Chapter 24 Rules of Death Becoming a God

In the secret room of the leader of chaos in the Yulan Continent, Xiao Yungang stripped the soul of the death rule of the mysterious breakthrough, and felt that one of the great shaking soul forces suddenly came to cover Xiao Yun, suddenly feeling unable to move all over, and his body involuntarily suspended.

Feeling the power of terror, Xiao Yun can't help thinking that he doesn't know when he can have this power. He feels that he is just an ant that can be easily crushed in front of this power, and the mysterious rules of his body are fully displayed in front of this power.

A stream of energy came into Xiao Yun's mind, and a breath of power suspended with laws on Xiao Yun's head gathered together. At the same time, a large number of death force also quickly gathered, forming a gray black god.

At the moment of the formation of the deity, there was a spiritual connection with Xiao Yun, which was the benefit of becoming a god independently. If you refine the deity, you cannot accept the baptism of the laws of heaven and earth.

Xiao Yun looked up at the gray and black divine figure, and was also very excited. He thought that he had finally gained a death division. In the future, he could use this division to strip other people's soul fragments, so that his disciples could quickly break through to the holy realm.

When the time came, he tried to help him become a god again, and a happy smile appeared on his face. At that moment, a message came to his mind. Xiao Yun naturally got a message in his soul. The law of heaven and earth made him choose to become a god in his body or in his body?

Xiao Yun did not hesitate to choose to become a god outside the body, and the god was also suspended beside Xiao Yun, ah! Xiao Yun couldn't help but let out a shrill scream. The white lotus flower in his mind flew out of his body, and then split into two petals, forming two smaller lotus flowers. One smaller lotus flower was directly integrated into his body, and the other one was directly integrated into the gray black divinity.

After a while, Xiao Yun's screams stopped slowly. His soul felt a mysterious and vast plane, where a large amount of dark gray divine power was stored. It was a plane that only God level powerful people could feel, also known as the element ocean. Xiao Yun's divine sense felt this plane, and a surging dark gray sea wave followed his divine sense to enter his divine personality, It soon condenses into a body exactly like my own, the only difference is that his hair is gray and black, and he looks at himself as the god of death.

Master Xiao Yun continues to practice in the secret room.

His god of death turned his magic power to form a white robe and put it on his body, then walked out of the closed underground chamber, found Jenny and asked them about their cultivation.

I soon learned that Lin Lei had also come back, and from his mouth, I learned that he had understood the earth pulse in the mystery of the earth, and had cultivated 250 layers of vibration waves. I believe that it will not be long before he can understand 500 vibration waves.

However, Olivina's vogue skill has also been cultivated to a horrible degree. It can move instantly within 100 meters as long as there is wind passing by.

Jenny's cultivation speed is also very amazing. She has reached the level of the ninth level top magic guide.

The training of Kean soldiers has also broken through to level three soldiers.

While we were chatting together, we heard the guard outside the door reported that a teenager who claimed to be Yale asked for an interview.

Lin Lei flashed and flew out of the castle. Outside, he saw a young man with messy hair and dusty clothes. His eyes were red and swollen.

When Yale saw him, he couldn't help saying, "Third, you must avenge fourth."

"What happened? Lin Lei asked curiously. He had never seen the head of Yale look so decadent. The former head of Yale always looked gentle, like a noble son, but now he is so embarrassed because of something.

The fourth man, who was a captain in the army, escaped to a city in the O'Brien Empire because of an attack, but refused to open the city gate because the prince of Yulin in the town guard was too greedy to die. As a result, he was brutally killed by the enemy and his body was taken away.

After that, Yale began to cry again. Lin Lei was also very angry after hearing this. He immediately said to the guard: "Go tell my teacher that I have something to go out for. Then he disappeared with Yale's body.

Seeing this, the guard did not hesitate to trot into the hall of the castle and said, "Report to Lord Zhan Lei that Lord Lin Lei has gone to the O'Brien Empire first."

Olivier said curiously, "I wonder if Senior Brother Lin Lei has anything to do when he goes to the O'Brien Empire. He didn't come back to inform us."

"Maybe brother Lin Lei wants to go to the O'Brien Empire when he has something to do; Jenny defends Lin Lei.

"Well, Lin Lei, let's leave him alone; Xiao Yun said that he remembered that in the original book, Renault was also seriously injured at this time because of the Prince of Yulin, leading to becoming a slave. Later, he tried his best to escape from slave traders, went to a mysterious village, and got his chance.

While several people were chatting, Xiao Yun received a message from Huo Dan in his mind: Xiao Yun, please come to the Arctic Ice Field in five years. I have something important to ask you. Before Xiao Yun answered the message, he disappeared.

Xiao Yun was also puzzled. He didn't know what Huo Dan wanted to do with himself. He decided not to step on him until five years later.

When night fell, darkness shrouded the earth, Xiao Yun lay in bed, thinking of going to the WoW Mountain tomorrow. Pull out the purple blood soft sword and bring back the blood of the armored dragon on the back, so that Lin Lei can drink the live dragon blood and become a dragon blood soldier in the Holy Land.

The next morning, just after dawn, Xiao Yun's god of death, like a bolt of lightning, flew towards the Mountain of Warcraft. After a while, he appeared in the deep cave in the Mountain of Warcraft, stood outside the cave and shouted, "Satius came out to see me."

There was an angry roar, and soon a ten meter long spiny armored dragon came out. It had sharp spines on its back, a pair of steel like dragon tails on its back, two fiery red dragon horns on its forehead, a blood basin with a big mouth, and a row of serrated teeth.

When he saw that the human heart in front of him was worried about old hatred and was about to roar, Xiao Yun shouted coldly: "How dare you attack me; At that time, the divine power was used to exert the divine field, and a mysterious force spread to the Teutosaurus spinosaurus in front of him. Suddenly, the huge body of Teutosaurus spinosaurus was suspended in the air, imprisoned, like a stone puppet unable to move.

It was not until Xiao Yun recovered from the realm of God that he looked at Xiao Yun with a frightened face and uttered a low roar in his mouth.

Xiao Yun heard from its voice that it said, "Human, you have broken through to God level?"

"God level is just my starting point. I will be a person who wants to break through all the worlds in the future. How can a small magnolia plane bind me? After saying this, Xiao Yun's face shows a proud look.

Satius gave a low roar with a mocking expression in his eyes.

"I came to you to ask for your bucket of dragon blood, and I won't take it for nothing. I will exchange a treasure with you. After you use this treasure, you will break through to the holy realm. I don't know whether you are willing to exchange it. Xiao Yun looked at it with a confident expression after saying this, and he believed that the barbed backed iron dragon in front of his eyes would be willing to exchange with himself in order to break through to the holy realm.

When Satius heard that the divine power could make him break through the holy realm, his eyes showed an excited look, and a huge mouth opened and gave a low roar.

Xiao Yun saw that the barbed backed armored dragon in front of him had agreed to his terms. He also smiled on his face at the moment. He thought you would know how to look, or I would kill the dragon to get blood.

Just as Xiao Yun was about to bleed the barbed backed armored dragon in front of him, a low roar came from a distance, and an eight meter high Holy Land purple black bear flew towards here.

When he came to Xiao Yun, he ignored the weak human in front of him and yelled at the Iron Armored Dragon with a low voice: "Satius didn't expect that I would break through the Holy Land realm before you, and today is your death date. Then he threw himself at the Iron Armored Dragon with a spine back.

Xiao Yun frowned, and suddenly an energy palm was formed in the sky, grabbing the Holy Land monster in front of her.

The Holy Land purple black bear looked at the bigger and bigger hand in front of him, and couldn't help roaring: "Respect the strong, I am willing to surrender."

However, the big hand did not pay attention to the request for mercy of the beast in front of him. He immediately held the beast in his palm. No matter how hard the purple black bear struggled, he could not escape the control of the palm.

Looking at the struggling purple black bear in front of him, Xiao Yun's magic palms gently clenched, and the purple black bear suddenly gave out a shrill scream, and the purple black bear was immediately squeezed into a mass of flesh and blood by the energy hands.

Xiao Yun dissipated his magic power, and his energy palm dissipated in the air, and a mass of flesh and blood fell from the sky to the ground.

I saw the huge body of the armored dragon on the back of a thorn trembled. I thought it was good that it didn't fight with the powerful man at the divine level, otherwise it would become a mass of flesh and blood like the purple black bear at the holy land. I had heard that it was like ants under the divine level, and today I saw it.