and sent it to my home. She asked me to send it to you.

Here are some health care products I bought for you, as well as chocolates for Xiaojun. I wish you a happy New Year. "

On hearing this, Ao Xiaojun said strangely, "My sister sent a lot of things to her home a few days ago. Why did she send them to your home again? Did she write the wrong address and send them to your home? No, she did it on purpose..."

When Ao Xiaojun said this, his father slapped him back and said, "Only you have so many mouths!"

Then the couple politely refused the health care products and chocolates delivered by Xiao Dong and accepted them. Aochangshui smoked two medium grade cigarettes from the shelf and handed them to Xiao Dong: "Give them to your father for smoking."

Xiao Dong refused to stop. The Austrian commander simply threw the two cigarettes into Xiao Dong's Otto car and sat in by the way. He said to Xiao Dong, "Come in, Dongdong, and let me talk to you."

Xiao Dong gets into the car, and the Austrian commander lights a cigarette and smokes. After a moment of silence, he says to Xiao Dong, "Uncle knows that you and my Xiaoli are very close... Well, it's a good classmate relationship, and Uncle doesn't oppose it. Of course... Uncle doesn't have the right to oppose now.

Uncle thinks you will be a good man, whether you study or have a good personality, but he just thinks your temper is a little hot.

Don't hate to listen to what Uncle said. You are too hot tempered. It is easy to have accidents. What's more, once you are really with my Xiaoli in the future... Right, living a life is a special test of men's patience. Women are born broken tongued, and any woman is like that. Men are most likely to get angry because of women's nagging.

So, Uncle advised you to change your hot temper when you are still young, otherwise it will be the most unstable factor in a family. Can you hear what Uncle said? "

Aochang Shui looked at Xiao Dong very seriously after saying that, waiting for Xiao Dong's answer.

"Uncle," Xiao Dong looked at Aochangshui and said seriously, "I admit that my temper is a little hot sometimes, but in fact I am just so hot with very bad people. The fact that the Wang family did that day was too much, otherwise I would not be so angry.

Don't worry about that, Uncle. You can also go to school to inquire about my usual behavior. I haven't fought with anyone or quarreled with anyone. "

Aochang Shui smiled: "Of course, Uncle went to school to inquire about you, but there were not many fights. He was also very good to his classmates. It was the fight between you and the Wang family that was too dangerous that worried Uncle.

Well, uncle has said so much. He has read books for several years and learned to say, "If you have something to correct, then you have nothing to encourage."


After Xiao Dong left Ao's home, what Ao Changshui said to him echoed in his ears, "If you have something to change, you should encourage others if you have nothing to do." Hey hey, Ao Changshui is also half a cultural person.

What's more, Ao Changshui's deep love for his adopted daughter Ao Xiaoli also made Xiao Dong sigh with deep emotion that most of the working people are still loyal, kind-hearted and broad-minded.