Chapter 637 Spider Visits

At this time, in the backyard of Shuiyue Palace, Nangong Qi asked Nangong's wife unintelligibly, "Madam, after all, we had some friendship with Xue Yi Hou's Residence. Xie Ronghua is his blood after all, so now we really have to stand by and watch."

Mrs. Nangong's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her beautiful face was a little worried. She stared at Nangong Qi and said, "What else do you want to do?"

"This is the matter of their Dachen Imperial Court. Let's help find someone, and let General Xue do the rest."

Nangong was stared at by Madame Nangong. Nangong felt a bit sad when he was together. He forgot that Madame didn't want to have anything with people in the officialdom

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