Chapter 26 The system needs to provide bgm

Akita said in the most determined voice, "Of course."

System: "The values are being loaded, the character shaping generator has been started, and the generator is being charged."

While the system was talking, a strange looking machine suddenly appeared in the air not far from the embryonic field. The whole machine was made of golden yellow, and the appearance lines were very obvious. She was not surprised. With the system, everything was normal.

On this strange machine, there is a glass window, and Akita secretly said, "The system can't do that kind of cruel thing!"

She immediately ran to the machine and looked into the scene from the glass window, only to see that it was illuminated by a blue light, which seemed to be nothing but the light.

When she saw this scene, Akita felt relieved. As long as the system did not do any terrible human experiments, it would be good. This is not because of how kind she is, but because she is always a person.

Nature can't accept it. Some things that are cruel from the perspective of people can't be called people.

At this time, the system voice sounded again: "The charging is completed, and the character image begins to be created."

Akita saw that in the internal space of the so-called character building generator, the blue light that was originally full of began to become brighter and brighter, and then, what attracted these lights, they began to converge with each other.

In a little while, the light gathered into a very bright beam and floated with the top of the machine, which seemed to have condensed into essence.

The light beam starts to sprinkle light spots, which fall into the air below the light beam and float. As the light spots on the light beam spread more and more, the light spots seem to consciously start to draw lines.

When a person's appearance is completely outlined, the light beam is just scattered.

Then, the whole machine gave out a whine like a steam engine, and then Shida saw that the machine suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful pulling force, which sucked in all the surrounding rubble, trees, and river water that could be seen through a big hole on the top of the machine.

Of course, Chuda didn't feel any attraction, as if the machine had its own artificial intelligence.

In a few decades of seconds, a large area was directly widened around the machine. Suddenly, a gray white fog came down from the machine. When the fog touched the figure condensed by the blue light spots.

The scene of the body happened, and the gray white fog wrapped the outline in an instant, making people look like, um, an egg. The ruddy feels a bit absurd, and it is impossible that the characters generated in the future are all hatched in the egg!

It is estimated that the next thing to wait is to wait for the eggs to hatch, but if you look at it like this, it seems that you will have to wait for a while, and the field will naturally take back its sight temporarily.

Instead, she looked around and exclaimed, "My dear, the character generator of this system looks like a giant vacuum cleaner."

Almost 200 meters around, the area is bare.

Akita thought optimistically. It seems that when he came here, he decided to destroy this place. It seems that he has reached the goal.

Well, although it is the system's credit, the system is also mine, so another way of thinking, it is not too bad that this forest is damaged by the young fields.

Then she remembered the special situation that the system had prompted, which was called special situation. She was also lucky that she could not bear it. Otherwise, the outcome would be beautiful.

After all, the waiting time is boring. Shida, who has nothing to do, began to think of the sweet and the bitter. Bah, it's because he remembered why he could not write the name of the character first when he created the role template just now.

I didn't think so much just now because I was shown the operation of the system, but now I think about it carefully.

Of course, Akita is not a stupid person. With the exploration of the systematic character, he finally found out that there was something wrong.

The gender of the role generated by the role is completely random. No, maybe it depends on the mood of the system.

So it was named after the gender of the role was determined, so as not to do anything ironic.

She now thinks about what the purpose of the system is. After thinking about it from another perspective, she immediately changes her face and says indignantly: "The system, you should deprive this right. Are you still a good system?"

Yes, if you think about it from the perspective below, the system does so to prevent the role generator template from being released by a group of women early in the embryonic stage, which is not in line with the aesthetic of the system, so it does not hesitate to cut off this possible free choice.

Akita roared in his heart: "You are going too far in the system. You are taking a group of beautiful little sisters with you to have fun in the world of tolerance. What's wrong?"

However, she can only complain here alone and let her run to the system against it. I believe she doesn't have the guts. How nice!

In the midst of indignation, time passed little by little, almost ten minutes! The voice of the system resounded in Yoda's mind again.

"The character has been created successfully, and is being implanted with memory. Please wait."

"The character generated by the character generator will never betray the host. Please rest assured that the host can use it."

Toda saw that there was an egg standing quietly and clearly inside. The shell of the egg seemed to be formed by the gray fog.

Maybe it's because of illusion, or maybe it's because the ninja's perception is very sharp. She seems to be able to hear the heartbeat in the eggshell from time to time.

"System, after the character is generated, he will not run out naked!"

The system,, and Akita personally translated: "The host please don't ask such an idiot question."

Then she noticed that there seemed to be a crack on the eggshell inside, and the daida's face moved and came.

Then, centered on that inconspicuous crack, a large crack spread out in an instant, and it seemed that the sound of eggshell breaking could be heard by Akita's ears.

After the sound of eggshell breaking, there seemed to be a sudden gasp from the inside of the eggshell, and the heartbeat of Akita also accelerated. Akita said that he was a little excited to see such a scene for the first time.

The cracks continue to spread until they cover the whole eggshell. With a slight cracking sound, countless streams of air can be seen to completely crush the eggshell and turn it back into gray fog.

Akita frowned. What was the principle? But before she could think about it, this machine, which could be said to be extremely strange, made a vibration sound.

After a little hesitation, Toda retreated, making constant vibration. When a click sounded, a gap suddenly opened on the side of the machine with a glass window.

No, it seems that there is a door, but it is too tight, so that Shida didn't find the secret.

Also, if the machine does not have an exit, how can the little people get out? It is difficult to climb out of the big hole on the top of the machine, which is too cheap.

As the cabin door slowly opened, the sound of opening the door was extremely harsh, just like the noise made by a gear that had not been operated for decades and had not been lubricated.

She could not help wondering whether the system had not used the machine for decades.

What if the little people generated in the machine fail to meet the requirements of the young farm because of the machine! Who should go to complain? Is there no system management headquarters?

Akita suspected that there might be, but when he thought of his system's character, he either came from the countryside and didn't know anything about it, or he was afraid of complaining about it, so he chose to hide it.

It seems that Akita has found a solution to the system, and his heart sneers. You can enjoy the system for a while more! After I thoroughly understand this secret, I will see how you can improve yourself.

Looking at the slowly opened door, Akita felt that there was something missing. By the way, it was bgm. She looked around and found that she could not bring bgm to the scene.

So she said to the system in her mind: "The system is big. If the character does not have a bgm when he comes out, but it is incomplete, with your high taste, naturally he does not like this insipidity."

"You don't need to work hard and add some special effects to make this simple appearance more powerful."

Akita didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. Maybe it was because when watching anime in a previous life, if a big guy didn't show up with bgm, he thought it was incomplete and soulless.