Chapter 154: Branding Your Name in this Era

In the late autumn of the third year of Jianwen.

The mighty Ming army turned back from the southwest and returned to Beijing one after another along Sichuan and Guizhou provinces from Yunnan. Throughout the southwest, Mu Sheng still led the town with the honor of the Marquis of Xiping.

In Annam, the new Jiao Zhicheng announced that the political envoy department would leave 20000 troops, making Jiao Zhidu the commander department, and Chen Chunsheng the commander department.

Banggala set up the Bengal Guard and Awa set up the South Burma Guard. Zhou Yunfan served as the commander of the Bengal Guard and Gao Su, the second battalion commander of the mountain army, served as the commander of the South Burma Guard.

As for Ma Dajun, the former deputy commander of Yunnan and the deputy commander of the mountain army, who followed the imperial chariot back to Nanjing, he was accompanied by Sichuan

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