Chapter 125 Sitting and Watching the Southwestern War (7)

Chengxian Street, adjacent to Liren in the south and Drum Tower in the west, is a good location in Nanjing.

All the things you can think of, the cultural and entertainment projects you want to see, and the food you want to eat in the provinces can be found here.

The Annan Mission was stationed here, and the Ministry of Rites arranged a good restaurant, which once made Jane Zheng and others a little happy.

Compared with the prosperity of China and the prosperity of singing and dancing, these young children are willing to go home again when they compare with the swordsmen and murderers everywhere in Annam?

They finally understand why their elders want to send them to Daming.

Daming's moon is really round.

Seeing that her little friends had completely forgotten about the motherland, Jane could not sit still.

They came for help, not for enjoyment.

For more than ten days in a row, Jane was talking to the officials of Qingli Department, the head and guest of the Ministry of Rites, for more than ten times, but they were all pushed aside. Jane was really unable to sit still. In this way, his country of Annan died!

"I ask the superior officer to introduce me on behalf of the minister of the country."

Watching the official named Su Qian in the ceremonial department again calling for a drink, Jane couldn't sit still. She lifted her new robe and knelt down to the ground, crying bitterly.

"My hometown is in the midst of war, and swords are everywhere. Thieves kill our people. I beg the Chinese government to show mercy and send troops to help."

Su Qian wiped the oil from his hands and lifted Jane up

Speaking of this, Su Qian clasped his hands and bowed three times to the east, as if bowing: "I have an intention to the emperor. I only hold a big court meeting at the beginning of every month, so we officials usually do not see the emperor. How can we talk about it when we introduce him?"

Seeing Jane's face was devastated, Su Qian took Jane to sit down.

"Don't be impatient. It's the first day of March in a few days. At that time, I will introduce you on behalf of the leader and let you go to the palace to worship the emperor."

When she saw that Su Qian had said so, Jane had to sigh and stared at the food on the table.

"Oh, why did you stop chopping?"

At this time, someone came to serve, but it was a dish of roast golden ducks.

"Try the authentic Nanjing Roast Duck."

"Oh, Lao Zhou, you are back."

Su Qian stood up and said happily, "Where have you been these days? Sit down and have a drink together. I haven't eaten any roast duck in your shop these days. Those guys are not as skilled as you."

"I just came back. When I heard that Puchu was coming, I made this roast duck before I dared to come up to see you. Otherwise, you, the officials of Jiangsu University, will not open my shop if you are angry."

The man who served the dishes was Zhou Zhe, a native of Nanjing, and also the owner of this restaurant. He had played hard with Su Qian and passed the exam together. Unfortunately, he failed in the local examination later and was also very angry. He turned back to the leader to follow his father's footsteps and started the duck business.

Although Su Qian is now the imperial court's life guard, one brick can hit several cadres above the fifth grade in Nanjing. Su Qian, the doctor in the etiquette department, is really not a big man, so Zhou Zhe is not a bit stiff. He moved a round stool and sat down.

"I don't have anything to do. I've been wandering in Fujian and Zhejiang for a while, thinking about doing some small business."

With these words, Zhou Zhe began to talk about the local conditions and customs along the coast. He is a talkative person. He has been doing business and entertaining guests from all over the world for many years, so his mouth is full of thieves.

Su Qian knew his old buddy's temperament, so he didn't feel noisy, so he talked happily with Zhou Zhe, but Jane couldn't stand it.

He sat next to Su Qian. He was more than happy to see the two people talking about everything. He felt more painful, especially when he heard Zhou Zhe's words about the prosperity of Daming everywhere.

He wanted to get up and leave, but he was also worried about Su Qian. In a few days, if he didn't ask the emperor about it, his country would be over.

"This one?"

When talking about dry mouth and holding up the wine cup, Zhou Zhe noticed Jane Zheng.

"Let me introduce you to His Excellency the Ambassador of the Annan Mission."


Zhou Zhe jumped up in fright, hurriedly filled his glass with wine, and repeatedly accused: "You see my moves, I really don't know what's going on. Only now can I find out that such a noble person is in front of me, and I have to punish myself."

He spoke politely, but the slight disdain and contempt on the corner of his mouth showed that Zhou Zhe was not as humble as he said? What kind of thing is that? A few years ago, a country that was destroyed by the imperial court by 20000 people, does it need to give face?

Watching Zhou Zhe drink all the wine in his cup, Su Qian smiled and looked at Jane Zheng: "Your Excellency, this is my official's childhood. This restaurant is his industry, and the common people are all alone. I have never seen such a distinguished guest like you. Wanwang Haihan has been snubbed."

With words of confession in his mouth, Su Qian looks straight at the wine glass in front of Jane, which means that this is my brother. Where is he offering you a toast?

Jane is feeling that her heart is bleeding. The son of the great general of Annan, his status in Annan is not inferior to that of the prince and son of the Ming Dynasty. Today, even a businessman can ignore himself and even drink with his own face!

It turns out that this is the shame of being a second-class citizen in a foreign land!

Jane Zheng, who felt sorry for himself, did not dare to burst into anger. She smiled three times, took up the wine glass in front of her, stood up and said, "You are welcome. There is a saying in the heaven that all the people in the world are brothers. I came from afar, and I would also like to thank the host for his hospitality. These days, I live in your shop, and I'm annoyed."

When he finished speaking, he raised his head and drank away his humiliation.

"Oh, you're welcome."

Zhou Zhe smiled and waved his hand: "I think the envoy is much younger than me. If you don't mind calling me elder brother, you should call me elder brother. We are worthy of each other. In the territory of elder brother, if you eat me, I will pick the best for you. Don't be polite to your elder brother."

Jane is almost taking her breath away!

Listen, listen! What does that mean? Jane was feeling that Zhou Zhe was just throwing a rice bowl in front of her, so she almost said, "Alas, eat."

burning shame and humiliation! burning shame and humiliation!

Jane almost lifted the table, but her red face suddenly returned to calm after sweeping to the four Royal Guards guarding the stairs and nominally protecting the mission.

This is Daming!

In the land of his father, he is Jane Zheng, just a vassal who is about to perish. Daming looks up to him for honoring his envoy and throwing him out of Nanjing. He can't return home alive without an escort!

If the national army is not strong, its people will never be able to stand up.

At this time, Jane was wondering whether what was said in the books of Confucian sages in Daming was true? Why has he met people who have no manners since he entered the Ming Dynasty?

Isn't it a good state of etiquette, the kingdom of heaven?

The officials and the people at the bottom, is that the quality?

Jane is trying to enlighten Su Qian and Zhou Zhe with sages' books, but she is afraid of being beaten, so she has to swear in her heart.

The sage mistook me!