Chapter 462 Ohata

"Hmm? Why do you think there is some commotion?" Liu Shengzongmao, who has just inquired about how to deal with flu, is working, and suddenly finds that there is something wrong with the atmosphere around him.

"I don't know, but when can Pingci play?" Feibu Jinghua held her face in doubt, but she didn't care about other things.

Liu Shengzongmao keenly focused on the darkest person in the stadium, and as expected, he was walking into the stadium with his chin pinched.

Look at this, there is a case. After all, it is a famous detective in Kansai. His skill is only one notch weaker than that of the god of death. It is normal to encounter a case.

Liu Shengzongmao didn't want to participate. He didn't have to push the time forward through cases for a long time. The reason why he was often involved in some cases was that he had to.

However, Liu Shengzongmao didn't want to participate in the case, but the case came up by himself. Hattori walked up to Liu Shengzongmao and whispered, "Liu Sheng, there is a case, are you interested?"


who are you?

Seeing Liu Sheng Zongmao's alert and confused eyes, Hattori said angrily at the same time: "Is it so strange that I ask you to help investigate the case?!"

"Yes, according to your personality, you will think that you will solve the case first, and then come to show off in front of me." Liu Shengzongmao nodded affirmatively.

If we can not confirm that the current parity is true, Liu Sheng Zongmao can't believe that the goods will be subordinated to the parity.

"Well... mainly... well... the case is a bit difficult, and the deceased seems to be the kind of villain who does all kinds of evil." Hattori said uneasily.

"..." Liu Shengzongmao could not speak.

The purpose of Hattori Pingji is too obvious.

Although these detectives are pretty when they are laid down, they are really straight when they stand up. Look, Hattori almost wrote the words "I want to know if you are guilty" on his face, and the dead seemed to be criminals who committed all kinds of crimes. Why don't you say that you found criminals who committed all kinds of crimes in action and need me to punish them?

Helpless, Liu Shengzongmao waved his hand: "You can solve this small case yourself. I'm not interested in it... Hmm?"

Still on the deer that refused Pingji (referring to the words that had not yet been completely said), Liu Shengzongmao found an unexpected person entering the venue and asking some members of the Kendo club what to do.

Ohoda, executive of the Central Bank of Tokyo.

What's he doing here?

Liu Shengzongmao frowned slightly and connected to the information network of Xueyuan City.

Ohoda's nephew died when he first started school in Osaka? He doubted that there was a problem with the school's explanation, so he came to discuss it in person?

What a coincidence, isn't it?

Liu Shengzongmao heard about this case when his wife was gossiping. It was said that a college student at Shinnei University in Osaka died from campus bullying. After the exposure, the popularity once rose to tens of millions, but soon subsided. It is said that Shinnei University found a relationship and claimed that the college student was suddenly unconscious due to unknown reasons, This leads to death.

Because the heat was suppressed, no one discussed the matter soon.

Unexpectedly, the victim turned out to be the nephew of Mr. Ohoda. Indeed, there were many problems in this case, because it was said that the deceased had multiple fractures and a large number of bruises, which could be caused by coma?

This is just an excuse. Even the powerless people can't stand it, let alone the prominent Ohoda.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Shengzongmao walked towards Ohoda.

Daiwa Tian Xiao and Hazawa Naoku Banzawa are enemies. Hazawa Naoku Banzawa suffered from family decline when he was still at school, because Nihong was in the era of bubble economy at that time. When the bubble broke, a large number of factories went bankrupt, including Hazawa Naoku Banzawa's factories.

The Industrial Central Bank, which had not yet merged into the Central Bank of Tokyo, was the bank that lent money to Naoki Banzawa's factory.

The person in charge of this loan is Dahe Tian Xiao.

In view of the neon economic situation at that time, Daiwa Tianxiao refused to grant loans to Naokushi Banzawa's father, which directly led to Naokushi Banzawa's father's suicide.

From the perspective of Daiwa Tian Xiao, his approach was not wrong. Although merciless, the bank was not a philanthropist, but a capitalist. Of course, he knew that this loan could save the lives of Naoki Banzawa's family. However, from the perspective of the neon economic situation at that time, the possibility of a small factory like the Banzawa family being able to rise from the dead was extremely low, Any excellent banker will not continue to make loans, and they must also be responsible for their own bank.

The only banks that can lend money to Banze's family are small banks that need to gamble in these small factories, and it is the existence of such small banks that helps Banze's family rise from the dead.

When he grew up, Naokushi Banzawa, who became an excellent banker, certainly understood that there was no problem with Daiwa's approach, but his father died indirectly in the hands of Daiwa. It was impossible to say that Naokushi Banzawa would not resent.

So now Naokushu Banzawa is in a confrontation state with Daiwa Tianxiao. As a friend of Naokushu Banzawa, Liu Shengzongmao should not have much communication with Daiwa Tianxiao.

But... through information, Liu Shengzongmao learned about the character of Dahe Tian Xiao.

For strangers, Dahe Tianxiao is extremely ruthless and interests are paramount, but for his own family, he is very indulgent.

It is his creed that you must repay when you are kind. Considering his position in the Central Bank of Tokyo, Liu Zongmao feels that he can properly help Daiwa Tianxiao, gain some gratitude and sell some favors, which may be useful in the future.

Of course, friendship should not be too deep. Dahe Tianxiao is a person with a strong sense of sects. If his friendship is too deep, it may lead to hostility on sectarian issues, which is not easy to deal with.

"Why is it so noisy?" Liu Shengzongmao came over, seemingly "inadvertently" and found the existence of Daiwa Tianxiao: "Daiwa Tianchang? How can you be here?"

"President Liu Sheng, it's really great to see you here." Dahe Tian Xiao was surprised on the surface, but in fact he was scolding in the bottom of his heart.

Damn, why did you meet him at this time?

Not long ago, the Central Bank of Tokyo was involved in a disagreement because of Yoshino Zongmao's Gancheng Technology.

The old industrial school where Oheda is located advocates giving up Gancheng technology and seeking survival by cutting off the tail.

The old Tokyo faction, where the current president is, hopes to overcome the difficulties with Gancheng Technology and establish a deeper cooperative relationship.

Because of the fierce internal opposition, the Central Bank of Tokyo kept a neutral attitude when Gancheng Technology and Schindler confronted each other, until the sudden sale of Gancheng Technology's lychee series and Schindler's transformation into the Xueyuan City. Liu Shengzongmao was also the vice chairman of the Xueyuan City Council while still serving as the president of Gancheng Technology, It's like holding the two companies in hand.

This made the old industrialists who made wrong judgments suffer resentment within the banks, and now life is not very easy.

At this time, when we met the "culprit", we can imagine how complicated Daiwa's mood is.