Chapter 104 Entering the Valley

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then told their respective situations. Duan Yi and Guo Qing also learned about Su Mu's actions behind the ruined temple.

On that day, Iron Rubi, Luo Qiong and three master level masters of the Qingyan Sect besieged Su Muyan, but they could not help him. At last, it was completely dark, and he withdrew with the help of darkness and his excellent lightness skills, without any damage. His martial arts accomplishments can be seen.

However, he didn't follow Duan Yi and Guo Qing's direction immediately. Instead, he hung the experts of Qingyan Sect for a long time and then ran in the established direction. It was time and trouble for them.

After that, his journey was very smooth. Without the burden of Guo Qing, he had high martial arts skills. He quickly arrived in Jiyuan County, waited for several days, and then left after calculating the time. Finally, he came to the Flower Valley outside Heyin County to wait.

Moreover, he had already entered the Hundred Flowers Valley, met Mrs. Hundred Flowers, Guo Qing's mother, and told her the whole story one by one, so that she could be prepared in advance.

These days, the Hundred Flowers Valley has already taken several actions. Seven disciples in a row with the letters of Lady Hundred Flowers rode horses to other places, apparently to gather friends to prepare for the fight against Fu Qingyan Gang. As for Su Muyin, he stayed outside the Hundred Flowers Valley to wait for Guo Qing.

"My mother has already known about it. It's all my fault that I was wilful and playful and sneaked out, which not only caused great trouble to Flower Valley, but also killed two sisters."

After hearing Su Mu's words, Guo Qing sighed a long time, and her eyes glistened with water, which made her feel guilty and guilty.

Although she knows that her Hundred Flowers Valley is not weak, where is the Qingyan Gang that she has seen in recent days? If the two sides fight hard, we don't know how many people will die before we give up.

Take a step back, she has the Guo family in Xiangyang as her backer, and Jiang Yuanrong also has the Shaolin Temple as her backer, which is the most influential in the Wulin, so they can reduce each other. I'm afraid that they will end up at home.

If she hadn't been so headstrong that she had to sneak out of Hundred Flowers Valley, and if she hadn't been too impulsive and beaten Jiang Hongbao into a eunuch, Jiang Yuanrong wouldn't have been so reluctant.

Seeing that Guo Qing was depressed and guilty, Duan Yi took the girl's hands and comforted her gently,

"Don't worry. Although you did too much at the beginning, it's not unreasonable. If you put it in the Jianghu, Jiang Yuanrong connives at his only son's rampage in the street and robs women, it's a big mistake.

If this matter becomes serious, I don't believe that Shaolin Temple will give him a strong hand. Unless this millennium temple is willing to bear this stigma, I believe that both sides will not really choose to fight with each other. It is more likely to sit down and discuss how to solve this matter. "

Guo Qing is a young girl. She has no experience of the world. She only thinks that Jiang Yuanrong was born in Shaolin, and Shaolin is his backer. But she doesn't know that certain things should follow the rules of the game. Shaolin is not the only one in the world.

Su Mu hid his eyes and showed a strange color. He had already seen Duan Yi's calm and steady temperament, not like a teenager. He didn't want him to see things so thoroughly.

"Yes, Mrs. Baihua has told me that she is ready to wait for Jiang Yuanrong in Baihua Valley to see how he will solve this matter. No matter whether it is reconciliation or fighting, you will not be wronged."

Su Muyin was well aware that the girls spent their spare months running away in panic. He was very unstable and relieved that he would not leave until the matter was completely over.

The two people comforted him for a while. Guo Qing was in a slightly better mood. Only her eyes were red, and she looked fragile and pitiful.

The reason for Guo Qing's gaffe is that she is very different from her usual temperament, and it is related to her timidity in her hometown and the change of people.

Even last night, she dreamed of the faces of the two maids who fought to escape. They were so horrible and cruel. While enduring the pain of the sword piercing her chest, she fought back and shouted to let her go, which almost became her nightmare.

With heavy footsteps, Duan Yi and Su Muyin followed each other in the direction of Hundred Flowers Valley.

Looking around, I saw a lush forest gathered in front of me. There were three, three, one group, six, six, one column, and a wide variety. There were hundreds of slender green bamboos standing in two columns like strong soldiers. I couldn't help asking curiously,

"Is this the big formation you said, Qing'er?"

Duan Yi's current martial arts are not weak, especially his swordsmanship. However, his other configurations are much lower. After all, he has not received much time for orthodox martial arts teaching, and he knows nothing about this mysterious array.

He has limited understanding of the changes in heaven and earth, and the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams. At a glance, he doesn't know the power of this array, but he doesn't dare to underestimate it.

In the beginning, Zhuge Wu Hou built stones to form eight arrays, which is famous for thousands of years and is said to be unbreakable. The array of Peach Blossom Island should be passed on from Huang Yaoshi. Even if it is not as good as the eight arrays, it should not be able to cope with it.

"Yes, you should follow me when you go into the forest. Don't walk around, or the array will turn easily, the five elements will turn upside down, and the illusion will be great. I have to ask my mother to help me bring you out."

Guo Qing nodded solemnly. After thinking about it, she was still insecure. She tried to resist shyness and grabbed Duan Yi's hand. She looked at Su Muyin, but didn't know what to do.

In the past, she would certainly like to hold Su Muyin like this, but now, unlike in the past, she is totally focused on Duan Yi, and would never dare to have close contact with the men nearby, let alone Su Muyin. If Duan Yi gets angry, wouldn't she ask for trouble?

However, Su Muque is her savior. Emotionally, she is also like a brother and father. If she favors one over the other, she also feels too ungrateful, so she stays there without any action, which seems very confused and contradictory.

Duan Yi's mind was exquisite and clear. He soon noticed Guo Qing's idea. He warmed up, smiled, and turned to ask,

"Brother Su may be able to catch up with me. Qing'er said that it's very dangerous here. If you take a wrong step, you may get lost. How about holding my hand?"

The tender hand of his little girlfriend can only be held by himself. If outsiders want to touch her, they have to discount his hand. However, Su Muyin is different. Duan Yi has to sacrifice himself after thinking about it. Anyway, the two big men are not in the way.

Su Mu closed her mouth and smiled. She waved her hand and didn't care about it,

"No, you are in the front and I am in the back. I won't lose you. You forget that I have already entered this big battle once, and I know how to be powerful."

Anyway, since Su Muyin said so, Guo Qing was relieved and walked towards a big tree with a thick waist, murmuring about the changes of the Nine Palaces.

Walk around the tree for ten steps, then retreat for seven steps, and then walk around the back of another tree. After half a quarter of an hour, you finally walk out of the big array and come to a world with mysterious scenery.