Chapter 450 Schindler in the Game

Before long, Huiyuan Le was put on a cart with some cages and pulled by several horses to Baker Street.

During this period, Grey Plains Music raised a hand, four of which had the energy fluctuations of the four basic elements of ground water, wind and fire on their fingers, which was Mathers' proud brand of basic element magic. Grey Plains Music learned it at a very fast speed.

Maybe it's because this is a game world, or maybe it's because the Son of God should be so magical. Nobody is surprised at the speed of learning the music. They will only send the music to the board car to tell the civilians in London that your Son of God can also use magic.

Then... something embarrassing happened.

In the cage of basic elements, Hui Yuanle saw a group of detectives who were also locked in the cage. The two motorcades crossed face to face. For a moment, Hui Yuanle didn't know what to say.

"... How did you get caught?"

Can Death still roll over? I'm afraid I was beaten again. I'm afraid you saw something you shouldn't have seen and then went up?

Seeing the disdainful eyes of Hui Yuanle, Conan replied angrily, "Aren't you also caught?"

"I don't want to move, just run the plot."


Hearing this answer, Conan remembered that this is a game world, but... this world is really unusual.

I should have gone to Baker Street to find Conan of Sherlock Holmes. Even Baker Street can't get in. What are you doing here? Conan silently labeled the game as a garbage game.

What is more unusual than this is the motorcade pulling Conan. At the front of the motorcade, there is a boy standing proudly. It seems that everything in the world is out of his sight.


Huiyuan Le was angry on the spot.

"Please, can you stop using my face to make such an aggressive expression? I want to slap you, but it's like hitting myself again." Gray Yuan Le looked at the boy who looked exactly like him and said angrily.

"No, he is not the saint of the church. No wonder he can use magic." The magicians who were watching in the dark were shocked. Who would have thought that there were really two people with exactly the same length.

They looked at the leader, Mathers, because Mathers determined that the power in the body of Ash Garden Music was strange and belonged to a special original stone, so they believed that Ash Garden Music was the church of the Holy Son.

Mathers is also suffering now. He has made a mistake in judgment and has to bear the blame.

But when he felt uncomfortable, Mathers suddenly changed his face. He realized that if Ashwara Music was not the Holy Son of the Church, wouldn't he be a magic genius who was not inferior to or even superior to Alesta? And what did he do? He threw such a genius into a cage? To the church?

Mathers' face became extremely ugly. He wanted to save Ashwara Yue, but he could not. Although he was one of the most powerful magicians in the world today, this strange church that stole the name of the Cross Church actually believed in Hiroshi Zetian was really strong, otherwise they would not be beaten by everyone like street mice.

In the church, there are a group of original stones called Round Table Knights. Each of them has the power to approach, or even lose to, the great mage. Although they can't compete with him, it is not these pseudo knights that can match with him, but the Pope of the church.

Mathers did not know the name of the Pope, but he had once fought with that Pope.

It was a strange iron fist. With only one blow, Mathers had no choice but to retreat and was slightly injured. After that, Golden Dawn officially went underground, waiting for the opportunity to rise.

On the street, Hui Yuanle's eyes were on a guard beside the church saints.

Although the guard was wearing iron armor, he did not wear a helmet, so Huiyuan Le could see the man's face.

This person is familiar to Huiyuan Le.

No, I should say very familiar.

Because this person, as a member of the board of directors of Schindler, has frequently appeared in major news and videos, but since the night of ascending the ladder, he has evaporated. Many people have speculated about where he went, but there is always no exact answer, and Schindler has not come forward to answer anything.

Before his disappearance, he was one of the directors of Thomas Schindler, who clearly supported the chairman of Schindler Company.

Therefore, most people suspect that he has been killed by the special agent of Schindler Company.

This is not the ghost of Baker Street, nor the playground of Hiroshi Zetian. This is the Kingdom of Heaven, the last card of Schindler Company, which can enable the super power to obtain the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

When he saw this member of the board of directors of Schindler Company, he immediately understood this point.

If I regard these people as NPC of the game again, I may suffer a big loss.

Huiyuan Le became alert.

The cart carrying Hui Yuanle changed its direction because he was taken to the church's carriage and became a prisoner of the church.

Maybe he will be executed later, but for now, this move of the church has provided convenience for Hui Yuanle.

Conan leans against his cage, Whisper his discovery to Huiyuan Yue: "I have basically figured out the composition of this church. Although the game world is full of believers, there are only a few of its core members. These people are called the Round Table Knights. The person next to the Saint Son who looks like you is one of the Round Table Knights. You should also recognize him. He is one of the directors of Schindler Company. I am being When I was in prison, I saw several other round table knights who were members of the board of directors of Schindler Corporation. That is to say, this church is actually Schindler Corporation in the game world, and this game was created by Schindler Corporation, so maybe our customs clearance methods are hidden in the church. "

Different from Gray Plains Music, which has changed his mind, Conan still believes that this is a game world, so he is still dedicated to finding out the true identity of Jack the Ripper.

Outside, in the real world, Officer Mumu asked Kudo Yozuo how to pass the game, but Kudo Yozuo shook his head at him.

Although he has participated in the production of this game, the problem is that there is no church, no golden dawn, and even Beck Street can not get in. What he produced is a decryption game, not a fantasy game. How can he control these operations?

Therefore, even Kudo Yoshizuo didn't know what to do next, and who was Jack the Ripper.

"Let me answer this question for you." An old man with gray hair, dark face and old age spots walked into the control room, attracting everyone's attention.

"You are..." Kudo Yozuo did not know this person. He had never met him, but he had heard that there was a very powerful scientist in Schindler Company, whose specific name was unknown, but from the description of his appearance, he was not far from the old man.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The old man shook his head, looked at Kudo Yozuo and asked, "Do you know the reason why Nobuyasu Kenmura committed suicide?"

"Suicide?!" When Kudo Yozuo heard the old man's question, he was surprised and replied: "Is the legend true? The so-called virtual reality game, cocoon, is actually the real holy land of the superpowers... heaven?!"

At the same time, in the game world.

A magician at the golden dawn pulled his hood off his head, and his appearance... was that of Takumaru, who had committed suicide in the real world before.