Chapter 792 Undeterred

Xiao Rufeng wanted to ask more questions, but under Ji Heng's chilly eyes, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to say, "It's getting late. I'll go back first. I'll go to Dali Temple to help Lord Shen interrogate about Su Jieyu. What's her purpose in Yecheng?"

If the Northern Chu is really related to the Chu family, then Chu Lian is self defeating. Maybe even the Eastern Palace will be involved.

Huidi was very dissatisfied with the situation of Ningyi, so he took advantage of Jiangnan to reduce their strength. In the end, I am old, and my heart has softened a bit. I still think about the old feelings of the monarch and his subjects on that day, but if I know that Chu Lian colluded with Northern Chu, the old feelings

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