Chapter 17 Explosion

In an unknown bar in Tokyo, Qin Jiu sat in front of the bar and smoked silently. He had just come to the stronghold where he and Vodka met with other people in the organization, and found that the person he wanted to see came a little later than expected.


Next to him sat a young woman, who was very beautiful. If Conan saw this person, he would find that her temperament was somewhat similar to that of Maolilan, but her eyebrows were the same as that of Ashwara Ai, who had not known Conan at this time, but had countless ties.

She is Minmei Miyano, a peripheral member of the winery.

Originally, as her, she should not know the secret stronghold of this organization, but a few days ago, Qin Wine was the first time ever, and she was asked to meet here.

If she is a peripheral member of other organizations, she must be very excited at this time, because it represents the possibility of further development within the organization. But Minmei Miyano is different. Although she is a peripheral member of the organization, she does not want to work for the organization at all, and always wants to leave the organization, but unfortunately she always fails to do so.

Therefore, her tired smile was filled with indelible sadness.

"You are late," said the Qin wine coldly.

"Sorry, it took a long time because the original store manager was very kind to me." Miyano Mingmei was a little flustered. She was afraid that Qinjiu might suspect that she would do something harmful to the organization. As far as she knew, in the style of organization, or Qinjiu, as long as he had doubts, peripheral members like her could kill them at will.

"Hum, how are you thinking about the task assigned to you by the organization?"

A trace of unhappiness flashed on the face of Qinjiu, but it quickly disappeared and was not found by Minmei Miyano.

"For example, if I complete this task, can the organization really let Zhibao and I leave?" Although she knew it was impossible, she asked with hope.

"Ah, of course."

Minmei Miyano could not see the expression of the gin on her face because of the cheek blocked by the stand collar, but she could imagine the mocking color on the face of the gin.

She knew she was going to die, and the organization would not let her go, because she had a relationship with Hideichi Akai, and also would not let Miyano Zhibao go, because Miyano Zhibao was an important scientific researcher of the organization, more important than her peripheral members.

"Well, I promise you."

But she still took the task, because the longer she stayed in the organization, the less hope she could see. Now hope appears in front of her. Even though she knows it is a trap, she still jumped into it without hesitation, just to fight for a future that may not exist.

"BOSS will look forward to it."

He put out his cigarette and left the bar.

After a little time, Minmei Miyano also left.

At the same time, Tsung Mau Doo was standing in a clothing store, picking clothes with Miko Sato, while Officer Takaki stood outside the door, bewildered, embarrassed to be pointed at by the crowds.

'Hu Shou, why are you so shameless?' Takagi said in his heart.

The clothing store behind him, called Jinchuan Clothing Store, is a clothing store dedicated to women, that is, it only sells women's clothes, from underwear to coats, from shoes to bags.

Of course, it is basically men who stop here, and Takagi now stands outside the store with a guilty face, which would be suspicious in any way. Therefore, Takagi is a man who is not concerned about the behavior of entering the male forbidden area. It is both envy, worship, contempt and dissatisfaction.

Like him, there is also the defense line of Miko Sato, who observed in the dark.

He doesn't care about these things until he transfers Dojo Sato Zongmao. He has a good relationship with Miko Sato. Because his women's clothes look very similar to Miko Sato, Miko Sato has a good attitude towards him. Although Miko Sato doesn't know that his women's clothes look very similar to his own, she just thinks that he is very pleasing.

Since the relationship is very good, Miko Sato asked him to look at clothes together, so naturally he would not refuse.

Anyway, no one can tell that he is a man without revealing his identity, right.

HuShouZongMao, in order to explore this occasionally fantasy male forbidden area, has completely shameless.

"Shop assistant, please take that bra for me." In the shop, Mikiko Sato pointed to a yellow kawaii design bra and said to the clerk.

"Ah, yes."

Da Da Da Da.

The shop assistant apparently didn't expect that someone would call her. She came running hurriedly. At first sight, she knew that she was a new person. Her height was not as high as that of Miko Sato. In her panic, she also forgot to step on the stool. She could not touch the bra hanging high on her tiptoe, and her face gradually showed anxiety.

Doo Shou Zongmao couldn't stand it, reached out his hands to hold the clerk's waist, and lifted her up with a jerk.

"Ah ah."

The clerk cried out in panic.

"Take it quickly," said Hu Shouzongmao, somewhat unnaturally.

The temperature from the palm of his hand made him look around with some misgivings, even a little guilty. He was afraid that a childhood sweetheart who was learning swords with his mother would suddenly appear in front of him.

"Oh ho, I can't see you are still a little lecher." Miko Sato quipped.

"Meihe Zijie, hush hush."

Doo Shou Zongmao's face is a little pale, and the words of Miko Sato simply expose that he is a man. If the people in the shop had not gone to the front of the shopping street to participate in activities, the shop only has the shop assistant besides him and Miko Sato, otherwise his identity would have been exposed.

As for why he doesn't think he is exposed now, he thinks that this offline clerk doesn't have that kind of IQ.

"Ah, she has got it!"

When the clerk got bra, he let her go.

Glancing at the yellow bra in Kawaii style casually, Hu Shouzongmao countered, "Aha, I didn't expect Meihe to like this style of bra, but this size..."

Takashi Takashi looked strangely at the middle part of Mikiko Sato's waist and neck, and thought that the AA cup bra was absolutely impossible for her to wear.

"Who said it was for me?"

Miyoko Sato's face showed a little devil like smile.

HuShouZongMao's eyes and words are very rude, but she seems not to care.

HuShouZongMao, found something bad.

When he entered the dressing room, Hu Shouzong Mao shook his head. He didn't expect that Miko Sato would still be interested in this. He saw that his women's clothes had no underwear, so he bought a set of underwear for him.

Hu Shouzongmao could not refuse, because once he refused, his abnormal image would spread from the mouth of the shop assistant, and gradually became known by everyone, which he did not want to see.

Although basically speaking, his abnormal image has been well known.

But Hu Shouzongmao was unwilling to admit this.

Di, Di, Di

When he was about to change his clothes, he suddenly heard a slight ticking sound in the changing room. The sound was very small, which is impossible for ordinary people to hear. Even though he was nervous when he was outside, he could not hear it. He did not hear the slight echo until he entered the closed changing room.

'The voice... comes from here.'

Hu Shouzongmao gently touched the ceiling at the top of the head, and found that one of the ceilings was loose. So he took the ceiling down, looked up, and saw a bunch of unknown objects he had never seen before. There was a watch on it, and the countdown count on the watch was constantly decreasing, with red, green, and blue lines connected behind it.

Although Hu Shouzong Mao had never seen the object, this did not prevent him from seeing it and guessing its identity.

It was a bomb, and the countdown on this bomb was only three seconds away.


Doo Shou Zongmao violently kicked open the door of the locker room and rushed out at a speed that professional players could not match. At the same time, he grabbed Mikiko Sato and the stupid shop assistant who might have some problems with intelligence and rushed towards the door.


When he heard the third light sound from behind him since he found the bomb, he made a decision at once, kicked his legs hard, jumped up, and broke the window of the clothing store at the same time.

"Household Shoutong......"

Officer Takagi did not understand what had happened, but he heard Hu Shouzong mao yelling at him, "Jump!"

Out of his trust in Hu Shouzongmao, Takashi jumped forward without thinking about anything, and then the clothing store behind him exploded.


The sound of the explosion was deafening, making Takagi, Sato, and the petulant clerk in the arms of Toshio Toshio involuntarily cover their ears, but Toshio Toshio could not cover their ears because he held Mikiko Sato and the clerk in his arms.


Hu Shouzongmao seemed to see the golden stars swinging before his eyes, and the strong shock wave made his head dizzy.

At the same time, the explosion of Jinchuan clothing store seemed to be a signal. Two hundred meters away from the Peihu Commercial Street, a sniper pressed the trigger in his hand.


The man in the sight fell to the ground at the sound of his voice, and he also retreated without delay.

The crowd fell into turmoil in an instant.