Chapter 816 The World Only God Knows - Thor (8)

Kyushu, Fukuoka.

When he got off the private plane, he saw Stier, who had been ready for a long time.

As the most outstanding genius magician of the necessary evil church, Steele, who is only 12 years old but looks like an adult, has a vague feeling for Indix, who seems to be as different in age.

Because of this, it is natural that he should be here at the moment of the greatest crisis of Intix.

Steele nods to Yuchidai, indicating that the magic ceremony of eliminating memory by Indix is ready.

Kuo Chiyodai looked at Indix lying on the stretcher, and his face turned from pain to firmness.

She can no longer let people around her get hurt "because of her", even if she needs to pay the price of loneliness.

However, at the moment when Ma Qiandai made up his mind, the sky was full of wind. When the storm stopped, Intix disappeared from her eyes. Before she could wait for Ma Qiandai to become angry, she saw a piece of paper falling in her hand with such a sentence written on it.

If you want to find Indix, come to the basement of Lihua Family Ancestral Temple.

Lihua Family... Ancestral Temple?

A thousand generations of confused crooked head.

Liu Shengzongmao was the one who took Yintix away.

In fact, the basement of Lihua Family Ancestral Temple is the headquarters of Tiancao style Cross Sadness Cult. As the adopted daughter of Wumarlian Ya and the Emperor Qiandai of the Pope of Tiancao style Cross Sadness Cult, he should know this place.

However, Liu Shengzongmao ignored a very critical point.

That is the world where there is no flower family and no black pill lotus.

Therefore, there is no real name of Wu Maru Qian Dai, or Lihua Qian Dai, nor the pseudonym of Yoshikawa Hiromi, but only the religious name of Shen split fire weave.

After a long time of painstaking investigation, Li Qiandai realized that the so-called basement of Lihua Family Ancestral Temple was an abandoned underground fortification once occupied by the Celestial Grass like Cross Sadness Cult and used to hide.

Yi Qiandai suddenly hesitated.

She was very worried about Indix, but she did not dare to face her former companions.

It's enough for an Indix to be hurt. If there is another accident among those people of Tiancao Cross Cult, she really doesn't know how to survive.

Some hesitated to wander by the river. When he looked up, he saw a man floating by the river.

She recognized the man. Not long ago, she had met him in the Puritan women's dormitory in Britain.

Originally, according to the normal situation, Shi Qiandai should have brought the lecher who sneaked into the women's dormitory to justice.

But now she doesn't have this mood, even better to say, the sense of depression that emanates from this person at this time makes her feel kind-hearted.

He picked up a stone and threw it for thousands of generations, and then he threw out the crazy streak that can apply for Guinness Record.

"Oh." Liu Sheng Zongmao applauded admiringly.

"Why are you here?" asked Takashi.

Yi Qiandai didn't know why she asked, but she always felt that she could get the answer she wanted from Liu Shengzongmao.

Sure enough, Liu Zongmao said with sadness and sadness in his eyes: "My parents want to see me, but I am heavily indebted. Once those who collect usurious loans know that I still have family members, I can't imagine what kind of trouble I will bring them."

You too?

He thought with empathy.

Of course, she can't bear huge debts. As less than 20 saints in the world, she can get civil service salary from British Puritanism every year. In addition, she doesn't like spending money. Now she is rich.

But in the eyes of Yi Qiandai, her "strong physical fitness", which can avoid bad luck naturally, is the biggest debt in her life.

Just as Liu Shengzongmao said that he did not want to implicate his parents because of his huge debts, so he did not want to make others unhappy because of his strong fortune.

"What about you? Why are you here again?" Liu Sheng Zongmao asked.

"I..." After hesitating for a moment, Cho Chiu dai said, "In fact, I am one of the only saints in the world, less than 20..."

Yuchi Chiyodai should not have said her identity. Although she is famous on the magic side, this does not mean that her identity is not a confidential matter.

But she did, because here in Liu Zongmao, she seems to be able to find a sense of identity.

He explained to Liu Shengzongmao what is a sage, what is a strong physical fitness, and why she absorbs the luck of people around her. Suddenly, he felt much more comfortable.

But this comfort is only temporary. Looking up at the setting sun, Indix's affairs are like a heavy stone, pressing on her heart.

"Maybe I should go." Chuo Chiyodai stood up. She knew she could not hesitate any more. Moreover, if she continued to stay here more, who knows whether Liu Shengzongmao's luck would be sucked away by her?


Liu Shengzongmao grabbed Qian Dai's arm and refused to let her leave.

Looking up, Liu Shengzongmao said, "Aren't you worried that you will suck the luck of the people around you? If this is true, if you don't save Intix, she can be saved instead."

Can you explain that?

Qiandai looked back at Liu Zongmao in surprise, not to mention that it was really reasonable.

But I dare not gamble. What if she has exhausted her luck?

"That child... I am probably the only one who can rely on now.".


"Maybe I can help you save that girl." Liu Sheng Zongmao also stood up.

At this time, Yu Qiandai remembered that Liu Zongmao was a powerful person who could sneak into the British Puritan women's dormitory safely and escape unharmed under her attack. Liu Zongmao rescued Intix, so the success rate would not be lower than her own.

"No way." Even so, Shio Chiyodai shook his head: "If I suck your luck away, then I..."


Liu Sheng Zongmao suddenly took out a promissory note and took it on the face of Shi Qiandai. This wave of operation was directly confused by Shi Qiandai.

"This is..."

"My bill." Liu Shengzongmao said, "I am not helping you for free. I help you to save the little nun, and you help me pay my debt. I exchange it for equal value. I saved the nun. You took over my debt. If my luck will be sucked away by you... Let's go down like this together, aibo (my partner)."

Ji Qiandai looked at the bill, which was a debt that she would not pay for all her life's wages.


Yi Qiandai shook his head with a smile, but suddenly his feet slipped.

Can saints also slip their feet?

Yi Qiandai doesn't know, just as she doesn't know why a piece of slippery ice suddenly appears at her feet.

Undoubtedly, the head of Tomo Chiyodai fell on the head of Liu Shengzongmao.

The lips and teeth meet, and before he could get angry, a lot of lost memories poured into his brain.

At this moment, based on her understanding of Liu Shengzongmao, she suddenly realized why she was robbed under her eyes.

Apart from Liu Shengzongmao, who else is there?

Seeing his eyes getting more familiar and dangerous, Liu Shengzongmao hugged him with a dry smile and said, "Well... didn't he say he would date him and bring him into the harem? Why did I just take his first kiss and his memory will be restored!... Aida (pain)!"