Chapter 259 Self righteous

Xie Ronghua and Chu Qichi had never met each other in their previous lives. Most of the impression of the son of Chu was heard from others.

Chu Qichi's father was Ning Yihou's eldest son, but because he had seen through the world of mortals all the year round and practiced in the appearance of the city, Ning Yihou Chu Lian granted the position of the son to his eldest grandson.

At that time, when Chu Qichi was granted the title of the world's son, it was less than the year of the weak crown, and there were two uncles on it. They were very dissatisfied with Ning Yihou's biased behavior. Later, it was said that for the sake of fairness, Ning Yihou set up three questions, and Chu Qichi, who was less than the weakest year at that time, competed with his two uncles.

If Chu Qichi

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