Chapter 749 The Lost Month · Yoko Chapter (7)

"Ah ha, Brother Liu Sheng told me this." Just after saying that, Conan looked at Liu Zongmao with a blank face, and then flashed a crazy look to show Liu Zongmao's cooperation.

Therefore, it is mutual. Although you are a master of Lan, for your perfunctory reason, Xiao Lan is used to believing you for so long.

Liu Shengzongmao felt that Xiaolan was now on the show, just like that, whatever Conan said, whatever Conan did not pretend and then lied to her, she just watched Conan perform by himself.

There is a saying that he is like this. Why don't you obey him.

"Miss Yoko's sister?" Maori Kogoro looked carefully. At first, he thought it was not Yoko Okino, and then he wanted to throw away the photo. But he found that the person in the photo looked like Yoko Okino, and he was reluctant to throw it away. Finally, he realized that even if the person in the photo was not Yoko Okino, it was also a beauty, and he suddenly showed the appearance of a pig.

"Wait, Hirayama Meiko? This person is very famous in Kansai. Isn't she the wife of Hirayama Yizheng, the president of the Computer Acrobatics Group?" Because Conan's performance was too eye-catching, the service department was half a beat slow, which reflected what Hirayama Meiko's identity was.

"Computer? Is that the one who wants to buy Spiral?" Maori Xiaowulang was stunned, which is a bit too coincidental, isn't it?

He had just read the news before he came here. Why is this person involved in the case now.

"Hey? I can't see that you like this Obasant even in Pingji." Yuanshan and Ye said very unhappily.

So many years ago, the idol must now be middle-aged like the dead president of the toy company. Although it is still well maintained, in the eyes of Yuanshan and Ye, it is Obasant, especially when Hattori seems to know her very well.

"Fool, that's not true!" Hattori quickly explained: "Hirayama, the president of the Computer Acrobatics Group, is very interested in Hirayama. Because Hirayama was not well commented when she was an idol, in order to reverse the public's impression of Hirayama, Hirayama has always taken Hirayama with him when the IT industry has not yet started, and many important documents will be handed over to Hirayama for safekeeping, even making it known that she had her The lover took away important documents, which led to the occurrence of a case in which the computer acrobatics group suffered huge losses. However, Ishiyoshi Hirayama did not blame Meiko Hirayama, and even handed over part of the business to Meiko Hirayama for processing. This also made many people mention the president of the computer, even some people subconsciously think it was because of Meiko Hirayama, So Hirayama Meiko is so famous in Kansai. "

"Oh...... Oh......" Maori Xiaowulang was so silly that he looked at the photo in his hand and put it down without moving an expression.

This is ridiculous!

"Ah ha ha... the president of the computer acrobatics group... is also a cruel man." Takashi wiped the sweat from his forehead. If he hadn't said it from Hattori's mouth, Takashi would never have believed it. The head of the IT enterprise ranking second in Kansai is such a bully licker.

Hirayama Meiko didn't take care of the important documents, so even if they were lost, they were taken away by her lover.

Normally speaking, is it personal?

However, Hirayama did not have any right. Instead, she handed over more responsibilities and secrets to Hirayama Meiko, making it impossible to guess what he thought.


Since the photo was held by Maori Kogoro, Liu Zongmao found two words written on the back of the photo.


liar? Who is it? President of the toy company? Or Hirayama?

Liu Shengzongmao hurriedly asked for the account book written by the president of the toy company, and found that the handwriting on both sides was exactly the same, which means that the president of the toy company wrote the word "liar".

Interesting. I still kept a group photo with Meiko Hirayama. It seems that I still have affection for her, but I wrote the word "liar" on the back of the photo. What kind of story is there between him and Meiko Hirayama?

Liu Zongmao prefers that the president of the toy company is one of Miyuki Hirayama's old lovers. Although the president of the toy company is ugly, it is rumored that Miyuki Hirayama is not picky.

There was a small episode in the middle, but the case was still in the process of orderly reasoning. Although Liu Shengzongmao tried to explain that the photo was just what he saw, and had nothing to do with the case of the president's death, the clothing department at the top of the desire to win or lose still wasted a lot of time investigating things related to Miyuki Hirayama, and even sent his nanny in Osaka (crossed out), Ohiro Wulang Police Department.

Thanks to Peinzi, Liu Shengzongmao easily got the key information about Hirayama Meiko.

It was after the scandal that her lover took away important documents that Miyuki Hirayama seemed to be moved by Ishihiro Hirayama and began to work wholeheartedly for the computer acrobatics group. Today, the computer acrobatics group can have such a scale, thanks to Miyuki Hirayama.

A thousand gold to buy horse bone? No, it doesn't seem so simple.

Liu Shengzongmao shook his head.

With the efforts of Hiroshi Hattori, the president of the toy company and Meiko Hirayama's past were also found out.

The president of the toy company was once a partner with Hirayama Yi, and the relationship between the two was very similar to that of the three college students at the beginning of Spiral.

But even after Meiko Hirayama lost important documents, the president of the toy company tried hard to help the computer acrobatics group get back on track, but he was kicked away when he was about to reap the fruits.

Surprisingly, the president of the toy company did not have any opinion about kicking his Hirayama Issei, but rather about Hirayama Meiko.

When Hattori found this at the same time, he even looked at Liu Zongmao provocatively, as if to say, small sample, let you pretend again and show your feet?

However, it turned out that the death of the president of the toy company really had nothing to do with Meiko Hirayama. It was just because the president wanted to make more money and make inferior toys that would hurt children, but he was killed by his employees who objected unsuccessfully to the safety of children.

The employee who kills people is naturally a good person.

It's a pity that Liu Zongmao had made a big mistake when he found this case. Liu Zongmao had no way to help him with his criminal identity. He could only send his accomplice, who was as dangerous to children's health as the president, to prison, at least to comfort him.

On the way, Pingji suddenly warmed up and wanted to let Heye win. He always disclosed information on the way, but this information revealed that Hattori Pingji had come to the front again and won Yuanshan and Ye "reluctantly".

So Liu Shengzongmao is ready to turn over the dark history of Hirayama Meiko and seize her hand in the journey of Hyogo County, starting from Jiazi Garden.