Chapter 201 The Fall of the Confucius Family (Part 2)

Thanks to the road construction over the years, the information transmission in the core area of the Ming Dynasty was extremely fast. The news of the Changshu bloodshed in Southern Zhili and the Jiangxi Scholar Movement was transmitted through the Qiushi Newspaper and the people, almost before the big case of Kong Jian, so that the Yansheng Duke, who still had the dream of hiding the emperor, woke up in an instant.

"The big thing is over!"

When Kong Jian saw the Qiushi Newspaper and the bloodshed in Changshu in this issue, he was foolish at that time. His face was ashen and he immediately gathered the whole family.

"It's time for my family to live and die."

The only thing Kong Jian can do now is to escape Daming

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