Chapter 11 I scared the ghost away?

Now this situation Many horror puzzle solving players will choose to hide in the cupboard or under the bed immediately.

After all, this is a bug in many scary puzzle solving games. You can hide in the cupboard in front of ghosts.

But at the moment Shao Ming felt that if he hid under the bed in front of his face, it would definitely be quite exciting.

Shit! Because this is not a game!

Calm down, calm down Now Annie should be possessed by evil spirits.

Maybe you can try to wake Annie up?

"Big brother... Oh no, let's talk about it, madam. I'm sure I can help you."

After the brainwashing of countless horror works, Shao Ming found that the ghosts in most horror works still have ideas.

It can communicate, especially the theme of foreign horror works.

"You should believe that there are good people in the world. The best way to overcome difficulties is to face them. Come on, Annie!"

With the smile and exaggerated facial expressions that make people forget their troubles together, the ghost will surely be infected to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

In fact, the jokes and dubbing of online sand sculpture can reduce the horrible atmosphere of the game.

Shao Ming often sees some UP hosts or anchors using these methods when playing terror games on various live broadcast platforms.

I believe that reducing the terror atmosphere can weaken the resentment BUFF on the female ghost.

Shao Ming has summed up this point in his years of career in terror games, but look at the reaction of the female ghost It doesn't seem to be of any use.

"Annie? Can you hear me?"

The female ghost was still standing in the original place, but after a moment, she suddenly trembled all over.

A false smile appeared on his face.

She is not going to blow hair, is she?

Annie buried her head in an almost exaggerated arc, and then raised her head.


A flash of lightning fell not far away, and the white silver light once again made the room white.

At the moment, the female ghost's ferocious and nearly twisted smile on Annie's body is almost gorgeous by the silver lightning.

Shao Ming felt a knot in his heart, and a shiver came out of his heart.

Mommy, this scene is so beautiful. It has become a scary point in the horror game. It is absolutely a blockbuster!

Annie, who was eventually possessed by evil spirits, seemed to disappear in front of Williamson's house under the influence of lightning.


Shao Ming chased him out and found that there was no one in the corridor.

Annie was possessed by evil spirits. Could it be that the possessed Annie killed the priest?

Obviously not. Just now "Anne" held the dagger that killed the priest. If it was a priest killed by Anne who was possessed by evil spirits, why didn't she take the dagger away when she killed the priest?

Moreover, Williamson was obviously not killed by "Anne", and there was another murderer.

In the corridor, all the candles that were re lit went out, and Shao Ming came to Annie's room again with the help of weak lightning.

The dagger inserted in the priest's chest was indeed taken away by "Anne", and there were several new wounds stabbed by the dagger on the priest's stomach.

The murderer is not stupid enough to kill the target and then come back to mend the body with two stripes. The extra wound in the priest's abdomen is mostly caused by Amanda, the evil spirit who came to take away the dagger.

Sure enough

Shao Ming probably understood the whole process.

"The priest went into Annie's room to ask for 'hidden rules', but was rejected by Annie. Angered with embarrassment, he started to move on to Annie, which caused the first scream.

When the priest entered Annie's room, someone should have followed him behind.

The follower heard Annie's scream, broke through the wooden door, rushed in and killed the priest, and then ran back to his room in panic, which caused Annie's second scream "

If you guessed correctly, it was Annie's first two screams that broke the taboo of not speaking loudly at night in the town and attracted the evil spirit Amanda.

The evil spirit Amanda broke the window and entered, causing Annie to scream for the third time.

But why does the evil spirit Amanda "mend the sword" on the priest's body?

Then Anne, who was possessed by the evil spirit Amanda, was neither the murderer of the priest nor the murderer of Williamson.

The killing of the priest must be out of anger, so the man must have feelings for Annie.

Seeing that the priest was rude to Annie, he was angry and killed the priest.

The killer must have admired Annie.

The corridor on the second floor is L-shaped, and you can see the whole front hall of the church.

Did the candles in the front room go out just now?

The whole church fell into darkness again.

Annie, who was holding a bloody dagger, did not know where she was hiding. She could only see the way forward by lightning from time to time.

Where's the old nun?

From the second floor to the lower floor, the weak light seemed to lose sight of the old nun who was in front of the cross.

The old nun will not have

A strong sense of foreboding flooded Shao Ming's mind, and with the help of the lightning outside the window, Shao Ming hurried down to the first floor.

Nobody? The church lobby was empty.

Can't be back to the room?


Another dull thunder seemed to explode on people's heads.

Lightning burst in from the long Gothic window.

"Oh, I'll go..."

At the moment of the lightning, Shao Ming saw clearly.

The old nun was upside down on the cross sculpture!

The upper part of the cross went straight out of the old nun's abdomen. The old nun's eyes were extremely prominent, and the death was extremely tragic!

"You are the last!"

On the wall behind the cross, there was a passage written with blood.

"Mommy, the ghost attached to Annie will finally come to kill me? I have no grudges with you!"

Shao Ming's heart is so cold at the moment.

chill...... chill.

If the junior terror game players encounter this situation, they must be in a panic.

But Shao Ming is definitely a senior horror game player.

If we solve the mystery and pass the pass quickly, Amanda, the evil spirit, will have no choice but to take me.

The puzzle of the horror puzzle solving game is nothing more than to solve the past and present life of the horror story.

It's too dark. Light a candle first.

Shao Ming finds a match beside the cross sculpture and lights the candle in front of the sculpture.

Amanda, the evil spirit, is so anxious to kill the old nun, so she should also have something to do with the noble manor.

Maybe we can get some clues from the old nun.

When you light the candle, there seems to be a piece of cloth in front of the cross, and there seems to be some scrawled notes on it.

"She still came. Three years ago, there was no way out. The whole town was full of rumors about Mrs. Amanda and tailor Mark. I told Lord Ellis about Mrs. Amanda and tailor Mark together with Cowell. Mrs. Amanda and Lord Ellis had a big fight and then disappeared. Later, bad things always happened in the manor."

Lord Ellis transformed the manor into a church and the strange thing ended, but it was not until a few days later that people died in succession in the town at night She wants to revenge the whole town! "

It turns out that the church is the original noble manor. If you guessed correctly, Ellis is the owner of the manor, and Amanda, the evil spirit, was Ellis's wife.

This is what happened in the manor

From the words on the cloth, it can be seen that the priest Cornwall also participated in the event. It seems that he is the only person who can understand the details of the events in the manor.