Chapter 21 Doing Business for Wife (Seeking Collection and Recommendation Tickets)

Fang Lang looks at Su Zihan, whose face turns red, and asks, "Sister Zihan, who is Tian Yanyan?"

"The new head nurse of obstetrics and gynecology."

Su Zihan lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "According to Chen Tienan's investigation, Tian Yanyan's husband Zhu Tong is suspected of committing a major crime.

It was he who secretly transferred some medicines in Lingcheng service area; As for truck drivers, are there any problems?

Tie Nan is still investigating and collecting evidence

However, it is certain that Zhu Tong has problems.

Now, Chen Tienan and his wife have searched Donghai almost all over, but they can't find Zhu Tong.

You go to Tian Yanyan quietly and cheat her with your tricks; See if you can find out Zhu Tong's hiding place.

But remember, you can't use violence. "

Fang Lang put his hand on Su Zihan's shoulder and said with a cheap smile, "Wife, can you sell my body to seduce her?"


Su Zihan suddenly clapped his hand and glared at him in shame. "You can do anything except violence and seduction."

Fang Lang spread his hands and shrugged: "Sister Zihan, is this too difficult?"

"Even if you go up the mountain and down the fire, you must complete this task, which is the punishment for your failure to return last night."

Su Zihan turned around and left.

hey! Do you think such a simple thing can really defeat me?

Fang Lang ran after her and said, "Su Zihan, I'm going directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department to find her now!"

Su Zihan looked left and right and whispered, "Today, she didn't come to work after a break. Nobody knows if you go to her house directly."

"Heller, what's the reward for completing the task?"

Su Zihan was so angry that he said to his chest, "Greedy devil! You are indispensable."

Hey hey, you are not rich as me now.

Fang Lang looked at the scenery thief in front of her chest and said with a bad smile, "Wife, I don't want money this time. I want to sleep with you."


Su Zihan sped up his pace in shame and anger, cocked up his sexy mouth and asked angrily: Bastard, I haven't talked with my aunt once in a whole serious way. I'm really angry with him.


Lizi Hutong

No. 108

This is a two storey old cement building with a small yard.

Fang Lang stood outside the courtyard wall and looked around to make sure there were no monitors and pedestrians around.

He jumped onto the wall with his legs, and then easily jumped into the yard---

In the living room, Tian Yanyan, dressed in pink pajamas with suspenders, was lying on the sofa making a mask.

Fang Lang stood quietly beside the sofa, his eyes shining and sweeping wildly, "In a small building, the spring scenery is infinitely good!"

"Ah ----"

Tian Yanyan jumped up in fright, and the mask on her face fell off.

She quickly covered her chest with her hands and looked at Fang Lang in fear. "Who are you? Why are you at my house?" she asked

well! Isn't that a coincidence?

Isn't she the one who played with Liu Kui in the woods?

Fang Lang stared at her quick and clever brain seeds coldly, sat on the sofa smartly, crossed his legs and said:

"Tian Yanyan, don't be afraid. Sit down and let's talk about you and Vice President Liu."

Fang Lang didn't explain his intention directly; Instead, she casually mentioned her affair with Liu Kui.

Tian Yanyan saw that he was not a gangster who had entered the house; Gather up courage and say angrily: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Fang Lang took out his mobile phone and gently shook it with a wicked smile. "It means, do you want me to publish what you and Liu Kui did in Xiaoshulin that night on the Internet?"

Tian Yanyan listened to his mention of the grove and said like a frustrated ball: "Brother, you have something to say. Do you want money? How much do you want?

I'll transfer it to you right away. "

hey! Steal some money from her to find out Zhu Tong's whereabouts.

Let's forget it?

What money can a woman like her have?

"Hum! Money is straw for me."

Fang Lang glared at her solemnly and said, "Tell me your husband's whereabouts, and I will delete the video. Otherwise, I will send the good news about you and Liu Kui online."

Tian Yanyan said with sudden emotion, "Zhu Tong, the one who killed thousands of dollars, hasn't returned home for nearly a month. My mother also turned off his mobile phone when she called him."

"So you don't know where he is?"

Fang Lang took out his mobile phone and pretended to keep fiddling with it; Threaten her to publish the video on Weibo.

Tian Yanyan, who didn't know where she was, was so frightened that she begged for mercy; Tell Zhu Tong's hiding place.

"Silly woman, she would have finished if she had said no earlier."

Fang Lang gives Zhu Tong's hiding place to Chen Tienan, who gets up and leaves.

Tian Yanyan ignored wearing transparent pajamas and quickly walked up to him and begged him to read: "Brother, please delete the video, right?"

"Hum! I will delete it when I find Zhu Tong. You'd better stay at home and pray for my success?"
