Chapter 80 Become the Black Iron Host of the System

When Xiao Dong and his colleagues returned to school, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon, and school would be over in an hour. So Xiao Dong did not enter the school with President Li and them. He was going back to the apartment to get lunch boxes and went directly to the canteen.

In January, it was much drier and colder in Hubei than in Kyoto, and the wind was blowing, which made Xiao Dong, who was a little thin, run to his apartment.

But in fact, he didn't feel so cold. On the one hand, his physical quality is very good, on the other hand, his heart is warm and happy at this time.

The grade jump has always been on his mind, because a contest that Mr. Wu Xiaobai asked him to take part in was easily solved in the school. The next thing is to persuade his parents.

However, he now has a better choice. In fact, he now feels that he doesn't need to tell his parents about this matter at all. It is better to keep it from them about the next semester.

Just tell Xue Liang not to tell his parents about his promotion. Without Xue Jiangfeng telling his parents, his parents would never know about it.

Well, that's it! Xiao Dong made up his mind.

This can avoid a family conflict of great intensity. In the minefields of life, one by one can be avoided.

Ha ha, I'm really a smart kid!

Xiao Dong praised himself so much that he ran more happily.

However, suddenly, he stopped with a very strange, shocking and somewhat muddled look on his face!

[Host EQ+1, life points accumulated to 100 points, officially entering the tough black iron life stage!]

[Therefore, the host gets a month's time to enter the Sage Space of this system! And it gets a chance to participate in the lottery!]

[From this moment on, the host successfully passed the observation period after being randomly selected by the system, and became the No. 15033678 black iron host with a life rank in the system!]

[From this moment on, the host will have the following rights granted by the system: first, the right to simply understand the basic overview of the system; second, the right to query the problems related to the system and the host; third, the right to receive the trigger task of the system; fourth, the right to PK with other peer hosts of the system; 5、 Have the right to participate in the regular and irregular lottery of the system and other peer hosts; 6、 Have the right to trade goods and services with other hosts of the system.]

[Congratulate the host to enter the life stage of tough black iron, and wish the host to strive for the next life stage: heroic brass!]

[If you enter Heroic Brass, you can get a year's time to enter the Sage Space of this system, and at the same time, you can automatically get a chance to win a lottery!]

[Points from the host to heroic brass: 0/1000 points]

(At the same time, a progress bar with the pointer resting on the 0 scale line appears on the system screen. The beginning of the progress bar is marked with tough black iron, and the end is marked with heroic brass.)


As the system screen appeared in front of Xiao Dong, and soft mechanical sounds began to ring, his mouth gradually opened a big smile!

It turns out that this system is really not a disabled system. It needs you to accumulate enough life points to reach a certain life rank before it can be truly activated!

Tough black iron!

Only when he reached the life rank of tough black iron, did he really activate the system!

If he doesn't work hard enough to accumulate enough life points that the system secretly calculates for him, maybe he will never activate the system, or even be abandoned by the system?

Thinking of this, Xiao Dong was a little scared and excited again!

But he gradually frowned again. It seems that everyone in the system stream novel has a separate system. Why do I have a system with so many other people?

[System, can anyone own a separate system alone?] Xiao Dong asked.

After the system is silent for a moment, the mechanical sound sounds again:

[Own a system like this system to manage multiple layers and multidimensional planes alone? Unless he becomes a creator god!

You should be talking about an AI intelligent system issued by the big system alone. When the host reaches the unyielding silver life rank, it can be obtained with a certain probability through lottery, completion of task rewards issued by the system, and other host transactions.]

Xiao Dong suddenly said (it seems that most of the system stream novels are written by the author's dog), and asked: "Are the other hosts in your system all human beings on this planet?"

[Of course not. There are people and animals on your planet and plane, as well as advanced intelligent creatures on other planets and planes.] The system replied.

[Then, how many human and animal hosts belong to my planet and plane?] Xiao Dong asked again.

[Sorry, this question is beyond your right to inquire.] The mechanical voice of the system answered with a trace of indifference.

Xiao Dong calmed down and asked: [What are the life ranks you mentioned?]

[Tough black iron, heroic brass, unyielding silver, glorious gold, noble platinum, bright diamonds, extraordinary masters, proud masters, the strongest kings, gods, and creation gods] answered the system.

[This is similar to the rank arrangement of a game player.] Xiao Dong smiled.

[This is simple and easy to understand.] The system replied flatly.

[By the way, how do you earn life points?] Xiao Dong thought of the most important question and asked quickly.

[Below God level, life rank points are based on the following six aspects:

1、 Physical fitness.

It is divided into 4 items: physical strength, mental strength, magnetic field strength, and face value;

2、 Personality.

It is divided into three items: integration degree, stability degree and optimization degree.

3、 Knowledge.

It is divided into three items: breadth, depth and effectiveness.

4、 Ability.

It is divided into three items: breadth, height and effectiveness.

5、 Platform.

It is divided into two items: risk resistance probability and opportunity acquisition probability.

6、 Happiness.

It is divided into five items: sense of security, sense of need, love and being loved, sense of achievement, and sense of balance.

Of course, there are many small sub items under these big and small links, so I will not repeat them one by one. The host can slowly experience and summarize them later.

For example, the last score of the host accumulated strong black iron comes from the small item of EQ under the effectiveness of the ability item.

Knowing this will help the host earn points and improve life rank. Of course, not knowing this will have little impact.]

The mechanical voice of the system replied, listing these items on the screen.

Xiao Dong stared at the screen, and suddenly asked strangely: [Why is there no money ability, fame and social status in the entry of earning points for this life rank?]

[Money ability, social reputation and status are not the ultimate goals of life, so they are just small items under the sense of security and achievement in happiness. Only money ability, social reputation and status that can give the host a sense of security and achievement can earn points for the host.] The system replied.

Xiao Dong thought for a moment and nodded. Indeed, the money ability, reputation and status that can bring people a sense of security and achievement are beneficial to life. Otherwise, it will only bring negative effects to life.

Xiao Dong stared at the items on the screen that scored for life segments, and was slightly confused about the integration degree under the item "personality". However, by clicking on the following items, he understood that the so-called integration degree of personality refers to the unity degree of personality, and there are many people suffering from personality splitting in today's society.

Strictly speaking, he suffered from a little personality split because of the combination of two souls.

However, now this problem is being solved gradually. The simple simplicity of young Xiao Dong is washing away the spots and greasiness of greasy uncle Xiao Dong, while the maturity and steadiness of greasy uncle Xiao Dong is also gradually washing away the cowardly inferiority of young Xiao Dong.

There is nothing difficult to understand about other items. Xiao Dong suddenly frowns in excitement and hurries to ask: [By the way, system, what does that sage space and sage time mean?]

[The sage space is the space provided by the system for the host, which is one dimension higher than the host's plane. This space can enhance the host's ability to understand everything.

When the host stays in the sage space of the system, it does not consume the time in the host's real space.

Sage time can be split and used flexibly.]

Xiao Dong felt a little strange, but then he was very excited. What is the most valuable thing in the world? Time, of course!

The system rewards him with one month of sage time, which is equivalent to adding one month of high quality time to him!

This is really amazing!

He immediately wanted to enter the Sage Space to experience the Sage Time!

[It is recommended that the host participate in the lottery first. There is a time limit for lottery!]

As the system sends out this mechanical sound, a picture of the lottery machine appears on the system screen.

Xiao Dong was stunned for a moment, stood in the dry and cold wind, rubbed his hands, took another breath of "Ouqi" on his hands, and then pointed out his finger to the lottery machine.

The lottery machine then turned!