Chapter 327 Ishino

Sitting in the venue of White Bird Saro's wedding celebration, the sister of White Bird Police Officer Liu Shengzongmao was scared away by many young ladies who were attracted by his appearance.

However, there seem to be some exceptions.

Liu Shengzongmao turned his head slightly, and Yu Guang swept to a pure breed Luo Li behind him.

This loli is hiding behind Liu Zongmao and eating a cake. She notices Liu's eyes and blushes slightly. She wipes the corners of her mouth and says shyly, "Thanks for borrowing your body."


Don't you think your speech is very problematic?

Although Liu Shengzongmao clearly understood that this Luoli only wanted to use his body to block the eyes of some other people, so that she could eat sweets without scruples about the constraints of etiquette, but this sentence always made people fantasize.

"Why don't you borrow someone else's?" Liu Zongmao pointed to a sumo wrestler and a wrestler not far away. Compared with Liu Zongmao's normal physique of 1.8 meters, those two brothers are too big to speak of, so it would be easier to use them for blocking.

"I don't know." Little Laurie shook her head with a red face and said, "I just feel like you have a sense of security around you. If I use you as a pillow, maybe I can sleep soundly."

Boy, is this the beginning of taking me away as a pillow? You look very pure. I didn't expect such a meat eating system.

Although he said so in his heart, Liu Zongmao also knew that the girl was not a meat eater, but was too insecure, so Liu Zongmao's momentum of not entering strangers could protect her very well.

After all, Liu Shengzongmao just didn't want people to approach him, but he didn't exude any murderous feelings, which naturally attracted the girl.

Liu Shengzongmao did not answer Little Laurie. Now is not the time to chat. He still has something to do.

In fact, the most important reason why this insecure little Laurie wants to get close to Liu Shengzongmao is that Liu Shengzongmao exudes the momentum. Although he wears the skin of "no strangers", he is actually full of the belief that he wants to protect everyone in the meeting place. It has to be said that this is very harmful to the insecure little Laurie.

There is a reason why Liu Shengzongmao came here uninvited at this wedding celebration.

The wind blows cold, but Liu Shengzongmao discovers that the murderer who committed the serial homicide may be another person. Although he does not know who this person is, since he knows that this person will appear in the meeting place, he will be able to catch the murderer as long as he waits for the hare, unless the murderer is a pigeon.

"Today's Lord Zong Mao is so strange. He clearly feels terrible, but he can't help but want to get close to him. This kind of overwhelming feeling, ooh..." Yuanzi stood in the meeting place, looking at Liu Zongmao from afar, with the tangled expression on his face, almost did not bite the handkerchief.

"Really, don't you all have Jingji classmates in the garden?" Xiaolan said angrily.

"Ah, this." The garden could not speak for a moment.

How can I tell Xiao Lan that I'm not actually dating Zhen? Waiting online, very urgent.

The garden became more tangled.

"You are not welcome here!"

At this time, there was a roar in the hall.

Liu Shengzongmao turned his eyes to find that it was the heroine of the celebration, the sister of White Bird Police Officer, White Bird Shaluo, who was shouting.

"Unexpectedly, he really came."

"It seems that Sharon came when she got married last time."

"It's really persistent."

"But is it the man's fault?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, but it seems that it is not surprising.

Standing in front of the white bird Saro, well, not a man.

Although some passers-by said it was the man's fault, this man was referring to the brother-in-law of White Bird Police Officer, Sun and Moon.

The reason for this is a little dog blood.

Qingyueguang Taro was once kidnapped by Torino's men to help them make counterfeit money. The person who rescued the kidnapped Qingyueguang Taro was not a policeman, but a quasi lawyer.

However, this prospective lawyer is not Shiro Bainiao, but a competitor of Shiro Bainiao, who is the young lady of Ishino's family who is the same as Shiro Bainiao.

Ishino Jieyue, this is the name of the prospective lawyer.

In this way, starting with this rescue, in a series of accidents, there was a relationship between Ishino Jieyue and Qingyueguang Taro. But because Qingyueguang Taro was the fiance of Bainiao Sharo, they could not go further until the love reached the depths once. Qingyueguang Taro promised Ishino Jieyue to marry her and gave up Bainiao Sharo.

But later, Sunny Moon and Shiro married.

This has led to Ishino Jieyue's constant trouble finding the couple in various public occasions until now.

Liu Shengzongmao, who wanted to meddle in his own affairs, resolutely shut up.

I'm joking. He is not qualified to take charge of such things. All he can do is silently prepare for the second nationality of the United Arab Emirates or Paraguay (polygamy is allowed in these two countries).


At this time, the whole venue was suddenly cut off, and Liu Zongmao's eyes were ablaze with flames, taking everything in the darkness into account.

He grasped the demon sword at his waist and was ready to go.

As expected, Ishino Jieyue suddenly took out a paper knife and stabbed the white bird Saro.


Liu Shengzongmao didn't know whether others had seen it, but in his eyes, a green light emanated from Ishino Jieyue's hand. The green light was the same as the light emitted from Maserati's exhaust pipe, and there were strange western symbols emanating from it.


This touch...... Is not a paper cutter.

to see little of each other though living nearby.

At the moment when Ishinano Jieyue stabbed the white bird Saro, Liu Shengzongmao drew his sword.

It was more than 20 meters away, but Liu Zongmao was almost there in the blink of an eye. Even the paper cutter in Yi Inoye Jieyue's hand didn't touch the white bird Saro, so Liu Zongmao stopped him.

Close to the world, this is a step Liu Zongmao has just studied.

In the fight against the enemy, Liu Shengzongmao noticed a problem. Although he was very fast, he was always in the posture of defense and counterattack when facing the enemy, which was inseparable from his growth in the illusion of killing sword. The strange things in the illusion were all swarming up. Liu Shengzongmao just needed to cut, Steps can only be used to avoid at most, lacking initiative.

Therefore, he has been studying the pace of breakthrough since the end of the Boxing Vocation Contest, and has finally achieved some results.

Speaking of the Boxing Wish Match, Liu Zongmao always had a regret in the knockout match, that is, the only holy step in the match, the magic gun Heimuxuan match, did not confront him head-on, but chose to abstain, and the opponent in the final was also scarred and fell before he even started. It can be said that Liu Zongmao simply picked up a champion, This made him very unhappy.


The paper cutter in Jieyue's hand was disconnected, and at the same time, power was restored.


There was a scream in the meeting room, but it didn't seem to be a scream of fright, but rather more like a scream of seeing yourself like Edu.

At this time, Liu Shengzongmao, who is full of sword saint aura, seems to be emitting

There are too many.