Chapter 622 Surabaya Palace

The next day, Xie Ronghua and Ji Heng did not go to the Water Moon Palace, but met an unexpected person - Bai Qingyi!

Bai Qingyi was brought over by Ji Heng's bodyguards. At this time, they did not live in the inn, but in the Bieyuan of Luomei Town. Looking at the elegant Bieyuan, Xie Ronghua's understanding of Ji Heng's family was refreshed again.

Bai Qingyi looked at Ji Heng's cold face and said playfully, "I'm the leader of a sect at any rate. You can't ask your servants to give me some face in front of my disciples."

Ji Heng sneered, while Xie Ronghua pondered for a moment, and then he realized that this

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