Chapter 648 14 Day Valentine's Day · Empty Explosion (VI)

Liu Shengzongmao finally didn't get rid of the name "brother". According to Xia Mi, if she asked her brother for money to go to school, it would be very humiliating.

It's very dignified to call an elder brother to someone younger than you, isn't it?

Liu Shengzongmao complained in his heart.

Looking at Yuanshan and Ye, Liu Shengzongmao lied casually, saying that Hattori did not know which first lover he was looking for. Yuanshan and Ye asked them to go to play with Xiao Lan and wait for the Scum Man to come back and try him again.

Because Fu Bu Pingji has a criminal record, Yuanshan and Ye sulkily went to find Xiaolan.

It's worthy of you. Haven't you told Heye that she is your first love?

Seeing that Yuanshan and Ye still care about Hattori's first love, Liu Shengzongmao helplessly raised his forehead.

How to say, Liu Shengzongmao has a premonition that even if the Kanto vinegar king and Xiaolan get married, they may still have a quarrel with Ye and the Kansai vinegar king.

Yuanshan and Ye Hefu Pingji have set a perfect example of how to stay single when they are in love with each other.

Another person who never appeared in the previous life.

Yi Qiandai looks at Xia Mi who is following Liu Zongmao. He doesn't think much about her.

In the last life, there was no such thing as Grey Plains Music, let alone a garden city.

"It really deserves to be a world-class stallion. Did you bring back two girls after just one trip?" Kuro Shirai was afraid of Liu Zongmao.

This man is terrible.

Liu Shengzongmao sweeps at Liu Qiandai with sharp eyes.

Ji Qiandai turned his head sideways and said, "It has nothing to do with me. She went into the intelligence database of the commission of discipline and inquired about your information."

"So why does the data show that I am a world-class stallion?" Hearing what Yi Qiandai said, Liu Shengzongmao looked at the monitor and gave Alesta a questioning look.

Although he did not face to face, Alesta's voice sounded in Liu Zongmao's mind.

"That's true."

In fact, you little mushroom!

Liu Shengzongmao rolled his eyes.

"Well, Mr. Slag Man, ah, no, Brother Liu Sheng!" Early Spring Shirley wanted to ask Liu Shengzongmao some questions, but he called him the wrong name when he came up, and his face suddenly blushed with embarrassment.

"Nothing, what do you want to ask?" Liu Shengzongmao said helplessly. He knew that his image of a scum man would probably be deeply rooted in the hearts of these junior high school girls.

"Where is the handsome brother who just left with you?" Early Spring looked at Liu Zongmao and immediately lowered his head shyly.

Why? It seems that her shyness is not because she likes me, but because she seems to be doing something strange?

With a suspicious look at Chuchun Shuli, Liu Zongmao said, "He has something urgent to go first. I will stay here to protect you. If you have anything to tell me,"

Hearing Liu Shengzongmao's words, Yi Qiandai nodded clearly.

I want to paddle. Kidd will help me find out the truth of the void explosion. Don't call me if you have nothing to do.

Li Qiandai perfectly translated what Liu Zongmao wanted to express.

"That, no need." Mikasaka Meiqin scratched her head in embarrassment.

To tell the truth, a boy in a group of girls will obviously feel very embarrassed, and she is the third place in Xueyuan City. Who can help her in this fantasy paradise? Is she the one who needs protection?

I still feel hurt if I refuse so quickly.

Turning his head quietly, Liu Zongmao didn't want the lovely girls to see his depressed appearance, and calmed down the injured soul. Liu Zongmao turned around and was about to say that he had done something else first, but found that a group of girls were talking and laughing, completely ignoring his existence.

Liu Shengzongmao: "..."

"Hmm? Are you still there, brother? Let's go, and don't disturb us when we go to the amusement park." Xia Mi waves her hands in disgust when she sees the gradually petrified Liu Shengzongmao.

Is this your sister? Oh, no, it's ok.

"Remember not to sit on the super giant snake, and not to go out of the fantasy park." So, Liu Shengzongmao went to look for Xiaolan and the detective team, lest they would go out of the amusement park.

Looking at Liu Shengzongmao's back, Xia Mi's eyes sparkled with golden light.

At the same time, in the hotel in front of the gate of the Fantastic Paradise, he suddenly covered his eyes, as if he was suffering from some great pain. After convulsing for a while, he gasped for breath and said to himself, "Is it coming again? What kind of thing is this bloodthirsty desire, the so-called serum that can cure me?"

He raised his finger and subconsciously pressed it in front of him, but at the moment when it was about to press, he held back.

"It's not good. I almost killed these detectives. It's not good. They still need to prove that my plan is perfect. I can kill the person who killed Zhengji Xiwei."

Ito Mohiko shook his head. When he shook his head, his vision became clear. His eyes, which had been blind due to the car accident, were now bright again.

Really useful!

Ito Mohiko looked at the world in surprise, but he did not notice that in his eyes at this moment, there were no human pupils.

When he got the light, he tried to walk on the ground, but stumbled to the ground. His legs were still unconscious, but he did not despair because he saw that he could see that he would eventually stand up.

He looked at the monitor on the screen in front of him and locked his eyes on a target who was surrounded by girls.

"It seems very happy. With so many friends, one of the detectives who helped me with my investigation is Shinichi Kudo, right? Since there are famous detectives in Kanto, it doesn't matter if there are no famous detectives in Kansai." Makiko Ito looked at Yuanshan and Ye on the monitor, with a bloodthirsty smile on his mouth, and gently pressed his fingers.

In the fantasy park, Xia Mi is arguing with sunspot about something.

"Are you kidding? Gravitron itself is the speed of light, and it is impossible to accelerate it again. Why do you think the principle of the void explosion is to accelerate the graviton?"

"Ah? This is the answer given by the library. Are you questioning the technology of Xueyuan City?"

"Tell me, how can you make the speed of light go further?"

"Well... if it's dark matter acceleration or curvature jump..."

"Have you developed these technologies?"

"Not yet, but..."

"But what? According to me, if there is power that can accelerate the speed of light, it is also a great power that you can't imagine. If it is not someone chosen by God, it is impossible to do this."

"Ha? How could there be a god in this world? You are......" Halfway through, sunspot suddenly felt that a great danger was coming towards him.

Sunspot didn't know why she felt this way, but when she subconsciously looked at the distant mountains and leaves beside her, chu chidai had already stood in front of them.

She just waved her knife. In the next moment, the watch ID on Heye's arm flew into the sky. When the ID reached a peak, it exploded.