Chapter 62 Grand Parade (First)

Zhu Yunwen was in a bad mood, which directly caused the whole imperial city to be covered by thick clouds for several consecutive days.

Especially when Zhu Yunwen was in the harem after the Confucius worship ceremony, his face never smiled.

Anger comes from anger, while holding back the wrongs comes from holding back the wrongs. But Zhu Yunwen still sent an oral order, asking the Ministry of Household to pay money and giving the capital officials an extra month's salary. Zhu Yunwen cannot let outsiders know that he is angry.

Tie Xuan came here once, and the new army also trained for more than a year and a half. This National Day, more than 10000 top soldiers were selected to participate in the National Day parade. This is also Zhu Yunwen's intention to show his eyes and muscles to several princes who entered Beijing.

After the military parade, part of the new army will leave camp for the Nine Frontiers, and the armies in Liaodong and Gansu will withdraw first. In Zhu Yunwen's plan, the armies in the Nine Frontiers of the Ming Dynasty and the two garrisons in Dunan and Shandong will be retrained in the next five years in accordance with the way of the new army.

In this process, the older members of the army will be eliminated. The Ministry of War will recruit new soldiers throughout the country. The age red line will continue to decrease. The current top line is 40, and the plan will gradually be lowered to 35 years old within five years. But this is the recruitment of soldiers. The so-called "good men don't serve in the army".

When the country was prosperous and the people were secure, they could not pull the able-bodied men. The people were not enthusiastic about joining the army. Only those proletarians who had suffered disasters and had no industry were willing to join the army, or some tenants in the landlord's family and servants of the aristocratic family escaped. They chose to join the army only when there was no way out. If they wanted to successfully promote recruitment, the military pay would have to be further increased.

In the current military system of the Ming Dynasty, the annual salary of the Southwest Mountainous Army and the Min Zhe Naval Division is the highest, which is 20 taels of silver, followed by Jiubian, Jingying, Liaodong, Gansu, and Yunnan, which is 10 taels. The Monan Wei and Shandong Wei do not need to pay because they have military fields to pay for food. Even so, the annual expenditure of the Ming Army accounts for nearly 8 million taels, accounting for nearly a quarter of the national treasury income.

Take the household tax in the 30th year of Hongwu's reign as an example, the taxes on goods in the Ming Dynasty accounted for more than 80% of the state treasury's revenue, accounting for about 36 million stones of grain, more than 600000 pieces of cloth and silk, tea, salt, mercury, vermilion and other things.

In the first year of Jianwen, the revenue of the Ministry of Household Affairs was only about 4.6 million taels of silver due to the opening of salt markets in many coastal areas. In addition to the trade revenue of Liaodong Border City, Liaodong Weaving Bureau and Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, the tax revenue of silver was still only about 10 million taels.

The total revenue of the national treasury was 38.9 million taels in silver, which still accounted for less than 30%.

So for military expenditure, the Hongwu Dynasty generally used grain instead of silver, and transferred grain stored in the south of the Yangtze River to Liaodong and Guangxi by water. Only the garrisons in Gansu and the seven garrisons in the west of the Shanhaiguan Pass issued real silver or precious banknotes.

After Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne, the printing of Daming precious banknotes was stopped and their circulation was prohibited. Folk precious banknotes were recycled by local governments. The proportion of one or two denominations of precious banknotes to half a dozen grains of silver or one stone of grain.

The main reason is that the quality of paper banknotes is too poor in recent years. It is easy to forge, and it is too easy to cause inflation. In fact, after Yongle, the purchasing power of Daming Treasure banknotes is less than one fifth of that of the Hongwu period, and people do not recognize this stuff.

Since the military expenditure is replaced by grain, the civilian farmers are not willing to join the army. It is not safer to dig food in the field than on the battlefield. Therefore, how to increase the cash income of the national treasury has become the top priority.

Zhu Yunwen's first step was to sell the imperial property and set up an imperial merchant. Every year, the emperor produces millions of stone grains. In addition to the gifts that vassals from all over the country send on holidays, Zhu Yunwen's internal funds simply do not use so much money. Taizu used to be thrifty when he was alive. Have you ever seen an emperor who is busy sometimes and can only deal with a few steamed buns and a stack of pickles?

Zhu Yuanzhang is such a master, so once Zhu Yunwen ascends the throne, his family will be very solid. Ma Enhui is the only woman in the harem, and Zhu Wenkui is a child. Zhu Yunwen is not a man of extravagance himself. In addition to having a good table at festivals, he said that the whole 40 to 50 dishes will be very good. On weekdays, that is, eight dishes, two soups and two desserts, The eunuch in charge of the catering bureau tasted more food than Zhu Yunwen every day.

Why do you want so much money to be an emperor? Although Zhu Yunwen did not have a specific accounting, he expected that there would still be thirty or fifty million liang in his own funds. Sometimes Zhu Yunwen would be very disgusted and wondered whether the seniors who had passed through Chongzhen would envy him for being so rich.

If Zhu Yunwen didn't want to make money, he wouldn't give 70% of the profits to his relatives. With the imperial property, those vassals who took the money were just in time to do business honestly. Don't always think about supporting soldiers and being an independent king.

As for why Zhu Yunwen still wants to stay 30%, it is for the sake of his children in the future.

In the future, I will not take Zhu Wenkui, a "natural" son, for example, to have several children. Except for a prince, what else should I do? If I cannot be a vassal, I must leave some legacy.

Sometimes when I think about it, Zhu Yunwen also thinks that he is unfair. One of the children has become the emperor, and the other can only be a rich man. This bowl of water is too slanted.

But there is no way. The long-term stability of the country needs to be strengthened sometimes. He calmed down his own affairs with a bowl of water today, and the common people will suffer later that day.

Zhu Yunwen will not be polite to these relatives, even his 30%, when the emperor and merchants get together in the future. Zhu Yunwen will also take the lead in paying taxes. The purpose of this cash is to walk around the treasury and directly go to the General Logistics Department to keep military expenses.

As for encouraging the circulation of capital, there is still much to wait for. The sea ban should be lifted, the grasslands should be leveled, and the external enemies should not be solved. Only relying on the circulation of lifestyle commodities among the domestic people can not play a much stimulating role.

Although the Song Dynasty didn't fight much, it was a good hand in business. Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces had developed maritime trade and traded with the whole Southeast Asia. That was a ship of real gold and silver. To put it cruelly, the tribute silver and silk that the Song Dynasty gave to the Jin people one year was enough for the real silver tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty!

Three hundred thousand taels of silver, three hundred thousand pieces of silk, three million taels of silver for the army!

Don't laugh at Tartars. The Song Dynasty has almost lost the backbone of our Han people on the issue of land ceding compensation. It can only be said that Tartars pay more generously. Those who commit crimes against the Qing Dynasty will pay even if they are far away.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's Daming had not boosted the national self-esteem of the Han people, and if Zhu Di's Yongle Year had not brought all the countries to the court, Mongolia and Jurchen would have taken turns to dominate the land of China. The nearly 1000 years of effort from the Southern Song Dynasty to the later generations would have wiped out the glory imprint in the Han people's bones.

The fourth day of the first month of the second year of Jianwen, National Day.

Zhu Yunwen got up early in the morning and even changed into his favorite clothes. Then he went to the Fengtian Hall to receive congratulations. Today, in the military parade, besides Zhu Yunwen, the princes Zhu Di, Zhu Zhi, Zhu Pi, Zhu Lan, Zhu Bai and Zhu Xuan arrived.

Wu Xun, Sange, Xie Jin, Yang Shiqi, and the left and right attendants of the Six Ministries of the Fifth Military Commander's Mansion in Beijing all came to watch today's military parade.

"When you kowtow to your majesty, long live my emperor."

After the courtiers paid their respects, Zhu Yunwen took a seat and said, "Flatten yourself."

Shuangxi stood out, held the roster and began to call the roll one by one. After the accounting was correct, she said to Zhu Yunwen, "Your Majesty, it's all here."

Zhu Yunwen nodded and got up, "Move."

The first big military parade in Jianwen Dynasty, the Ming National Defense Force, which Zhu Yunwen had high hopes for, finally stepped onto the stage of history.