Chapter 44 The so-called battle plan

Xirihong said: "So it seems that my class is all good, but the sense of existence of the oil girl is too low, and it can be forgotten without paying attention."

Kakashi said, "I remember if there is a kid from Sunshine in your class?"

Xirihong asked questioningly, "What's the matter? In our class, there is a little girl from Rixiang family named Rixiang Toda. She is a little cowardly and very shy, but she is very cute in detail."

Kakashi said that when he heard the words, he told the story of his meeting with Akita.

Xirihong said: "What's the matter? Do you want to tell me that she is also a thorn in the side? The little girl's curiosity is really serious."

"Kakasimi's hair and the mask that only shows one eye really attract people's attention. Besides, if you wear a mask, it's normal for people to call you an uncle."

Kakashi, the secret script of Dead Fish Eye, your language attack is useless to me.

Smiling, Xirihong immediately made a decision and said, "Well, tomorrow is the survival drill. I must show mercy to the little girl. It really suits my appetite."

Asma casually took out a box of cigarettes and lit them himself. His heart was also full of sadness. What he smoked was not smoke but brain burn.

Other classes are either cute or a little naughty, but they can still clean up their clothes as long as they have a good method.

But my class really burns the brain. Even if I can knock them to the ground with a little effort, I can't get up, but I can't play with others in IQ, and I always feel I have lost.


On the second day, at 7:00 sharp on the 18th training ground of Muye, Uchida, Ishika and Yo Nv Shinai met on time.

The three people who met began to talk after they found a place to settle down at random.

Ishika said: "I went home yesterday and looked up a lot of materials and found that it was not complicated to solve the illusion, but you didn't know that you had been affected by the illusion."

The Younvzhi pushed her eyes and said, "Yes, the way to unlock the illusion is very simple, that is, if you mess up your body, Chakra can remove the illusion."

Kozuka Yaya said: "If the victim does not realize that he has been affected by the magic, he can also solve the magic according to the interference of others."

Akita,, do you want to express illusions? But that's all. Read about it in Infinite Moon.

Uchida said weakly, "But if Yurihong teacher uses range illusion, and none of us is aware of it, doesn't that mean we have lost?"

Inzuka Yaya said: "Yes, we can never underestimate any one of Shangren. Maybe the other party really has mastered this illusion."

The Younvzhi replied, "Let's confirm our battle plan first!"

Kozuka Teeth and Uchida nodded. After a while of discussion, the time soon came a few minutes before 9:00 in the morning.

The preparations that have already been made are all planned. At the moment, we can only wait for Xirihong to show up. Maybe the other party has already come, but he doesn't show up because he hasn't reached the real appointment time.

There was a person standing on a big tree. She was Xirihong. She had already arrived, but when she saw the following little guys discussing their own battle plans, she didn't bother.

In order to avoid being told that they are eavesdropping on their war plans, however, Xirihong is really curious about what a few kids who just graduated from Ninja School can do.

After looking at it, it seems that the following three people have discussed the plan, and Xirihong doesn't intend to stay any longer, but a blink of an eye technique appears not far from the three people in Chida.

She greeted them warmly, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!"

"Come on, Xirihong teacher," said Inzuka Yaya. "We have already realized."

Xirihong said, "Don't worry! It's not nine o'clock yet. If you are impatient, I will tell you the rules first!"

Several people listened carefully at once. Xirihong saw her clothes and took out two bells from her pocket. When she was puzzled by Kuzuka Ya and Younvzhi, Xirihong said:

"The rules are as follows. The three of you can use any means to attack me. The target can either directly defeat me. Of course, this may be a bit difficult, or you can grab the bell in my hand."

"Those who get the bell will be regarded as successful in the task, while those who don't get the bell will be regarded as failed in the task. The time is three hours. Do you understand?"

Younvzhi looked at the bell in Xirihong's hand and said, "Do two bells mean that at most two of the three of us can pass the examination?"

Xirihong said: "Yes, there are at most two people, at least none of them! Besides, if I catch the first one, he will be tied to the stake over there, and there will be no lunch."

"By the way," his expression was suddenly serious, "if you don't take the attitude of killing me, you will have no hope. Well, we will start at nine o'clock on time."

Then he took out a clock and put it on a stone beside her. The time was one minute before nine o'clock.

At the moment when nine o'clock came, in an instant, the three of them immediately disappeared. Xihong shook her hand and said, "The game will officially begin!"

Xirihong randomly chose a direction to go. It seems that her whole body is full of flaws, luring several people from Shida to attack, but in fact, it was only Xirihong's intentional attack.

Ten minutes later, in the deep of a dense forest, the sun rose and said, "Are you going to hide with me?"

But just after she said this, she seemed to notice something, and looked behind her to see the swarms of insects crawling towards her.

After a big tree, Younvzhi quietly said the first step of the plan: "First, use the sending insects to interfere with the other party's judgment."

Then he immediately shifted his position, because he knew that this move could only interfere with the other side, but the other side would definitely take this opportunity to find his position.

Sure enough, when a group of black insects frightened the people with dense phobia climbed all over the other person's body, they saw that Twilight turned red into a piece of wood. This was double acting.

But Xirihong has already appeared in the place where the Younvzhi was just, whispering: "Little guy, the judgment is very accurate!"

On a big tree, Kozuka Yaya said to Chimaru, "Chimaru is going to play next. Are you ready?" Chimaru said, "Wang!"

The dog mound tooth immediately shouted a four legged skill, then directly rushed forward, started to rotate at a high speed in the air, and directly hit Xirihong.

While Xirihongzhen was preparing to deal with canine mound tooth, she noticed that many insects appeared behind her. She sighed that she knew I would come here and let the insects hide in the big tree beside me.

When the attack of Kozuka Teeth begins, will they harass me again?

At this time, Toda also appeared on a tree, glaring at him and saying, "Teeth, no, there is no Chakra flow. Teacher Xirihong is located behind the tree five meters to the left, and has used invisibility."

In fact, the battle plan of the three people of Akita is not complicated. The main attack is launched by the dog Tsuka Ya, assisted by the Younvzhi, and Akita acts as an eye for Ya.

They have decided not to give the other party a chance to perform magic tricks after considering that Xirihong may perform a range of magic tricks.

Then the evening red turned into a puff of smoke, and the high speed rotating Tongya attack of Kozuka Yaya turned a corner and hit the target of Chuda.

After a loud noise and a burst of dust, Xirihong jumped out of the smoke directly. When the smoke cleared, she saw the canine mound teeth holding the ground with both hands.

Kozuka Teeth was a little annoyed that the good chance he had just had had had nothing to gain, but the battle was not over yet,

Red Pill jumped out directly, and the canine mound tooth shouted: "Simulate the beast tolerance method, and the orcs are separated."

With a burst of smoke, a dog mound tooth stood behind another dog mound tooth, and then the two people shouted in unison: "The technique of imitating the beast to endure the method of tooth penetration."

Then the two canine mound teeth began to rotate at a high speed, turning into a tornado and continuing to hit Xirihong. Xirihong did not seem to want to fight with canine mound teeth hard, but jumped several times to avoid several rounds of attacks.