Chapter 590 14 Day Valentine's Day · Dragon Ball Chapter (V)

"There is no mistake. At least half of the seven devils have come to the real world. Without any major changes in the real world, if digital babies want to interfere in the real world, they can only parasitic on humans."

"I see, so you can only appear in the form of an image, while the devil beast can come directly. The digital treasure parasitic on human beings has the characteristics of both human and digital treasure, which should be the so-called semi computer body?" Hearing the words of the Pan Long Lion beast, Liu Zongmao learned what is the so-called semi computer body.

Twilight sea apricot, can't it be specially used to track down digital treasures?

Liu Shengzongmao thinks it is very possible, because if she did not understand the fact that digital babies parasitize humans very well, she could not say anything about semi computer, and even she might be a digital baby herself.

Network detective, very consistent with this setting.

"Do you have the means to track back the location of the monster?" Liu Sheng Zongmao pointed to the monster frozen into ice.

If, according to the previous inference, Warcraft has the characteristics of both humans and digital babies after it parasitizes humans, becoming a semi computer body, in other words, the human being parasitized by Warcraft will also have the same characteristics. The parasitized human and the digital baby of the born human are two completely different individuals, They can also be called Warcraft.

So even if Liu Shengzongmao freezes the monster in front of him, there should be another monster that can move.

It is also suitable to be called the demon god orc room.

"Warcraft is very powerful, and my tracking ability is limited, so I can only roughly know... It should be logged in from the Shendai Group." Fanchang Lion suddenly created a very sci-fi light screen in front of him, just like a real hacker, clicking on the light screen, and soon told Liu Zongmao the approximate location of the Warcraft.

"Shendai Group?"

Shendai Group is the company that has been really responsible for the development of EDEN.

Just as Changpan Family belongs to the Liusheng Family, Sigong Family also has many large companies like "Fengchen".

Shendai Group is one of them.

Liu Shengzongmao got up and prepared to rush to the company location of Shendai Group.

Seeing that there are so many people in Shendai Group, the Panchang Lion said quickly, "You can't find the place of the Warcraft if you go there so rashly, and you may even frighten the devil."

"Did you notice the clothes on the monster?" Liu Sheng Zongmao suddenly asked.

"The religious clothes on its body..." The Panlong Lion shook its head.

It has already taken a lot of effort just to dismantle the network bomb. How can it have time to pay attention to the clothes of Warcraft.

"The clothes on the beast of Warcraft depict an inverted pentagram, which is a very common mysterious symbol, symbolizing Jerusalem, five virtues or five wounds on Christ. The inverted pentagram has the opposite meaning. It represents that the substance has defeated the spiritual and moral corruption. In other words, the man who is parasitic on the beast of Warcraft is different It will look very rich, but it must be the one who loves money most. For convenience, it should be the most appropriate choice to choose a researcher for parasitism, so I just need to find the researcher who loves money most. "

After saying that, Liu Shengzongmao tapped the flashing ice sculpture of the monster, and the monster instantly turned into a data explosion and poured into the digital wave.

Dragons, snakes and tapirs have already waited at the entrance and exit of the digital wave to absorb all the data that bear most of the power of the monster.

The dragon snake beast evolved into the silver dragon beast, while the dream tapir beast evolved into the triangular dragon beast in one breath.

The same amount of data is evolving to maturity, and evolving to the whole.

This does not mean that the Dream Tapir is more powerful. On the contrary, the evolution is too easy, which means that the upper limit of the Dream Tapir is not high.

Don't you think you can't evolve into a green dragon?

Liu Shengzongmao wanted to develop the Dream Tapir into the Green Dragon Beast, because the Green Dragon Beast can be evolved from the Triangle Dragon Beast.

However, Qinglong is not the only evolution of Triceratops. If there is not enough potential to evolve other digital treasures, Liu Zongmao will be a little unhappy.

However, it is useless to tangle with these things now. Compared with this, Liu Shengzongmao is more curious about the evolution of dragon, snake and beast, Silver Dragon.

For no other reason, there is only one reason, that is, the name of the Silver Dragon Beast comes from the silver general in Jiangqi.


It has a very special position in Conan, which is related to the main line.

When he came to Shendai Group, Liu Shengzongmao did not reveal his identity, but used the emblem of Satan to create magic, and then "sneaked" in.

Liu Zongmao moved quickly, but instead of looking for the researchers who loved money most, he asked who had left the company in the last half hour.

Liu Shengzongmao's reason for doing so is simple.

Before the monster was smashed, it was only frozen by Liu Shengzongmao, not killed directly, so it could hear what Liu Shengzongmao and the Panchang Lion Beast said.

So after hearing Liu Shengzongmao's reasoning, if it is correct, the monster will run away, but if it is wrong, the monster will stay in Shendai company.

Liu Shengzongmao only needs to know whether anyone has left Shendai during this period of time to know whether his reasoning is correct or not.

Coming out of Shendai, Liu Shengzongmao floated into the air. He saw the car leaving Shendai and heard the familiar sound in the car.

That is the voice of the monster.

The car pulled into a family named Ito. The man on the car hurried down and entered the house.

Liu Shengzongmao hid his breath and followed.

"Have you found any evidence of Lafite's tax evasion?" The man shouted at the door.

"What are you doing so loud? Afraid that outsiders won't hear you?" A middle-aged and fat aunt came out of the living room, but if she lost weight, she might be very similar to Judy.

She looked at the man with dissatisfaction and was extremely upset. Apparently, she did not find the evidence of Lafite's tax evasion.

"I will use that detective for a while, and you can find someone else." But the man did not care. He pushed the middle-aged woman away, directly punched through the ceiling, and climbed up with a twist.


The middle-aged aunt shrank her head in fear. She could not afford to offend the man in front of her.

However, although she could not afford to be provoked, the middle-aged aunt still said timidly, "These two are the people designated by Lilith. Don't play badly."

"I know." The man walked into the dark attic and tore the skin off his face.

However, to Liu Zongmao's surprise, the face under the mask is not a monster.

It is the person he has been tracking down for a long time.


(Sick, only one chapter)