Chapter 326 Normally speaking


The police hurried to Kei Minlang Oda and handed him a document.

Seiji Onoda took the document and looked at it. His pupils suddenly enlarged and his hands forced. The document almost turned into a piece of waste paper in his hands.

"Is it true?"

"Search for the latest information."

"That bastard!"

Oda Qieminlang angrily threw the paper ball on the ground, walked to the French window, looked at the street where Xilai people went, and his expression changed constantly.

The police officer picked up the document and then spread it out. There was a crime notice on it.

The crime notice did not use Conan style riddle, but told them directly.

At White Bird Saro's wedding celebration, he will kill Sergeant Sato.

Shiro, the white bird police officer, is the sister of Ren Sanlang, the white bird.

"Did the white bird say anything?" asked Keiro Oda after calming down his mood.

"The White Bird Police Department wanted to let his sister stop the celebration, but because the celebration was not held by White Bird Sharon himself, but by his friends, it could not be stopped." The police officer replied.

"Where's Sato?"

"Sato Police Department Bubu said that he would attend the celebration."

"It's her style. Her personal safety must be well protected."


Meanwhile, at the foot of Mount X on the outskirts of Tokyo.

"Hey, Brother Liu Sheng, you can't be serious, can you? Is the person in the accident really the son of Chief Inspector Oda Qie Min?" Officer Mu Mu sweats at the burned car, and he can't believe that the person in the car is Oda Qie Min.

Officer Mumu wonders. He just got the news that Keimin Oda will also kill Sergeant Sato at tomorrow's wedding celebration. As a result, Keimin Oda will be cold here, isn't it noisy? What is the problem?

"When he rushed down from the mountain, a group of people were watching from behind. There was no mistake, but..."

The police officer Mumu, who was half cold at first, suddenly became energetic when he heard this.

"Officer Mumu, have you seen this pattern?" Liu Shengzongmao put his mobile phone in front of Officer Mumu.

"Is this... centipede? I haven't seen it." Officer Mumu replied after looking at the eye pattern.

He saw many centipedes, but he had never seen centipede like patterns.

"This is a murder."

"What? Are you serious, Brother Liusheng?"

"Yes, I was right behind him. There was a problem with the exhaust pipe of this Maserati, and someone tampered with it. Obviously someone wanted to kill him," Liu said seriously.

"In that case..."

Although I know that this should be a murder case, there is no way to know who did it in the car because of the lack of follow-up evidence.

Officer Mumu began to ask about the members of Oda's team, even the mobs in Qingtianfang. When Officer Mumu was making routine inquiries, Officer Sato came over.

"Is Brother Liu Sheng all right?"

Just after learning that there was a car accident in Mount X, Officer Sato subconsciously thought that Liu Shengzongmao was killed, which scared her a lot.

"Nothing." Liu Shengzongmao saw Sergeant Sato coming and asked by the way, "But Sister Sato, why do you think that Katie Ogata is also a serial killer?"

"... It's like this." Seeing that Kei Min Oda has also died, there is no need to continue to hide. Officer Sato briefly told Liu Zongmao about several cases of police officers being killed recently launched by the Police Inspection Office, and told Liu Zongmao about the relationship between these two police officers and the case that went nowhere last year.

"... So, you think that the person who killed the doctor in the first place was Kei Minya Oda, and he planned this serial killing in order to eliminate the people who knew his identity? What's the connection between this and me?" Liu Shengzongmao has known what this case is. The doctor who died last year, named Ren Yebao, is a very bad scum surgeon.

His death directly led to the birth of the theatrical version of the assassin in the pupil. Of course, Liu Zongmao was very clear that the murderer was not Katsuya Oda, but he did not understand that he had just arrived in Tokyo last year. How could he have anything to do with this case?

"Well, we saw this piece of paper in the police manual of Officer Zhi." Officer Sato handed Liu Zongmao a photo. Liu Zongmao picked it up and looked at it. Suddenly, he was stunned.

I will kill all the people who make me angry!

what is it? A declaration of war?

When Liu Shengzongmao saw this note, he knew that the case had gone astray.

No, as early as when Keimin Oda also appeared here, he could not continue to use the plot to infer.

"Not only you, but all the people who once made Keimin Oda angry, we will send police to protect them."

Liu Shengzongmao did not hear this sentence clearly because he suddenly remembered who the familiar doctor he had seen in Mihua Central Building was.

The wind blows cold. According to the truth, he should be the last murderer.

"Do me a favor, Sister Sato." Liu Sheng Zongmao looks at Officer Sato.


Soon, on Sato's pink FD, Liu Shengzongmao sat in the co pilot's seat, always feeling a step slower.

This is the feeling that he can't get rid of when he thinks about who Fenghu Liangjie is. This is the instinct of a swordsman, so he was so anxious to rush to Fenghu Liangjie's home, and even let Officer Sato help him find Fenghu Liangjie's residence.

"Brother Liusheng, why do you want to go to the doctor called Windo Liangsuke?" Sergeant Sato asked doubtfully.

"Feng Gu Liangjie was the real murderer of Ren Yebao. The motive was that he knew that Ren Yebao cut his left hand intentionally in a medical accident six years ago, which directly led to the end of Feng Gu Liangjie's career as a surgeon. He had no choice but to transform into a psychologist. Normally, he should be the real murderer of this serial murder Yes. " Liu Shengzongmao replied.

"What?" Hearing what Liu Shengzongmao said, Officer Sato's face sank, and the speed of the car was faster. But what came to her mind, she continued to ask: "But why is it normal?"

"Because that note, Feng Hu Liang Jie, is not a type of person who will actively challenge police officers, so it is impossible for him to take the initiative to leave such a note."

"That means..."

"Yes... I think the killer is actually another person. However, the person who killed Rino Bao last year must be cool."


I drove to Fenghu Liangjie's villa. At night, the villa even turned off the street lights in front of the door, which seemed so gloomy and terrible.

Liu Zongmao took the lead in opening the villa door. Surprisingly, Liu Zongmao, who thought it would take some effort to open the door, was shocked to find that the door was unlocked.

Entering the villa, Liu Zongmao's nose moved, and he asked about the smell of blood.

"Something happened."

As soon as he stepped up, Liu Shengzongmao rushed along the bloody smell. Sure enough, a hole was made in his cool forehead and he fell into his bathroom. He was naked, but neither the tap nor the shower was turned on.

"Tomorrow... will you go to the wedding celebration of Sergeant Whitebird's sister?"
