Chapter 20 Too Heavy a Dream

"You want to be a shadow of fire, just because you are always at the end of the crane. Don't dream anymore."

"Besides, I have already reserved the position of Huoying. You can't compete with me. You'd better give up early! Find a new ideal that can be realized."

Naruto was also immediately unhappy when he heard this, and said, "You have reserved the location of Huoying, and you are saying why I can't be Huoying."

Kozuka Ishika: "Hey! I won't be surprised who becomes the Huoying, but you should stop daydreaming when you are at the end of the crane."

The quarrel between the two girls is not over yet. Two more girls have quarreled together again.

Akita quietly and quickly put a piece of barbecue into his mouth, and said in his heart: "You are noisy slowly, as long as you don't disturb me to eat barbecue.".

But then again, Naruto, the crane tail, has really become the famous seven generations of Huoying! You are not afraid of being given shoes in the future.

Then Akita thought about it. Ah, wait a minute. I revealed the world of Huoying in advance.

In the future, if for some special reasons, I am relentlessly kicked out of my home by Rixiang Rizu, can I also learn from the big toad fairy of Miaomu Mountain.

To pretend to be a ghost, ah bah, is to predict the future, and the definition is much more accurate than that of toad.

But then she thought deeply that if the whole world was unhappy with her, she would write a novel directly about what would happen in the future in the world of Huoying.

Give these big men a chance to tell the story in advance. What will happen then? Why does Chuda suddenly have a sense of expectation.

Therefore, the ambition of Akita is: I would rather defeat the world than let the world defeat me.

Therefore, everyone should pay attention to that. Don't provoke Daida, let alone upset her. Otherwise, only ghosts will know what will happen in the future.

Will Master Ban directly press Heijue to the ground and rub it on the smooth ground, but it should be impossible. It seems that Master Ban is dead now and is still waiting for the reincarnation of the reincarnation eye.

Luwan seemed to be annoyed by the noise. He took a few mouthfuls of water and said to Ding Ci, "Ding Ci, what's your ideal? It's impossible to be a fireshadow!"

Seeing that there was not much barbecue left, Ding thought to himself, ah, no, how could the barbecue be eaten so fast, but he saw that several people were eating it carefully and slowly.

He made a judgment in his heart. Can I eat more quickly than before, but I always feel something is wrong!

Hearing Luwan's question, he didn't think much about it. His mouth was full of barbecue, so his words were a little vague. But after understanding it, he understood that it might really be love.

Ding Ci: "My dream is that I can eat barbecue and potato chips every day, and it's the kind of food I can eat to my full."

Listen to how simple the ideal is. Don't be proud, seek truth from facts, go straight to the theme, and dream is only for food and clothing.

Then Ding Ci asked, "Luwan, what's your dream?"

Luwan rubbed his eyebrows. What's his dream!, He looked up at the sky, but what he saw was the clean ceiling.

Suddenly, his inexplicable temperament was interrupted. Instead of pretending to be deep, he said directly, "My dream is to become an ordinary ninja and accumulate some silver during this period."

"Choose to retire at the age of 40 or 50, find a virtuous and trouble free wife, as long as she is not ugly, and then have one or two more children."

"Under the blue sky and white clouds, the children ran and played in the sun, while I played chess with my friends. My wife served me tea when I was thirsty, and cooked for me when I was hungry."

"Then at the end of my life, I hope the first person to die is me. I don't want to sit quietly in the sunset and weep silently because my wife has left."

Ding Shidun said, "Luwan, your dream sounds too mature!"

On a whim, Uchida interrupted, "Yes, yes, Luwan, it's too early for us to think about our old life even before we are ten years old."

Luwan smiled and said, "Really? What's your dream about Chida?"

Alas, Luwan's question seemed to stop Yutian. She fluttered her big eyes and pondered. Yes, what is her dream? After all, as the saying goes, if people don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish.

At this time, the former Toda may also be asked. Later, with Naruto's help, he had his dream of becoming as brave as Naruto.

But now, of course, it is not what it used to be, and Yuda is not that Yuda. Naturally, she has no intention of becoming the princess.

She thought in silence, and unconsciously remembered those verses related to time in the past life, such as time flies like an arrow, time flies like a shuttle, tomorrow returns to tomorrow, and how many tomorrow is.

She turned her head slightly, and then she said, "My dream is that after decades, we will still sit on a table and remember our dreams."

She is perfunctory, but also a real psychological attitude. After all, although she has revealed the fire shadow, it may be because the young field is not the same as the old one.

Akita's fate has also been uncertain, and it is also likely to affect these small strong men, so she just tells the truth as a lie.

But when she finished speaking, the whole audience suddenly became quiet. Sakura and Ino also sat down to their positions, and Naruto and Ishika did not quarrel.

Sitting beside him, Ino patted his hand on his back and said, "Yoshida! How could you say such provocative words? Now the atmosphere is so depressing."

Although the Ninja School has been teaching everyone to cherish their companions, they have already kept this matter in mind and sniffed at it, but they are tired of listening to it.

Akita's words lead to the meaning of this sentence from the side with friendship. Cherish your companions. Maybe when you are old and suddenly look back, how many people are left?

Akita was a little speechless when he saw the atmosphere at the scene. Are you a little bit too stupid? If I move some books about this in my previous life.

Don't you even do ninjas? Hold these books every day and start to understand life.

Naruto said, "Don't worry! After I become a ninja, I will definitely protect you."

Luwan said, "What a trouble, Shida. You said that my dream is too mature, and your dream is also very mature, OK?"

After saying that, he took up the kettle on one side, filled everyone's cups with water himself, and then said, "Well, although I don't like this way."

"But what Akita said seems really good, so let's bring wine with water and wish that we can have a lot more in decades to come and sit together completely."

Although all the children present were several years old, except Naruto and Ueda, everyone else understood that the ninja profession was not so easy to do.

Although it can be called a peaceful period compared with previous years, is it really peaceful now? Maybe the intelligence was not in place once in the execution of the mission, or it was an inattention when he was fighting with others, or it was a disaster.

Forced to get involved in the fight of high-end ninjas, it may only take a second or two, and people may not be that complete person.

Although terrifying and dangerous, everyone is actually ready because of their dreams or to be extraordinary.

Several people collided their cups: "Cheers," everyone's eyes were burning, and what collided was their own beliefs.

Then the atmosphere returned to the atmosphere when they first entered the box. It was obvious that Sakura and Ino could continue to tear apart as long as there was a little sign.

It seems that Kuzuka Ya and Naruto have reached a solution. Kuzuka Ya throws a piece of barbecue to Chimaru and says to Naruto, "Naruto, you are not bad! If you are recognized on the way to Huoying, let's compete together! Of course, I will not stay."

Naruto said, "Don't worry! I will become Huoying, and I will not lose to anyone."