Chapter 695 The Lost Month - Bee Eating Chapter (7)

"Are you sure you want to follow us? The enemies we meet may be very dangerous." Yun Chuan Qinya, the elder sister beside Shangtiao Dangma, said to Liu Shengzongmao after observing the dead dragon, "Although you follow Xueyuan Metropolis LV. 5, these are monsters controlled by people themselves, and will not be affected by mind control."

Laurie, who was behind Ma, grabbed his sleeve, and Liu Zongmao was keenly aware that the child had a deep hatred for bee eating and praying.

Liu Shengzongmao doesn't know why this Changpantai student named Mi Ant Ai Yu would be so hateful to bee eating, but he doesn't want to think about it so much now.

In this city, it is very likely that you will be inexplicably involved in a very dangerous and bad event just to help out when the road is not smooth. Liu Shengzongmao has a deep understanding of this.

In this complicated chain of interests, you may be hated by others even if you throw a piece of garbage.

As long as he is strong enough, no matter how strong the hatred of honey ants Aiyu towards bee eating.

"The eldest lady just needs to be in charge of the shiny one, and I'll take care of everything." Liu Shengzongmao said directly.

"Do you mean I'm a vase?!" A bag of bee eaters threw at Liu Zongmao's head, but her strength was too small to hurt her.

Mr. Shangtiao admired Liu Shengzongmao's courage very much. Although this LV. 5 was totally different from the plump big sister in his impression, it was true LV. 5 anyway. In this way, he said that LV. 5 was a vase directly. Shangtiao thought he could not do it.

"I don't have what you said." Liu Zongmao shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah, ah!! I'm so angry." Eating bees stamped her feet in prayer, but she didn't dare to run away. Liu Zongmao has other goals now, so it's good to ignore the artificial room. If Liu Zongmao comes back to his senses, he suddenly doesn't want to deal with any biological hackers, but wants to catch all the talent workshops she has, then she will be cool.

Honey Ant Aiyu looked at Liu Shengzongmao, who was near the food bee, and looked at the top of the stick beside him, which was numb. She sighed helplessly.

Her breath led to the numb complaint of the last article. The last article said, "Hey, you are so blatantly dissatisfied with the gap between male partners. Please consider my feelings."

In fact, this flying dragon is very abrupt.

Last time, Dang Ma didn't even know what was happening, so they were attacked by Feilong. But after Yunchuan Qinya's analysis, he and Yunchuan Qinya were not targeted by the organization behind Feilong, and the only reason they could be targeted by the one named L S. The biological hacker organization of S. only focuses on the honey ant Aiyu.

According to Yunchuan Qinya, the L.S.S. organization has been rumored to be the body of the first modern superpower, who has established the basic theory of modern superpowers. It can be said that the growth of LV.5 is thanks to this person, who can pass through, super electromagnetic guns, and psychological control.

Normally, the figure 50 years ago should have died, but according to Yunchuan Qinya, the first modern super power who code named the origin of physical examination has always been frozen.

50. The S.S. organization wants to wake it up, but they have thought of countless ways to break the solid ice, let alone wake up the beauty who has been sleeping for 50 years.

So L S. S. The organization decided to find another way to wake up the source of the body examination from inside.

In short, it is to let the competent person of the psychological department control the hair examination to force her to wake up by herself.

In Xueyuan City, of course, the apex of psychological ability is bee eating and praying. There is no better choice than her, but

Anyway, bee eating and praying is LV. 5.

50. S.S. is not afraid of the power of LV. 5, but they know how important LV. 5 is to the Xueyuan City. LV. 5 not only exists as a battle force, but also has the greatest research value of Xueyuan City. Their growth data will lay the foundation for the birth of LV. 6 in the future, and can also enable later talents to have easier ways and more kinds of advanced routes. In a word, every LV. 5 is a valuable asset of Xueyuan City.

So L S. S. will certainly not attack LV. 5 like some arrogant organizations, or even those small and weak organizations that cannot reach the real darkness of Xueyuan City.

As a person who is most similar to bee eating and praying, honey ant Aiyu has become the best substitute.

It is said that honey ant Aiyu had the potential to become LV. 5, but unfortunately, according to the calculation of artificial room, the growth rate of bee eating and praying will be faster, so the resources of the laboratory are beginning to tend to bee eating and praying, while honey ant Aiyu can only be a quitter, who is still living as LV. 3.

It is no wonder that honey ants Aiyu will have such hatred for bee eating.

After learning the news from Yunchuan Qinya, which is unknown to outsiders, Liu Shengzongmao understood where the resentment of honey ants Aiyu came from.

Maybe in her eyes, the bee eater is the one who took everything away from her.

Liu Shengzongmao felt sympathy for the honey ant Aiyu, but this was the cruel reality. Compared with those who were forced to accept dark scientific experiments, honey ant Aiyu was actually lucky.

At least, she doesn't have to be dug out after 50 years of ice, just like the hair source examination.

However, Liu Shengzongmao is more concerned about Yunchuan Qinya than the experience of Mi Ant Aiyu.

She knows too much information, which is far from her identity as a senior high school student. In particular, the information about the origin of the medical examination should have a very high level of confidentiality. Only the omnibus council and the Muwon people can know about it.

But Qinya Yunchuan knew it.

This means that she is probably connected with one of the twelve directors.

"Then what should we do now? Should we kill L.S.S.'s lair directly or wait for them to fight?" Liu Shengzong Mao asked, looking at Yunchuan Qinya.

It seems to be asking Yunchuan Qinya, but Liu Shengzongmao is actually asking the director behind her.

Although Liu Shengzongmao sniffs at the darkness of these garden cities, his current intelligence source comes from the director behind Yunchuan Qinya. In other words, at present, they are allies.

For his allies, Liu Shengzongmao is willing to give them some face, just as he did not go to Suzuki Group to teach the old man a lesson on the spot after he found himself cheated by Suzuki Cilangji (who was pretending to be in a state at that time).

So Liu Shengzongmao gave Yunchuan Qinya the decision, so that Yunchuan Qinya could act according to the interests of the directors behind her, which would avoid the embarrassing situation that Liu Shengzongmao's hasty action would conflict with the interests of the directors, and then the allies would become enemies.

"My suggestion is..." Yunchuan Qinya looked at the lychee series produced by Gancheng Technology, smiled and said, "Wait until they come."