Chapter 630 14 Day Valentine's Day · Full Moon Chapter (XI)

"... Well, I think we'd better have a look on the side first." In the port of Mihuacho, Fog Dog hid in the corner, watching the robot battle in the center of the port, he chose to watch the battle from his heart, and his little brother also chose to agree.

Originally, Misty Dog was going to catch Little Ashihara and let the FBI like Hideki Akai know what they had done during this time, so that they began to rebel against Torino, causing an internal fight between the FBI.

But who knew that he had just arrived here, when he saw two humanoid mecha fighting each other, the scene was extremely chaotic.

He can be sure that the two people in the mecha should have found his existence, but they are not interested in him and only have eyes on each other.

"Hideki Akai!" Yasuto controlled the mecha to hit Hideki Akai, but Hideki Akai could only dodge in a hurry, and then he also controlled the mecha to fight back.

"Your real enemy should not be me. Have you forgotten your purpose?" Hideyoshi Akai said to Yasuto while avoiding.

It can be seen that he did not want to really fight with Yasukuni.

Yashto's idea was correct. He just started to reveal his intention to kidnap Ashwara. The FBI took the first step and set an ambush at the harbor.

But what Yasuhito didn't think of was that although they were both FBI members, Akai Hideki and others were also used by Torino. Torino, relying on its own confidentiality level and authority, was higher than Akai Hideki's side and issued many orders that forced Akai Hideki and others to take the blame, so Yasuhito used the method to lead Akai Hideki out, It cannot lead to fogdog and Torino.

The plan to capture the dog failed, but Hideki Akai appeared in front of him, so Yasuto released all his anger and launched a fierce battle with Hideki Akai.

I thought I could take Akai's Yasuto in two or three times, but I unexpectedly found that Akai's level of driving the mecha was on par with his, as if both of them had fought in the mecha.

At this time, he had already begun to withdraw.

After all, although he is a member of the Neon Police, his identity is now a member of the terrorist organization.

While Hideki Akai is suspected of helping evil spirits and cannibals, it is also the FBI.

No matter how you look at it, Yashto is the one who has to retreat first. Otherwise, when things go wrong, he must suffer.

But one of Akai's words was that Yasuto went on a rampage and fought Akai regardless of everything.

"I'm sorry that this happened. I think we should have a common enemy."

Hideki Akai's words sound no problem. He has even divided his boss's boss, Torino, who is also the FBI's boss, into enemies, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

But... he used the wrong person in this sentence.

Are you sorry that this happened? Hideki Akai, a man like you should be able to do things more perfectly! Why do you think it can solve all problems just by saying you are sorry?!

Three years ago, when Zhufu Jingguang committed suicide, Hideki Akai said this.

Three years later, the evil spirits committed inhuman crimes in Kanto. Hideki Akai still said so.

Yasuto is very clear that Hideki Akai has no problems. He is also the person who was cheated and forced to do nothing.

However, anyone can say that only Xiuyi Akai can shirk responsibility.

Because he is the person Akai Xiuyi and Yasuhito admitted in his heart.

The superposition of "new hatred and old hatred" led to Yasuto's crazy attack, so that the "prisoners" Yasuto wanted to catch most appeared, but he still did not stop attacking Akai Xiuyi.

Only after the attack lasted for a little while, Hideki Akai gradually found something wrong.

An Shitou's attack seemed fierce, but in fact it seemed to lead him to the direction of Wu Tiangou. Every time the body collided, Hideki Akai could hear something different from the sound of collision.

This is a cooperation signal rarely used in the organization. I see. Does he want me to catch the dog? In that case

Akai Hideyi and An Shito got closer and closer. It seemed that they were unintentionally approaching Fok Tin Gou. When Fok Tin Gou felt something was wrong, they drove their mecha and launched an attack on Fok Tin Gou. Two hand-held 20MM machine guns destroyed his subordinates in a moment. Fok Tin Gou was also busy repairing his own body because of the dense fire suppression, You can't even run away with Bloody Ghost.

While Hideki Akai was preparing to further consume the dog, he noticed that Yasushi was extremely dispassionate and stretched out the palm of the mecha to catch the dog.

Bourbon? Although he has always been a person who is easy to get angry, such an uncool approach should not appear on him. Why?

When confused, Hideki Akai noticed that there was a scar on the neck of the dog, which even the ghost of winding could not repair.

By the way, I have heard that the FBI colleague was attacked by a bomb when he was carrying out the task of escorting a big man. The FBI member was seriously injured and the big man to be escorted almost died. The real identity of the big man is the dog in the fog. This seems to be the bomb of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, but in fact, it has its own laws. On the same day, the undercover of the organization dropped to zero. Matsuda, who was officially believed to have died three years ago but actually secretly joined the ghost killing team, and a mysterious figure with a very similar appearance to Scotland, Soro, were all hit by an explosion that day. If the bomb attack was targeted revenge, then the real identity of Wutiangou would be

Hideki Akai thought, and continued to use his hand-held machine gun fire to suppress the dog.

He knew that it was easy to hurt Anshitou, but with the recovery speed of the first quarter moon, if the fire suppression was slightly weakened, the first quarter moon must have run away without thinking.

Although the battle effectiveness of Siwu Tiangou is not the top, it is always in the highest level in threat rating because of its strange spatial ability.

If possible, Hideki Akai would like to have more firepower.

It's a pity, just as he thought.

Because Ansuke was in a hurry, he gave up the fire suppression early, which led to the dog's slow breath in the fog. Before Ansuke's armor caught him, he first launched his space ability and slipped away.

"Damn!" Seeing that he had grasped the empty space, An Shi hammered the cab with his hands in great pain.

He was a little late again, just like three years ago, he could only see the corpses in the background.