Chapter 594 14 Day Valentine's Day · Dragon Ball Chapter (9)

Opposite the house where Liu Shengzongmao and others are located is the household named Zhu Jiao who entrusted Nan Chuan's detective.

When Liu Shengzongmao opened the door and went out, he saw two and a half detectives who were really furtive and didn't know what they were doing.

Liu Shengzongmao was not surprised to see Conan Pingji and Maori Xiaowulang here, because Detective Nanchuan was a policeman of Yuanshan Yinsi, and then Fubu Pingji was kidnapped because of the involvement of Detective Nanchuan in the arson case.

But now, Liu Shengzongmao has no way to talk about old times, family customs and cases with these people.

Because he heard the disgusting sound of chewing and the familiar heartbeat in the mansion that several people paid attention to.

That is the heartbeat of evil spirits.

"You two, protect them." Liu Shengzongmao pointed to the detectives who knew nothing of the danger and said to the Abbot of Yuanhai and Wuhe behind them.

"Eh? Who are you? We are not suspicious. We are detectives. Don't do anything, don't do anything... Eh? You are not from Shanneng Temple..." The furtive detectives were suddenly caught, and they were shocked. But when they saw the appearance of Abbot Yuanhai, their panic turned into confusion again.

Why is the abbot of Shanneng Temple in Kyoto here? Who is the girl behind him carrying a long gun that does not match his height?

It has to be said that the sense of existence of Wuhe's 3.5m long gun is really amazing, especially the girl who holds it is about 1.6 meters.

"But it's really cute." Maori Xiaowulang showed his brother pig appearance.

Hehe, it's really you.

Conan Heping looked at Maori Xiaowulang helplessly.

Just when they were attracted by the Five Harmonies and Yuanhai Abbot, Liu Shengzongmao had already stepped into their homes.

Different from the "peaceful" landscape outside, the house is a scene of hell.

The ground is covered with broken limbs, roofs, walls, floors, furniture, and blood stains everywhere. Some of these blood stains are fresh, and some have already dried up. Apparently, more than one person has died here.


As Liu Shengzongmao marched forward, every step forward would freeze the surrounding area with ice. The evil spirits in the living room noticed someone entering, stopped eating, looked bloodthirsty at the entrance, and then


The door burst.

"I didn't expect you to come. Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

This is a ghost. Why does it talk like a vampire?

Liu Shengzongmao complained in his heart.

The evil ghost covered with blood in front of him is an ordinary looking guy with black pupils. From the appearance, he is no different from human beings.

He is Wu Qing, the man in black whom Muhai Apricot is tracking. No, he is a male ghost.

The ghost black entered the police room and obtained many important information, which made the head very angry. Liu Shengzongmao had met him downstairs in Judy's apartment building.

However, at this time, the ghost's state was obviously not right. It seemed that he was drunk and crazy.

Among the people he ate, there might be thin blood.

Dilute blood is not the exclusive blood of Liu Zongmao. Many people have thin blood, but there is even less thin blood in thin blood like Liu Zongmao.

The attraction of diluted blood to ghosts is very high, and the strength will increase more. The only disadvantage is that after eating diluted blood, ghosts will be drunk, and it is easy to do things that should not be done.

For example, even if Liu Shengzongmao stood in front of him, he did not intend to escape.

"Hiccup, you are the guy. You are obviously a white face. Why did you attract the attention of Lilith? It's clear that Lilith is so noble and beautiful. What are you...?" Wu Qing roared with a flash of anger.

Am I blamed for my charm?

Liu Shengzongmao rolled his eyes.

He doesn't know when he attracted Lilith Beast, but because Lilith Beast is related to Dragon Ball Group, Lilith Beast has a high probability of being Dragon Ball Peach.

But Longzhu peach is not the only possibility.

Judy Staleen, FBI search officer, and Hideki Akai's ex girlfriend.

Wu Qing once went in and out of Judy's building, and after that, the residents next to Judy's house were bloodwashed. Only Judy's house was free.

Belmord once sneaked into the police camera room and took the case files related to Maori Kogoro, while Wu Qing also hacked into the system of the police camera room, causing anger from the top.

It can be said that these three people may be Lilith beasts.

Although it seems that Longzhu Peach is most likely at present, the person who is most likely will not be the real murderer in the end. He has seen many such routines.

Pulling out the bamboo knife at his waist, Liu Shengzongmao is ready to end this evil ghost who has done many evil things.

It's just that he hasn't had time to start, Then Wu Qing continued to say: "Soon, it will start soon. The six Kyoto families will come to Tokyo together with Valia soon. As long as I can quickly improve my strength, as long as I have enough people to eat, I can block the attack of the six Kyoto families with great power, so that I can occupy a high position in the Longzhu Group, and Lilith can pay more attention to me, oh, oh, ha, ha..."

The six countries in Kyoto unite with Walia to enter Tokyo?

Liu Shengzongmao was shocked.

This is no small matter.

Because of historical reasons, Kanto and Kansai are in a state of separation. As the winner, the United States restricts Kanto and Kansai in two ways.

For Kanto, the US troops stationed in Japan are the absolute local emperors here. There are many business magnates here, all of whom are rich and have countless money. But relatively, there is no military presence in Kanto except for the US troops stationed in Japan.

This is why Liu Sheng's personal force can play such a big role in Kanto.

For Kansai, economic sanctions were adopted.

Every year, three trillion yuan will be forced to flow into the police station in Kansai, and finally disappeared. In this case, the boxing and vow club in Kansai will support the neon government economy.

With such a large amount of expenditure for no reason, it is natural that the highest status in Kansai is those political magnates handed down from the Warring States Period, or even longer.

No money, no power.

The two sides wanted to cooperate but could not distinguish the primary and secondary. There was no way to compromise each other, which turned into vicious competition, and the relationship became worse and worse.

This is the embarrassing situation before Neon.

However, the six companies in Kyoto, together with Walia, may break this embarrassing situation.

In his heart, Liu Zongmao did not want to see Kanto and Kansai reunite.

Because Neon is a remote country, which is too eager for the land on the opposite side of the coast. Once they have enough power, they will inevitably be unable to restrain their own desires, which Liu Zongmao cannot accept.

Even better, he had to go all out to stop it.

Not only because his soul is on the other side, but also because his blood is on the other side.

In addition, it is not the US troops stationed in Japan who bear the brunt of the six Kyoto clans' invasion of Tokyo. They have no such courage. What they have to face is the largest mafia organization in Neon, the Longzhu Group.

This is Liu Shengzongmao's power.