Chapter 1054 The World Only God Knows · Police Academy Five (2)

Liu Shengzongmao took the time to go to the world of the list of forbidden books of magic. Because of the dead relationship of Yiye Nami, it will no longer pose a threat to Mikasaka Meiqin. After she regained her memory, Liu Shengzongmao brought her out of the world of the list of forbidden books of magic, along with Wuhe.

After another visit to the Butterfly Cafe, Liu Shengzongmao found that Longzhu Peach and Yemengjiade had become good friends. Xia Mi went to Naien World to find Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang is not really Liu Shengzongmao. Although he is the reincarnation of the music of the ash plain, he is already an independent existence, and should not have anything to do with Liu Shengzongmao, It is only because Yixie Namei wants Liu Shengzongmao to replace Chu Zihang, so that it can easily occupy Liu Shengzongmao's body, so it adds the concept of parallel world Liu Shengzongmao to Chu Zihang.

Now that the beauty of Yixie has completely disappeared, Chu Zihang will naturally be liberated.

She took all the girls to the digital world, and only Baishe Linzi could recover her memory from the recovery of the main world.

Rinko white snake studied at Ukiyoe Middle School in Ukiyoe Town. If nothing happens, she should still be the isolated autistic girl.

However, before going to Ukiyo-e cho, Liu Shengzongmao still has one thing to do.

It is not preaching in Xiuzhi Academy, because Liu Shengzongmao's resistance to preaching in Xiuzhi Academy lies in Sigong Huangguang, whose backer is Kassel Academy. Now that Pompeii has been killed by Caesar, Kassel Academy is no longer an enemy, because at present, only Caesar who has captured Pompeii's power is left who can compete for the new god in the dragon world, And Lu Mingfei, who lost to Chu Zihang in Nain World and had to return to the Dragon World to regain the throne.

Lu Mingfei is Niederhogg, while Liu Shengzongmao and Niederhogg are enemies.

So Liu Zongmao and Caesar are natural allies. Even if Liu Zongmao doesn't help him to deal with Luminfei, Caesar won't stop Liu Zongmao from preaching.

With the help of the eight families of Sheqi and the four families of Shigong, the power of the Aurelian deity of Longzhu Peach is rapidly recovering.

At present, the only thing that can arouse his interest in Xiuzhi Academy is the Ayahidok theology, which also appears in the world of the list of forbidden books of magic, and seems to have a great influence. Liu Shengzongmao entered the Xueyuan City by getting scalpers' tickets from them.

However, Liu Shengzongmao's investigation of Ayahidok theology does not conflict with what he is going to do next.

Butterfly tolerance.

When Liu Shengzongmao came to the phase world, he found that he had come to the modern times directly, which was a hundred years away from the Dazheng period, while Butterfly Tolerance was back to the Dazheng period.

Liu Shengzongmao learned from Butterfly Xiang Naihui that after returning to the era of Taizheng, Butterfly Ren started to eliminate evil spirits. Her action was very smooth, because her blood ghost technique was just like heaven conquering evil spirits. The ghost dance Tsujitsu Wutai had no fight against her. But just when she was about to successfully eradicate the evil in the darkness, she was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, The office workers who seemed to be very empty were stopped.

How can there be office workers in suits during the Zhengzheng period? He also carried his briefcase.

Butterfly Chanahui is not clear. She only knows that her opponent is very strong. Butterfly Ren is not an opponent alone. Fortunately, Butterfly Ren is not alone after returning from the world of Nain.

Zhu Shi also followed her back to the phase world, and there are two salted fish, Tianzhao and Yuedu.

However, even with the help of four people, they still fell behind. With the help of Nuliang's partner and the feather fox, they retreated.

How to say, it seems that Nuliang carp and feather fox can barely knock together.

However, Liu Shengzongmao was not interested in knocking CP, and he only cared about what happened to Butterfly Bear.

Butterfly Ren, who became an evil spirit, lived from the era of Dazheng to the modern age, but he has not yet launched a campaign against evil spirits. Even Butterfly Chanaihui does not know where she has gone, which worries Liu Zongmao.

Arrived at the prison of the police station, Liu Shengzongmao told the news of Akiko Takei and Naoko Takei.

In the phase world, there is no Takeru Naoko.

Because Takeo Naoko is one of Liu Zongmao's girlfriends, she also has uniqueness. Since Takeo Naoko, the master of the world, has come to the phase world, Takeo Naoko in the phase world should not exist naturally.

In this case, Wu Ju Zhizi, who disappeared after falling into the sea, must be someone else.

Liu Shengzongmao learned from the Seven Precautions in Yueshui that there was indeed a female evil spirit in the pharmaceutical factory who was rumored to have fallen into the sea and actually became a devil, and then had to join the pharmaceutical factory.

The time of falling into the sea is the same as that of "Wu Ju Zhizi".

Even the position is exactly the same.

However, she was just a passing office worker who was suddenly attacked by a villain who turned into a devil and had to jump into the sea.

As a result, it was said that Wu Ju Zhizi fell into the sea and died. Even Yashiko Huaai in prison was very sad about this.

Now the problem comes.

Akiko Hanai remembers the existence of Naoko Takei. Her father, her classmates, and even the police who had heard of the case at the beginning knew that Naoko Takei exists.

This is obviously unreasonable.

However, Liu Shengzongmao still found some details.

That is, before the case of "kidnapping" Takeuchi Takeuchi by Akiko Arai, Takeuchi actually began to think about school transfer.

Because Wu Ju Shengyan felt that the level of Di Dan was too low to help Wu Ju Zhizi expand his contacts, he wanted to transfer Wu Ju Zhizi to Xiuzhi Hospital.

However, before Akiko Hanai "kidnapped" Naoko Takei, Naoko Takei always wrote the Xiuzhiyuan into the Xiuzhiyuan.

This is the name of the main world Xiuzhi Academy.

After Akiko Hanai "kidnapped" Takeuchi, Takeuchi wrote the name of Xiuzhiyuan correctly.

So Liu Zongmao had a bold guess, that is, there has always been only one Wu Ju Zhizi, but someone has made Wu Ju Zhizi constantly shuttle between the main world and the phase world through some special means, and Wu Ju Zhizi has no knowledge of this.

Although he has no solid evidence, this does not prevent Liu Zongmao from telling Yashiko Arai that Naoko Takei is all right.

So Akiko Hanai also told Liu Zongmao why she knew about Naoko Takeuchi in the parallel world.

She also found something wrong with Wu Ju Zhizi because of Xiuzhiyuan's writing method, so she also knew about the parallel world, but she did not know the uniqueness of the original seed, so she regarded the fake with the right name later as Wu Ju Zhizi of the parallel world, and then

She became a devil and was put into this prison.

And if you want to say who knows what is hidden in it.

Anyone who is monitoring Ahiko Huaai will know.