Chapter 852 The World Only God Knows - Shangshan Chapter (I)

To be honest, Liu Shengzongmao would not have understood what the old man was saying if he had not paid special attention to the Nordic myth because of Niederhogg.

Sur and Mani are the sun god and moon god in the Nordic myth, but like the sky and the moon, Sur is the goddess, while Mani is the moon god. Some people say it is female, others say it is male.

Freya is the god of love in the Nordic myth, and also in charge of beauty, fertility, what will be harmonious, war and gold.

Her position is very high, and she even has the right to attract heroes.

But these are not important.

Because Liu Shengzongmao did not know where these mythological characters were, and even if he did, he could not promise the old man of unknown origin to hand over the three goddesses to him.

How can he do such a thing.

"Do you think I'm Odin?" Liu Sheng Zongmao asked back after thinking about it.

The old man was stunned. He didn't know why Liu Shengzongmao suddenly asked this question, but he nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then you tied my horse, dare you stand here and offer me?" Liu Shengzongmao raised his eyebrows.

He doesn't care what gods are at dusk, but he wants to save the Srepp beast. Since everyone thinks he is Odin, Liu Shengzongmao should steal Odin's waistcoat. Anyway, he has done many such things and is very skilled.

The old man recognized that Liu Sheng Zongmao did not intend to give the goddess to him, so the old man's eyes gradually became dangerous. When he looked at Liu Sheng Zongmao, he showed the power of the Dragon King.

Herlanger has been dumbfounded. He thought Liu Zongmao was a young member of the secret party that could be won over, so he brought Liu Zongmao here. But who would have thought that Liu Zongmao was Odin? My dear, Odin, except for the high minded members of the secret party, who doesn't know that someone wants to open the door to the kingdom of God, and who is the owner of the kingdom of God? Isn't it Odin?

In front of Odin, the old man seemed not as cheerful and kind as before, but full of hostility. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

"You are about to degenerate into the same existence as us. Do you really think you are still the king of the high Protoss?"

Like us?

"Who are you?" Liu Zongmao rolled his eyes and asked.

He hates the riddler most, and can't understand Haoba.

The old man almost stumbled. Why does Odin look naive?

The old man looked at Liu Shengzongmao carefully. The breath he could not mistake was Odin, but why did Odin seem to have lost his memory and remember nothing?


The old man thought of this.

This is a world where all things can be dragons. Odin can naturally be called the Dragon King. The Dragon King has the ability to cocoon. If something happens in the process of cocooning, it is normal to lose memory.

Thinking of this, the old man was eager to try.

Odin in his heyday was not an opponent. It was not easy to play Odin in a cocooned growth state?

The old man raised his battering hammer, and his eyes showed a dangerous light.

Odin, the grandson, has long wanted to be beaten.

Five seconds later.

The old man sat on the ground with a black nose and a swollen face. His beard was knocked off, but under the long beard, it was not an old man's face. It can be seen that the goods were deliberately pretending to be old people.

Yes, like this kind of long-lived species, when they show their aging appearance, it is probably the time of death.

"Name?" Liu Shengzongmao asked.

"... I forgot it for a long time." The old man replied embarrassed.


"... man!"


"... the ancient frost giant, or it can also be called the ancient frost dragon."

Oh, no wonder they are so hostile to Odin.

Liu Shengzong was clear.

In the Nordic mythology, the giant and the god were sworn enemies. The ancestor of the giant, Umir, was killed by Odin. In the dusk of the gods, there were many giants among the enemies who overthrew Odin's rule.

"Why do you say that I will soon become like you?" Liu Shengzongmao continued.

Will Odin become a giant? In theory, it is possible, because Odin was born because his father, Bao Er, the son of the ancestors of the gods, robbed a giant woman to marry and have children.

In other words, Odin has giant blood.

But after the dusk of the gods, Odin should be dead. How could he become a giant.

"Ah." Frost Giant laughed sarcastically, and then immediately became clever under Liu Shengzongmao's threatening eyes, He said: "Because the rulers of the world are not immutable. At first, the masters of the world were giants, but later we failed and were expelled from the world, so we became the old gods, and you are the new gods. But now the dusk of the gods is coming, you will also become the old gods like us, and the new rulers will eventually replace you, which is also The end of an era. "

The end of an era?

Liu Shengzongmao sighed with the thought that talented people come out from generation to generation, and new people replace old people

But what does it have to do with him? He is just a passer-by who is mistaken for Odin.

He untied the rope that trapped the Snape beast, and Liu Shengzongmao released him. The rope is also powerful. It is a top alchemy product, and the Dragon King will be trapped even if he is careless.

Liu Sheng Zongmao plans to leave with the Srepp beast. Seeing that Liu Sheng Zongmao doesn't seem to want to kill his dog, the frost giant is also relieved. But just when he is relieved, Liu Sheng Zongmao suddenly turns around and asks, "Why do you think I'm Odin?"

"The mark of Odin on the back of your hand and the strong smell of Odin on your body cannot be faked. Even if you think you are not Odin, it is useless. The dusk of the gods will eventually come, and you can't escape!" The frost giant seems to be starting to run wild again, but Liu Shengzong Mao is too lazy to pay attention to him and leaves here with the Srepu beast.

Liu Shengzongmao is impressed by Odin's impression.

Just a few days ago, he mistakenly entered Nibelungen in Odin, Fuzhou, and played a role play. He experienced what Chu Zihang had experienced in the past, but he played Odin instead of Chu Zihang.

After that, he left a semi decadent world tree mark on the back of his hand, but Liu Shengzongmao thought it was ugly and the omen was not good, so he transformed it into a tree full of life.

Normally, this should have been his own mark, not Odin's mark.

In fact, everyone recognized that this was Odin's mark.

But the smell of Odin, Liu Shengzongmao, doesn't know where it comes from.