Chapter 16 ← _ ← National Awakening?


The next day.

Ambudong and Molly formed a team to go to the power discipline. Now their class is next door.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Yu went to Class 17, and Ambudong and He Si both went to Class 16.

The class seats in a university are generally divided into two rows on the left and right. A two person wide road in the middle is used for walking. At the same time, in order to make the students behind see clearly, each row behind will be about two feet high from the first row.

And there is a path between the left and right, which is not to let men and women sit separately. They can sit wherever they want. Generally speaking, the university is very open.

Ann Budong, who had just entered the classroom, saw He Si, who was in the middle of the sixth row on the left, waving to himself, and went to sit beside her.

The students present in Class 16 were not surprised to see him. It seems that their head teacher also had notice in advance.

About ten minutes later, a man with the same silver hair as He Si arrived. When Ann Budong and He Si saw that the students were standing up, they also stood up. I think this should be the head teacher.

After that, Ambudong Hesi went on stage to introduce them. The head teacher, Mumu Li, led them into the class group, murmured that there were penguins, and then returned to their original positions.

"Well, welcome to the new students."

"Pa pa pa!!"

Pastor Li nodded, "Then the next thing is business. After two weeks of military training, in fact, we haven't studied for a few days. As for why all the students who have awakened powers have to sign up for the power discipline?"

When he said this, the students all braced up and looked at him fixedly.

Li Mu then said, "It's not just you. There will be some special people who will enter the power discipline at that time. It's too soon to think about it. I believe many of you have heard the news, haven't you?"

At this time, a plump boy raised his hand and said, "Teacher, how can practitioners practice without power? How can they practice so well?" When he said this, he was a little reluctant.

Li Mu smiled when he heard the words: "It's said that it's spiritual power or something, but you should not be inferior to them. The power is not inferior to them."

The slightly fat boy still didn't believe it: "But everyone wakes up and cultivates in the middle of the journey. Many people start from childhood. Even if the power is not worse than that, the time will not catch up."

"Yes, maybe some of them wake up to the power like us," one girl muttered.

Li Mu knew what they were thinking, but just shook his head: "There can't be two different kinds of power in a person's body, and a practitioner can't awaken the power."

"But what I want to tell you is that it is always difficult for practitioners to cultivate, while it is not difficult for power practitioners to reach the first level as long as they work hard. After reaching the first level, you will be basically equal to those practitioners of the same age in the further difficulty."

The slightly fat boy patted his head after listening to it and said, "So that is to say, we can come to the first level soon, and then our power will be similar to those of the new practitioners?"


"What is your strength, teacher?"

Li Mu had known that he would ask this question for a long time, and now his aura was all open: "Are we?"


But the students in the class were dumbfounded, and even Ambudong was a bit tongue smacking.

A power near the third level is just a class teacher. With those instructors last time, it is not difficult to imagine that something important will happen recently.

Although the same is true in previous years, there is no power instructor in non power disciplines, and last year, there was no requirement that a power person must join the power discipline.

So the surprise ended. Ambudong raised his hand and asked, "Teacher, why must I join the power discipline?"

Many students also responded to his question. He Si also looked up at Li Mu and waited for his answer.

Li Mu smiled again, and did not deliberately delay: "Because with the increase of the relics of the secret place, the number of monsters and demons on all sides is increasing. The relics are good. Although the danger is great, at least no monsters are jumping out, but also with opportunities."

"The secret world is different. It must be cleaned up regularly, or the consequences will be unimaginable. But where can so many powers clean up?"

"According to statistics, the power is usually awakened at the age of 15. With the arrival of the national awakening, experts have also tried to study it. Recently, a major breakthrough has been made. An awakening ceremony has been found in a relic, which can help people aged 18 and above directly awaken the power."

"Therefore, within two years, the whole people will be awakened in a real sense, but the secret place at this time is in urgent need of human resources, which can no longer be delayed."

The words are full, and the people here are not fools, so they naturally understand.

The slightly fat boy who asked the question at the beginning said directly: "I will practice hard and try to go to the secret place as soon as possible."

With the leader, soon all the students in the class began to cheer, and the bulls were blowing into the sky.

"It's not easy to catch such a monster. I will definitely hit the yellow dragon with my feet in ten years' time."

"Cut! Twenty years later, I have been carved a statue by the world, which will be remembered forever!"

"I think I'd better practice first. After ten years, I will go to Level 1, Level 2 in twenty years, and Level 3 in thirty years."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha! Don't blow it!"

Rao Shi and Li Mu also laughed when they heard what these students said: "You don't have to belittle yourself. OK, let's start with what energy is. Energy is..."


"Deng, Deng, Deng..." As the bell rang after class, Ambudong almost thought he was back in high school.

The psionic discipline is similar to the non psionic discipline. There are compulsory courses and optional courses. The compulsory courses are from Monday to Wednesday afternoon, and other times are optional.

Ambudong elective course chooses wind power application, monster and monster, and how to attack different attributes, which are from Monday to Wednesday morning.

After all, there are different teachers in elective courses, but the teachers he chose are teaching in these days.

An Budong and He Si met Mo Li just as they left the classroom. The three of them said hello and then formed a team to have dinner.

Monsters are different from demons. If monsters have vital signs, then demons are entirely emotional.

For example, the shadow that Ambudong killed in the apartment last time is a demon. Although there is no sign of life, it has independent consciousness.

Although not as powerful as monsters, monsters are very difficult to target. They usually have special abilities and higher IQ than monsters.

Now there are monster dishes in the canteen. Ambudong ordered the legs of a chicken monster. This is the first time he has eaten monster meat, so I have to say that the thief is enthusiastic.

But he also has a taste of fresh food. Who can stand more than 100 dishes?

He decided that if he had the chance, he would kill some monsters. It's too profitable!

Ambudong chewed it with relish, but Molly and He Si beside him felt dull.