Chapter 63 I Want to Steal Other People's Brain

After the midterm exam, the learning atmosphere of senior one is much thicker and more tense than before the midterm exam. This is because most students finally wake up from the state of mind that they want to take a breath after the midterm exam, realize the difficulty and importance of learning tasks in high school, and begin to study harder.

In such a tense and busy learning atmosphere, time seems to pass very quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it is the third week after the mid-term exam, and the second monthly exam is also approaching. Therefore, another round of more tense and busy learning atmosphere of "head suspended beam, cone pricked thigh" reappears. Some students not only hold small notes recited when queuing in the canteen for dinner, Even in the morning exercise with small notes.

As a catch-up and enterprising senior high school in Hubei in recent years, No. 7 Middle School can not compare with key senior high schools like No. 1 Middle School in terms of the strong learning atmosphere, although its students are from a variety of sources with uneven quality.

Near the second monthly exam, Xiao Dong had already finished all the courses of senior one by this time, and bought the textbooks of senior two and senior three from the bookstore. He had already skimmed all the physics textbooks of senior high school, and tried to contact some problems that would be encountered only in senior two and senior three. At this time, he finally felt pressure.

Paralysis, no wonder that most students say that physics is the most difficult thing to learn in high school. Obviously, they can understand it through reading, but once they do it, they will become Muggles again.

High school mathematics itself is difficult enough, but somehow it is reasonable to you, but this difficult part of high school physics mechanics, electromagnetics and so on, sometimes does not reason with you at all. It plays with you not only in deep logic, but also in imagination!

Xiao Dong simply stopped the plan of writing a large number of questions. He was going to read General Physics, which he wanted to learn in college, first, and then go back to drilling high school physics.

This move is also intended to be used in learning mathematics. First, he will rough through senior high school mathematics, then read through the "Mathematical Analysis" to be learned in college, and then return with the vision of college to fine drill senior high school mathematics.

Doing so naturally has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that what the university wants to learn is the continuation of what the senior high school has learned. Some content is actually equivalent to repeating the senior high school content, but compared with the senior high school content, what the university wants to learn is much more comprehensive, systematic and profound.

Therefore, after reading through the college textbooks, we have a higher and broader vision, which is convenient for people to grasp these trivial and limited contents learned in high school as a whole, clarify their internal logic and context, and it will be much easier to learn again.

Of course, this is also very harmful.

First of all, it is the cost of time consumed. Ordinary high school students need to read General Physics and Mathematical Analysis through their busy schedule to understand how much time it takes, and how many things they can't remember!

In addition, there are too many contents in Mathematical Analysis and General Physics that would not be involved in high school. Learning these contents is useless for college entrance examination.

Even if it involves the content of high school, even if it is the same content and the same topic as high school, the ideas and methods of solving problems are not the same, so from the perspective of specific problem solving links, there is not much help.

However, Xiao Dong decided to do so.

There are two reasons.

First, Xiao Dong is most afraid of learning something that has no idea of its origin and purpose, so he urgently needs to have a higher and broader perspective to examine the high school textbooks.

Otherwise, he will feel that he has become a donkey with his head bent down to pull the mill.

Second, his own conditions can fully support him to do so.

1. Mathematical Analysis was learned by him in his previous life. If he learned it again, the magnetic field will stimulate his many related memories, which will lead to twice the result with half the effort;

2. His mental strength is far superior to that of ordinary senior high school students. Although it is hard to focus on high school problems from the perspective of high school, it is still quick to read and understand college textbooks;

3. Because of his strong mental power and memory, not to mention that he can also copy his brain. He has a strong memory of what he has learned.

In this way, sharpening the knife will not hurt the woodcutter. If you spend some time to go through General Physics and Mathematical Analysis roughly, you will still be able to post them.

In a word, for Xiao Dong, the height and width of his vision have a great impact on his study of this matter!

I don't know where the content I want to learn comes from or where I want to go. I don't understand its context and cause and effect. This is a big taboo in learning, and it is easy to get lost and trapped.

Therefore, for Xiao Dong, instead of focusing on high school and sticking to the problem of high school, it is better to spare some time to improve and expand his vision by learning college content, which is absolutely beneficial for him to master the content of high school!

Of course, Xiao Dong will only go through Mathematical Analysis and General Physics roughly once, which doesn't take much time.

He was a person who had experienced the intensity and speed of learning in key universities in his last life. At that time, there were too many things to learn. It was common for him to read a book in a few days.

The speed and intensity of learning in college is absolutely different from that in high school. For those who have experienced the crazy state of learning in college, the intensity and speed of learning in high school is really a piece of cake.

What's more, Xiao Dong's spiritual strength is far beyond his earthly comparison. He is really effortless after a book for a few days.

Of course, Xiao Dong will not be naive to think that as long as he reads the college textbooks roughly, he can easily understand the key and difficult points in the high school textbooks and easily solve various problems in high school. No, it is not so easy.

I'm afraid that when he finishes reading Mathematic Analysis and General Physics, and turns back to drilling math and physics in high school, he still needs to fight hard street battles one by one in these two mystery cities. He needs to break through difficulties one by one, and win them one by one.

Thinking of this, Xiao Dong sighed. How he hoped that his mind reading skills could be further improved.

In that way, he can capture several math, physics and chemistry teachers and top math, physics and chemistry students in senior two and senior three, and steal their math, physics and chemistry thinking in their brains.

In this way, he is undoubtedly standing on the shoulders of giants to take the crown of mathematics, physics and chemistry. How cool.

However, up to now, his mind reading technique can only capture some shallow thought waves of others. As for other people's deep thoughts, under his focused exploration of the magnetic field, they are still dark and chaotic, and can not be clearly explored.

If only his mental strength and magnetic field strength could be greatly enhanced, then maybe his mind reading skill could also be greatly improved, and maybe he could really explore the deep thinking in other people's brains.

However, as the system prompts, if his physical strength does not take a big step at present, it will seriously drag down his mental strength and magnetic field strength, leading to his mental strength and magnetic field strength will not take a big step forward.

However, Xiao Dong has basically exhausted the conventional methods of strengthening his body at present, and he can't find new ways to increase nutrition and strengthen exercise.

He can't do better than the present in manipulating the magnetic field to strengthen the absorption of body nutrients and strengthen the reaction rate and intensity of the "reactor" inside the body.

It seems that if you want to greatly increase the speed of body strength enhancement, you can only find his elixir and meridians according to the system's prompts, and open the depth enhancement mode of the human body.

But where are the elixir fields and meridians?

How can I start running if I can't find it?

For this very abstruse problem, Xiao Dong can only shake his head for the time being.

In this way, Xiao Dong fell into an endless cycle.

"If you want to win the crown of mathematical physics and chemistry in high school" - "you need to steal the mathematical physics and chemistry thinking of the mathematical physics and chemistry teachers and the top students of mathematical physics and chemistry in the second and third year of senior high school" - "This requires him to greatly strengthen his mind reading skills" - "greatly strengthen the mind reading skills need to have very strong mental strength and magnetic field strength support" - "physical strength has seriously delayed the progress of mental strength and magnetic field strength" -- "It is necessary to find and operate the elixir meridians to greatly enhance the physical strength" -- "The elixir meridians cannot be found"!

what the fuck!

This cycle, the whole ground died in the difficulty of finding and operating the elixir meridians!