Chapter 53 Amazing Transcript

Since Wednesday, the midterm exam papers have been distributed in succession.

In fact, before the test papers were issued, many "well-informed" students knew about their own and many others' achievements. The true and false news about each student's achievements in each class was flying everywhere, some were excited, some were depressed, and when the test papers were issued, there were bursts of screams and sighs of surprise, sometimes mixed with "How did I get this question wrong?" "This should give me half of the score!" Such a confused query voice.

In Class 106, the noise is naturally accompanied by the whole process of issuing all the test papers. A little different is that there are too many exclamations and doubts about a person's performance in this class.

"Crouching slot, his English is full again? Impossible?"

"What? He also got full marks in math? He can get full marks so hard?"

"His geography only deducted 2 points? It's so awesome!"

"His Chinese was only deducted by 4 points? How could it be possible? Teacher Duan also said that he could not..."

"Impossible, isn't it? His high school entrance exam result is average, and his first monthly exam result is also average. This is only one month, so he is so strong? Did he pass on the sutra by Buddha or by immortal?"

"I also think his achievement is too strange!"

"Hao Zhijun Hao Zhijun, you live with him. Do you know how he got so high in the exam?"

Amid the confused questioning, someone asked Hao Zhijun.

"Brain melon seeds are strong." Hao Zhijun himself was also bombarded by Xiao Dong's report card, so his brain melon seeds were buzzing. He was too lazy to work with these "fools".

In fact, his performance was also very good, but when compared with Xiao Dong's performance, he became a piece of shit (Hao Zhijun himself thinks so), so his mood was not very good.

The difference between the two men's achievements was much greater than he expected.


In the midst of such a clamour, the statistical report of the mid-term exam results of the senior one grade group for the senior one students also came out.

A wave of even louder questions suddenly swept the whole senior year like a tsunami!

Because the result of a middle school entrance exam was very ordinary, and the student whose score in the last month's exam ranked behind more than 900 students in the whole grade, this time he unexpectedly ranked top!

The total score of senior one's general subjects is 1050, and he even gave 1032 points! Zhang Yonghua, the second place in the whole grade, was dumped more than 70 points!

All teachers and students in the whole grade were shocked by Xiao Dong!

In the last monthly exam, there were more than 900 students. This midterm exam, he even won the first place in the whole grade?

It's only a little more than a month apart, which makes a person reborn?

Have you been instructed by Bodhisattva, or did some immortal pass on scriptures to you?

So when many people hear about Xiao Dong's achievements, their first thought is, how did he cheat?

How can you cheat to get so high?

"Is it right to test him again alone?"

Even the grade director has this idea, because the difference between Xiao Dong's grades is so unreasonable!

It can be seen that after the mid-term exam results come out, how high is the voice of the whole grade to let Xiao Dong retake the exam again!

If it were not for the fact that such a thing is too inconsistent with the school rules, it would undoubtedly be implemented!

However, amid such calls, another rational voice gradually began to rise. Someone suggested that Xiao Dong had publicly challenged Zhang Yonghua, the first in the whole grade, in the school canteen more than ten days before the mid-term exam!

What does this mean?

This shows that people have such confidence!

Although none of the teachers and students believed him at that time, the results now show that he has the confidence!

Besides, if you say someone cheated, can you provide evidence?

The school has called out all the monitoring pictures related to Xiao Dong's mid-term exam for careful inspection, and no trace of Xiao Dong's cheating can be seen from the monitoring pictures!

If you say that you missed a question, there is a little possibility that you missed one or two subjects, but Xiao Dong missed all the subjects?

It really doesn't make sense.

Therefore, the only explanation is that this is the real strength of Xiao Dong!

Isn't there a rumor that Xiao Dong used to play the fool?

Although this is really unbelievable, it seems that this guy was really pretending to be a poor student before!

This is the only explanation that can explain the "Xiao Dong phenomenon"!

In the midst of these noisy voices, the head teacher of Class 106, Comrade Duan Fubao, sat down at his desk with a smile on the floor, with Xiao Dong's first monthly exam report in his left hand and Xiao Dong's midterm exam report in his right hand. His dark eyes, with a smile on their face, kept wandering between the two, One hand stretched out a finger and tapped the table rhythmically.

In the face of Xiao Dong's impressive midterm exam report card, Duan Fubao was a little incredulous to say that it was completely devoid of moisture. Although there was no trace of his cheating in the midterm exam, Lao Duan felt that in Xiao Dong's midterm exam report card, there might be some luck points in some test papers that could answer the questions equivocally.

Now the key question is, how much dry goods does Xiao Dong have in this midterm exam transcript after squeezing out the water?

But after thinking this way, Lao Duan shook his head again. If the luck score of ambiguous answers is water, which student does not exist?

Therefore, if Xiao Dong's midterm exam transcript is false, it is obviously a false proposition.

So, this means that Xiao Dong has been pretending to be a poor student before?

Is he really a very smart and excellent student?

But why did he act like a fool?

Moreover, he has asked Xiao Dong's junior high school and even primary school teachers. Some of them don't even remember having Xiao Dong, and all they remember is that Xiao Dong is just an "extremely ordinary" student.

A little guy, can he pretend to be a poor student for so long?

He really doesn't believe it!

However, Xiao Dong's midterm exam report card was really put in front of him, and he could not deny the iron fact

Xiao Dong is really a riddle. Comrade Duan Fubao, who has been a teacher and head teacher for many years, is completely confused this time.

Moreover, there is still a very realistic question before him. In the face of so many confused and confused eyes, should he resolutely stand up to Xiao Dong's platform and smash the rumors surrounding him? Or do you have the same cautious skepticism about his achievements as others?

After pondering for a long time, Duan Fubao decided to learn more about Xiao Dong's performance in class after the monthly exam from the substitute teachers.