Chapter 167 Opening Ceremony

After Mao Tai left, Zhu Yunwen was left alone again in the Hall of Caution of Nuoda.

From the backlog of question books on the table, Zhu Yunwen found a copy submitted by the Secretary for General Affairs, and looked at it carefully with his hand on the imperial table.

Shuangxi glanced at the title book, and there was only a few words on it, "This letter was delivered by the governor of Shoufu Mansion, and asked the Secretary General to submit it to the imperial court". Zhu Yunwen mainly read the letter mixed in the middle.

Which letter did Chuzhao write to Zhu Yunwen?

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. The maidservant asked the Shangshan Bureau to arrange lunch?"

I read a letter from Zhu Yunwen for more than ten minutes

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